Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1544: The princess is here!

He wiped his hands several times in succession, so Shangguan Yunxiang saw the true face of this weapon called Spirit Devourer.

This turned out to be a white and miserable leg bone, about one meter long, with black magic energy lingering on it.

Shangguan Yunxiang took a look, and he felt like he was struck by lightning, like two fists slamming into his eyes. There seemed to be a ghost crying in his ear, and the sound of devil laughter kept ringing!

The evil spirit is extremely strong, and he can see clearly, his father Tongtianhou is wearing a pair of light blue gloves.

The material is non-metallic and non-leather, and I don't know what it is made of. It is very special!

Tongtianhou said: "If you want to control this spirit devourer, you need a special martial skill, but don't worry, this martial skill is very easy to practice, and one night is enough."

"At the same time, you need to wear this glove on your hand. Otherwise, you will be swallowed before you hit someone else."

Shangguan Yunxiang nodded, and he suddenly said, "Father, how powerful is this Devourer? Can I ensure that I defeat others?"

Tongtianhou slightly stood up and said proudly: "This weapon is enough to make you have no opponents under the realm of King Wu!"

Shangguan Yunxiang let out a foul breath: "Then I can rest assured."

After that, Tongtianhou taught him the martial arts formula and passed the light blue gloves to him, saying: "This spirit devourer cannot be controlled by your current strength and cannot be used multiple times."

"Using it once is enough to reduce your life span by ten years!"

He solemnly said: "Yun Xiang, I will ask you again, would you like it?"

Shangguan Yunxiang's eyes were firm, he clenched his fists fiercely, and said, "Don't say ten years, even thirty years I am willing!"

"Especially Chen Feng, if I lose to anyone, I can't lose to that untouchable! When I think that untouchable will defeat me, I would rather die!"

"So, I must use this Devourer!"

On the second day, the fourth round of the Big Five Houfu Competition, which arrived as scheduled,

The sun was shining, the sky was clear, everyone was there, and even more people came than yesterday.

Many people's eyes were focused on Chen Feng. Chen Feng had some reputation in Wuyang City, but he was not that big.

Moreover, many people didn't take him very seriously, thinking that he was a nouveau riche and a fortunate generation, but he was just an ordinary disciple of Dragon God Hou, no big deal.

But yesterday, Chen Feng killed two sons of Rye Yanhou with two swords, and defeated the other. Among them, the famous Feng Ru Lie was even more famous, which made the rich and powerful families in Wuyang City have to pay attention to it.

Chen Feng has faintly become one of the strongest among the younger generation, has surpassed Shangguan Yunxiang's level, and is even considered to be the strongest among the five great Hou's mansions except Shui Jianfeng.

Today, many people are here specifically for Chen Feng, and many of them are even members of the hermit family.

Standing in front of the ring, Chen Feng was like an old monk entering concentration, silent, his eyes narrowed slightly.

In the stands, many people are looking at him, paying attention to his every move.

Seeing this scene, Shangguan Yunxiang narrowed his eyes, and his eyes showed jealousy. He felt that Chen Feng had robbed him of the limelight.

He stretched his right hand into his arms and held a jade box, then he smiled triumphantly at the corner of his mouth and whispered to himself: "Chen Feng, you'd better pray not to touch me today, otherwise, I will make you miserable." of!"

"I will make you lose your face, in front of everyone, you will be miserably defeated and killed by me!"

Several other people had different expressions when they saw Chen Feng receiving such attention. Shui Jianfeng was still proud of his face. He didn't put Chen Feng in his eyes at all, with a disdainful smile on his mouth.

Shi Xiaohouye was a little unnatural, but Shangguanchang alone didn't respond at all. He still looked like yesterday, watching his nose and nose.

Seeing him like that, it is somewhat similar to Chen Feng, but when he occasionally opens his eyes, the bitter resentment and anticipation revealed in him makes people feel chilly.

The big match is about to start,

Dong Haoming leaped onto the ring, facing everyone, and said loudly, "Everyone, today is the second day of the Big Five Houfu Grand Competition. Today we are going to hold the fourth round."

"A total of those entering the fourth round..."

He was about to continue talking down, and suddenly, there was a burst of hoofs in the distance, which was extremely dense, hitting the ground like raindrops.

Moreover, the promotion approached here at an extremely fast speed, and everyone immediately looked at the direction from which the hoof sound came from, and Dong Haoming also turned his head and looked over there.

Everyone quickly saw that a huge profound beast was coming here at an extremely fast speed. This profound beast was a huge fire-red lizard.

And the surface of the fiery red lizard was covered with heavy scales. From the gap, the scales were at least ten meters thick, which was extremely heavy and strong.

This huge lizard, which is more than 500 meters long, has two heads. It is terrifying and has a big mouth. The saliva dripping from it falls on the ground to corrode a large area of ​​land, more than magma. Be terror.

And on this lizard's body, there was actually a layer of golden heavy armor, and on it stood a knight wearing the same golden heavy armor.

Beside him, there was also a big flag, and on top of the black flag, a black giant eagle was hunting and fluttering in the wind.

When everyone saw this scene, their eyes were shocked.

Black is not available to everyone in Daqin.

In Daqin, the five elements belong to water virtue, and water is black.

Black, only His Majesty can use it.

And the black eagle is also a symbol of the royal family, this person turned out to be a royal guard!

After this person came to the side of the ring, he faced everyone with indifferent eyes, glanced around, and then proudly shouted: "I am the deputy commander of the royal guards, Yan Yu punishment!"

"His Royal Highness Three Princesses! Everyone, kneel down to greet you!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone exclaimed, staring at each other, no one knew what was going on.

"Why did your Royal Highness the Third Princess come here suddenly? Did he come to see the excitement because he heard about the Big Five Hou Mansion Competition?"

"It shouldn't be, the royal people, why haven't you seen the excitement before, how can you suddenly be so interested in these five Houfu Palaces? In the previous competitions, although there were royal people who came to observe the ceremony, there has never been a princess. come."

Someone said with a smirk: "Is the princess's little lover among these? She is here to cheer for his little lover!"

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