Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1518: We will take care of him for you!

Their gazes were full of misgivings. They didn’t know who was so courageous that they dared to come to the door to challenge the prefect of Yongzhou, Yongxi, and they were so arrogant and arrogant, as if they wanted Just tear up Yongxi directly!

This person did not pay attention to the strong in Yongzhou City at all.

Quite a few people sneered at the corners of their mouths: "I don't know where he is, but he dared to do this, so I didn't need to do it. Wait, the prefect will crush him to pieces!"

Many people are fierce, and secretly thought: "This person dares to be so arrogant and dare to challenge the prefect. The prefect would be a bit lost in taking action."

"If I rushed to kill the prefect before he took the shot, wouldn't it be equivalent to cheating on the prefect? ​​The prefect must be happy!"

As a result, many experts in Yongzhou city rushed to this side, wanting to kill him before the prefect.

These people really want to use Chen Feng as a stepping stone.

Chen Feng walked slowly towards the gate, and dozens of guards appeared in front of him.

The leader of the guard commanded a cold face, staring at Chen Feng, and said in a cold voice: "Young man, don't let yourself be fooled. Get out!"

He couldn't figure out Chen Feng's strength, so he didn't dare to rush into it.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, but his tone was extremely cold, but he slowly uttered two words: "Get away!"

The guard commander's face changed. He was irritated and coldly shouted: "Little boy, shamelessly! I asked you to go back for your own good!"

Chen Feng still had a smile on his face, and still spit out two words: "Get away!"

The guard leader was furious, and screamed: "You are looking for death! Brothers, kill this kid!"

With that, more than a dozen of them rushed towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng slowly shook his head, and then his figure flickered, and an afterimage was outlined, bang bang bang, more than a dozen sounds rang out.

Then Chen Feng's figure reappeared, the phantom disappeared, and the two dozen guards were all stuck in the air, motionless. The next moment, they all made a loud bang, their bodies burst directly, and a dozen people were killed. Chen Feng killed instantly.

Then, Chen Feng continued to walk deep into the mansion.

Soon, he has entered the second gate.

This time, hundreds of guards flooded up like a tide. Before they could speak, a cold smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Yo, Yongxi, you are planning to be a turtle with a shrunken head, and then let you Come down and die?"

"In this case, then, I will let you get what you want!"

As he said, his cold eyes flickered, and he rushed into these guards.

None of these guards was his one move to control the enemy, and it should even be said that even if a dozen people join hands, it is not his one move enemy.

Chen Feng took a shot, not killing a person at all, but killing a piece.

With a palm blast, more than a dozen people were shocked into powder. When they turned, their palms were cut like a knife, and all the other dozen people were cut into two!

In a flash, Chen Feng killed hundreds of people.

The rest of the guards all looked at Chen Feng with horror, with an expression of extreme horror on their faces, full of fear: "Is this man a demon? How could his strength be so powerful? "

"So many of us were easily killed by him by one-third. This person is too powerful. Who is he? Why come here to seek revenge?"

Everyone guessed!

The killing continued, and suddenly, a loud roar came from the depths of the mansion: "Stop!"

then. A figure swiftly flew towards this side, and shouted violently.

Chen Feng showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, his figure stopped abruptly, and then smiled at the figure and said, "You are finally out!"

The visitor wore a purple robe, graceful and luxurious, it was Yongxi.

At this moment, his face was full of anger and coldness, staring at Chen Feng, his face was full of chill!

After seeing Chen Feng's appearance clearly, he raised his brows, his eyes were filled with surprise; "Chen Feng, it was you?"

Chen Feng smiled faintly: "Yong Xi, didn't you expect it? I didn't expect that I would come to my door so soon to seek revenge, right?

Yong Xi smiled disdainfully and said: "Chen Feng, I really didn't expect it, but I don't agree with you using the word revenge, I think you are here to die!"

As he said, he let out a frantic laughter: "Chen Feng, who gave you the courage to let you come here to challenge? Do you think you will be my opponent?"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "If you haven't beaten it, how do you know?"

Yong Xi let out a cold drink, and his aura increased crazily, reaching the fourth level of the Martial King Realm.

He looked at Chen Feng with an arrogant expression on his face: "Chen Feng, I can see that your strength has been greatly improved since Qingzhou's departure, but my strength has also increased to the fourth level of the Martial Sovereign Realm."

"It's just a few months. No matter how fast you improve, what level can you improve to?"

"Let me guess, are you now at the first level of the Martial King realm or the second level of the Martial King realm?"

"But in any case, you can't be my opponent, as long as I want to deal with you, I can easily crush you!"

"Yes, Lord Prefect is very accurate. If he wants to, he can definitely crush you little **** easily!" A voice suddenly came from the side, approaching quickly from far and near.

Soon, a figure appeared. This person was dressed in a green robe. In his forties, his eyes were full of flattery and flattery when he looked at Yong Xi.

Yong Xi frowned and said lightly: "Yuan Song, why are you here?"

This Yuan Song was a well-known strong man in Yongzhou City, and was already a master of the Martial King Realm. Yong Xi did not expect that he would rush over.

Yuan Song was very flattering and flattered Xiang Yongxi and said: "Master Prefect, how honorable your status is. How can you use your own hands to deal with such **** little bastards?"

"Doesn't that make you lose your identity? I will do it for you and finish this little bastard!"

Yong Xi nodded in satisfaction, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Okay, then you can go find him and end it!"

What he said was an understatement, obviously not paying attention to Chen Feng at all.

Yuan Song rubbed his fists and walked towards Chen Feng with a grim face. He said in a cold voice, "Your name is Chen Feng, right? Just your strength, and you want to challenge the prefect? ​​It's just like I don't know how to live or die. Destroy you!"

At this time, there were more than a dozen screams coming through the air.

Almost a dozen people shouted at the same time: "Stop!"

Soon, more than a dozen figures came here, and they all said respectfully to Yongxi: "Master Prefect, deal with this little kid, you don't need to do it, we will take care of you!"

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