Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1550: In the enchantment

Only Long Shenhou was full of self-confidence and his expression was not moving at all. In his opinion at this time, there was nothing Chen Feng could not do.

Chen Feng didn't prepare any treasures to deal with this trick, because Chen Feng was confident and because he was also a soul master.

And it is a soul master with extremely powerful mental power.

At the same time, with this snapping finger, Shui Jianfeng's cold and proud voice: "Chen Feng, I heard my brother say that you are also a soul master!"

"Okay, since you are also a soul master, then I will be above the soul master and completely conquer you!"

"I want you to know that I am better than you in any aspect!"

"I am already a Seventh-Rank Soul Master, you absolutely cannot be my opponent!"

In fact, he was very shameless when he said such words at this time, because the most powerful force of Shui Jianfeng originated from the soul master, while Chen Feng did not.

The soul master is just an identity of Chen Feng, and it is far from his most powerful force.

Hearing this, Chen Feng smiled coldly, looked at Shui Jianfeng, and said softly: "If this is the case, then I am as you wish!"

The arrogance in his heart sprang up: "Then I will defeat you by the means of a soul master!"

Spiritual invasion, rushing towards Chen Feng, Chen Feng did not resist at all, but opened up the spiritual world.

So at the next moment, Chen Feng felt the sky spinning, and then he found that he was no longer on the ring.

He was now in a big swamp, with black water everywhere, a strong pungent rotten smell lingering at the tip of his nose, tall trees everywhere beside him, as well as rain pouring down.

In the black water on the ground, countless venomous insects and snakes lurked, and the roar of beasts and insects continued to sound.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, without the slightest panic.

He knew that this should be the spiritual world created by Shuijianfeng.

Or more correctly, it is a spiritual barrier!

Obviously, Shui Jianfeng has also mastered the spiritual barrier.

He obviously wanted to let himself be trapped alive inside!

Suddenly, there was a soft noise behind him, very subtle, but Chen Feng caught it.

He immediately turned his head, and then saw that a tall barbarian jumped up from the tree and rushed towards him.

He held a two-meter-long, jet-black spear in his hand, which seemed to be a normal spear made of wood, but this spear felt extremely dangerous by Chen Feng.

The barbarian was completely dark and painted with oil paint, he was extremely hideous, and he made a vicious call.

Chen Feng sneered, his figure flashed, and he shot out with a palm, which happened to be on the side of the barbarian's body.

With a crisp sound, the barbarian's body exploded directly, and the spear in his hand pierced the next big tree.

As a result, the whole green tree immediately withered, and then immediately burned.

Chen Feng raised his brows, this toxin is so powerful!

This barbarian has about the four strengths of Martial Sovereign Realm, but in front of Chen Feng, it is not worth mentioning.

Chen Feng slowly shook his head. He knew that Shui Jianfeng's strength could never be limited to this, and there must be more powerful killer moves behind.

Sure enough, not beyond Chen Feng's expectations, there was a call sign.

I saw hundreds of barbarians in the dense forest rushing towards this side! To besiege Chen Feng, although they are not high in strength, they are extremely large in number and surround Chen Feng in the middle.

Chen Feng smiled coldly, his body shape kept dodge, and his palms were shot one after another.

These savages, probably the strongest, are only the fifth level of the Martial Sovereign Realm. Chen Feng can kill a dozen or so with a single shot.

After a while, all the barbarians were killed.

Then Chen Feng walked out and soon came to a clearing in the dense forest. This was a small hill. Chen Feng climbed the hill and looked far away, and then his pupils shrank.

Because he was amazed to see that a dark tide in the distance was pouring towards here, like a wave composed of countless ants.

Then he found out, where are the ants making up the wave? Obviously composed of barbarians!

Countless barbarians, I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of them, rushing towards this side, instantly encircling Chen Feng in them, and killing them fiercely!

When Chen Feng saw this scene, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I want to play a crowded strategy? Sorry, I have no patience to play with you anymore!"

Thus, the transparent divine light in Chen Feng's spiritual world broke through the sky.

The world at this time is a world constructed by spiritual power, so Chen Feng's transparent divine light is in it, and it is extremely powerful.

This two-foot-long transparent divine light, Yao just like a dragon, walked through it, let out a cheer, and then killed the barbarians.

I saw the transparent divine light spinning around among the tens of thousands of barbarians, and circled all the barbarians inside, using only a tenth of an instant.

And the next moment, the movements of these barbarians stopped.

With a bang, tens of thousands of barbarians exploded into countless small pieces at the same time.

Chen Feng was very pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect the transparent divine light to be so powerful in the spiritual barrier!

The transparent divine light suddenly snapped, like a whip, shook it a few times, making a strong shock.

With his shock, the entire spiritual power world was shaking, almost collapsed.

In the air, visible ripples appeared, and Chen Feng immediately stopped: "Don't be so powerful, don't be so powerful, if this world of spiritual power is broken, then there is no fun, but it is not my original intention. Up!"

The transparent divine light is honest!

Seeing all these tens of thousands of barbarians die, Chen Feng smiled slightly, he felt a little bit, and suddenly felt that the mental fluctuations coming from a certain direction were extremely powerful.

Chen Feng immediately knew that there should be closer to the core position of this spiritual power structure.

Therefore, Chen Feng immediately hurried to that location!

At this time, on the ring, Shui Jianfeng shook heavily, as if struck by lightning, his face was pale, and two lines of nosebleeds remained.

His mind was cramped, and he felt that his spiritual barrier was hit hard. He was shocked: "How is it possible?"

"How could this untouchable mental power be so powerful? He just used his mental power a little bit, and it caused such a violent fluctuation in my spiritual barrier!"

"Moreover, after the fluctuation of my mental barrier, it almost collapsed!" He was shocked!

Everyone in the stands, after seeing Shui Jianfeng snapped his fingers, Chen Feng stood there, but Chen Feng didn't make any movements in the same place, his expression was calm and indifferent, without any panic!

This was obviously different from those people before, and then they suddenly saw that, a moment later, Shui Jianfeng groaned and his nose and mouth were bleeding.

Suddenly, there was an uproar above the stands.

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