Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1545: Don't kneel!

Before he finished his words, suddenly, the big golden-clad man standing on the huge red two-headed lizard turned his head and looked at him.

The two were hundreds of meters away, but the golden armored man's gaze seemed to penetrate hundreds of meters, and it pierced him fiercely.

Then, the golden-clad man, Yan Yu, snorted coldly: "Slander the royal family, kill!"

As he said, with a wave of his right hand, a golden light burst out of the air, and everyone saw that the person who joked just now had already screamed and fell heavily to the ground.

His chest was pierced by a golden arrow, which directly exploded half of his chest, and he could not die anymore!

Everyone uttered an exclamation, and their eyes showed fear.

This person who was killed was also a martial arts master of nine levels, but he did not expect that he would have no power to fight back in front of this golden armored man!

At this moment, no one dared to say such jokes anymore, and everyone felt awe-inspiring.

Royal majesty, sure enough, no offense!

Then, I heard the sound of a more dense and popping hoof, and then everyone saw that a dozen knights who were also riding a fiery red double-headed monitor came towards this side, all of them wearing golden heavy armor. , One by one is very mighty.

The difference is that the huge flaming red two-headed lizard they are riding is not covered in golden armor!

Zhou Yang next to Chen Feng took a breath: "It turned out to be a blazing double-headed monitor lizard!"

When Chen Feng heard this, his heart trembled.

"The flame double-headed monitor lizard, the third rank profound beast, is equivalent to the sixth-level powerhouse of the human martial monarch realm, and the strength of the fire dragon he killed before can be said to be comparable!"

And the third rank profound beast turned out to be just an ordinary profound beast ridden by the royal guards.

You know, the pro-army of Marquis of Flame, riding only the first-rank profound beast, is already one of the elite cavalry in the Great Qin Kingdom.

And these royal guards, even if any one were taken out, they would be able to wipe out hundreds of soldiers of the Flame Marquis!

Since Chen Feng broke into the sixth level of Martial Sovereign Realm, he has been unable to see the strength of others, but Chen Feng speculates that the strength of each of these people is at least above the eighth level of Martial Sovereign Realm.

This is the strength of the royal guards, extremely tyrannical, and the strength of the golden armored man who came first, Chen Feng, is beyond guessing.

Surrounded by these two dozen royal guards was a jade wing.

The whole body of the jade is made of sapphire, with extremely fine silk hung around it, and when a gust of wind comes, it blows with the wind, floating like an immortal.

Carrying the jade nun were four young girls wearing gauze scarves. All four of them were obviously extremely powerful enough to fly in the air.

The four of them carried this jade wing and flew directly to the stands.

The golden armored man who came first shouted loudly: "His Royal Highness the Three Princesses are here, everyone kneel down to welcome you!"

Above the stands, he knelt down for a large area, and even the Five Great Masters stood up and bent over slightly.

This is the royal majesty!

Chen Feng also knelt down next to him. Chen Feng was stunned at that moment. He didn't know whether he should kneel or not.

Finally, Chen Feng took a deep breath and straightened his waist.

He, don't kneel!

Yan Yuxun immediately noticed Chen Fengfeng. He immediately became cold and flew up into the sky with a bang before falling directly in front of Chen Feng.

Staring at him, coldly shouted: "You, why don't you kneel?"

Chen Feng said lightly: "I kneel to my parents, my mentor, and my respected elder, but why should I kneel to her?"

Yan Yuxun stared at him, with a bit of murderous intent in his eyes: "She is the king!"

"Is it you?" Chen Fengfeng's mouth showed a sarcasm.

She has never put herself on the status of a courtier, and he has never had any respect for the monarch.

Seeing Chen Feng's expression, Yan Yu punishment was even more awe-inspiring to kill: "I ask you one last time, are you kneeling?"

Chen Feng's voice was very firm: "Don't kneel!"

"You don't kneel, right? I have to make you kneel today!"

Yan Yu punished with a cold snort, his body burst out suddenly, and his aura rose up. That aura was absolutely not lost to the Martial King Realm, and Chen Feng's figure was directly pressed, and he dipped down inch by inch.

Chen Feng tried his best, and the power of Little King Kong broke out, and he couldn't even compete with it, and his figure went down little by little.

Seeing, he was about to be crushed to his knees.

He gritted his teeth, a look of humiliation and anger on his face.

And at this moment, a soft voice suddenly came: "Leader Yan, let him go!"

"If you don't kneel, don't kneel. Today is a great day, don't hurt your peace with this little thing."

Yan Yu didn't have a word of nonsense, stepped back, bowed and said, "Yes, Your Royal Highness!"

Then he pushed away and gave Chen Feng a fierce look.

As soon as his momentum receded, Chen Feng suddenly felt his body loose, panting heavily, and his whole body became weak.

The strength of Yan Yu Punishment is really too strong, more than he does not know.

Everyone looked at Chen Feng in a strange way, and many people's faces showed appreciation.

"This young man, really brave, really brave, dare to say those two words in front of the princess, in front of Yan Yu, who is far more powerful than him: don't kneel!"

And some other people were disapproving, and one of them sarcastically said: "What are you pretending? What if you kneel? Don't you kneel? Must be strong! Must behave differently from others! This kind of person is dead. All deserve it!"

Many people nodded, they didn't dare, Chen Feng did what they didn't dare to do, so they hated and slandered.

But no one noticed it, just on the top of the jade, through the veil that was flying in the wind, a pair of eyes fell on Chen Feng, slightly surprised.

This is a beautiful woman. She stared at Chen Feng with some curiosity in her eyes.

In her life, she has seen more people who are respectful and obedient in front of her, so Chen Feng's speciality aroused his curiosity.

Another voice came from Yuyan: "Everyone, don't have to delay because of me, Dabi continues to start, I just came over to watch it for a while!"

Dong Haoming smiled and said: "His Royal Highness has spoken, then let's start!"

At this time, in addition to Chen Feng, the faces of several other people who entered the fourth round were full of joy and excitement, even Shui Jianfeng.

Your Royal Highness, this is the Princess of the Great Qin Kingdom. How can he not pay attention to it when he comes to watch the battle in person?

Moreover, if it can be favored by the princess, it will have further development and become the royal son-in-law, even for them, the children of the Hou Mansion, it will be a strong temptation!

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