Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1551: Profound beast in the way

"It seems that Chen Feng is also very powerful in the realm of souls!"

"Yes, he is obviously trapped in the spirit barrier by Shui Jianfeng now, but he can actually attack Shui Jianfeng. Chen Feng is really amazing!"

"The martial arts are strong, the martial spirit is strong, and his spirit power is also very powerful!"

Everyone once again looked at Chen Fengfeng with admiration, and many people who looked down on Chen Feng before had a little more confidence in Chen Feng!

At the same time, Shui Jianfeng also saw Chen Feng's movements in his spiritual barrier.

He was immediately surprised, and thought with surprise and anger: "This Chen Feng obviously has the power to destroy my spiritual barrier, but why does he not continue to destroy, but rush forward?"

Chen Feng naturally did not know his doubts at this time.

Chen Feng just swept towards the deepest place quickly!

He was extremely fast, all the way forward, and the more he moved forward, the more shocked Chen Feng was, and he admired Shui Jianfeng's strength even more.

This Shui Jianfeng is worthy of being a seventh-level spirit master. This spiritual barrier must have been constructed countless times, and he has been operating for many years.

So now it's very vast, you know, Chen Feng is even limited by strength now, and there is no way to build a spiritual barrier!

However, some places are lacking...

Chen Feng stopped by a small stream. There were huge rocks beside the stream.

However, if you look closely, you will find that the stream is just a rough outline, not even flowing at all, and it doesn't even look like water.

And at the bottom of the stream, there were no pebbles or sand, just black.

In the stream, let alone fish.

Chen Feng shook his head, this spiritual barrier is still somewhat sketchy after all.

Chen Feng was running towards the distance, and suddenly there was a roar in front, and a powerful profound beast rushed out from the side.

This powerful profound beast looks like a giant golden lion as a whole, with a tail like a scorpion behind it. It is hundreds of meters long, and its body is extremely powerful and vicious.

As soon as he appeared, the huge scorpion tail behind was aimed at Chen Feng.

A burst of venom shot out, and Chen Feng quickly moved away.

The venom shot out, corroding the ground into a huge pit.

Obviously, if he was hit by this venom, even Chen Feng would not be spared.

However, Chen Feng dodged aside, but he hit the arms of the giant manticore.

The huge manticore, as early as when the venom spit out, had already rushed to the side, and it happened to meet Chen Feng, the giant mouth bite towards Chen Feng fiercely, and Chen Feng was bitten all at once.

His huge bite force amounted to hundreds of thousands of catties, but Chen Feng stood there, raised his hands and held it high, and stepped on his feet firmly without moving.

The giant manticore swayed up and down desperately, but it had no effect at all.

Chen Feng is like an iron weighing mound, making it impossible for him to close his mouth.

Chen Feng smiled coldly: "You beast, you still have some calculations, but unfortunately, your strength is too bad!"

As he said, he tore hard with both hands, and the strength under his feet was also full of strength.

At this moment, a huge mouth of this huge manticore was torn in half, and blood spurted.

The giant manticore let out a stern cry, but the next moment, the cry stopped abruptly.

Because Chen Feng's figure flashed, he was already hitting the heart of this giant manticore.

With a bang, the heart of this huge manticore was directly shattered, fell to the ground, and died.

Chen Feng stepped forward and carefully observed the manticore. He even took a look at his wounds, opened his eyelids, and looked at his hair carefully.

Then Chen Feng let out a soft exclamation.

This manticore is extremely exquisite. Although it is a product of a spiritual barrier, it has complete fur and all details are well done.

Everywhere, it can be said that there is no difference from a real manticore.

Chen Feng suddenly remembered that when he first entered, the savages who attacked him were also very vivid, no different from real people.

Even the oil pattern on the body is quite exquisite!

Chen Feng thoughtfully said softly: "This spiritual barrier is like a real world, and we soul masters are the people who build this world."

"Everything in it was created by us, just like this person and this manticore."

"However, people's energy is ultimately limited, and it is impossible to achieve everything. So some things are made exquisitely, and some things are rougher and pass by."

"And Shui Jianfeng is obviously very reluctant to maintain this spiritual barrier. He just made the most important things for battle fine enough. Because the more refined, the stronger, and the more real, the closer to the true strength of this thing. "

"But those other things, in his opinion, are unnecessary."

Going further, Chen Feng never encountered a monster stronger than that manticore.

A slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Shui Jianfeng, are you only capable of this?"

"It seems that this manticore is already the strongest force you can use in the spiritual barrier."

"The reason why those people are trapped in it is mostly because your endless barbarians are trapped to death by those barbarians. Even the nine layers of Martial Sovereign Realm cannot escape."

"But unfortunately, I also have mental power. My transparent divine light is so powerful that I can kill all those savages in one shot."

"So, for me, you are useless!"

The one he can use most here is the manticore, which is equivalent to the power of the fourth-rank profound beast, and the real killer move is the tens of thousands of barbarians. This is also because he is confident that he can hold Chen Feng within a dozen breaths. The reason for killing.

But unfortunately, this ultimate move is useless to Chen Feng!

Chen Feng continued to move forward, and then he discovered that this spiritual barrier was actually not large, only about ten miles in radius.

Soon, Chen Feng came to its core.

It was a mountain, and above the mountain was a palace, very luxurious and exquisite.

And Chen Feng vaguely felt that the core of this spiritual barrier was there, as long as it was broken, the spiritual barrier would be over.

But Chen Feng suddenly showed a sly smile at the corner of his mouth, and then with a sigh, his figure flashed, and instead he left here.

He quickly went to the edge of this spiritual barrier, and then spent about half an hour to explore almost half of this spiritual barrier.

After careful exploration, Chen Feng whispered to himself: "It seems that this is not a fake spiritual barrier, not like his brother. It is a lie, but a real spiritual barrier. "

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