Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1517: Yongxi, get out!

You know, his Dragon Slaying Sword originally had a foundation, but this sword was forged out of thin air, and it was already extremely rare to reach the eighth rank spiritual weapon.

He asked again: "Then, how many attributes does this sword have?"

"Eight-Rank Spirit Tool, logically speaking, there should be 8 attributes on it. Even if it is required to be a little stricter according to two levels and one attribute, it should be four attributes."

Chu Ci smiled and said: "Moreover, each of these four attributes should be quite powerful, but the big brother didn't do this. He just gave you eight identical attributes on this sword."

"Accumulated eight identical characteristics?" Chen Feng asked in surprise: "What attribute?"

"Two words, Feng Rui!" Xun Zheng looked very proud at this time, and he felt proud of the world. When talking about the weapons he had forged, he was full of pride.

"I gave him a full eight times of sharpness, making this sword extremely sharp now. Although he is an eighth-rank spiritual weapon, and your dragon-slaying knife is a ninth-rank spiritual weapon, it is only based on the sharpness. Say, if you two fight against each other, this sword may not be at a disadvantage!"

"Because I know that this girl has a strong temper, and her swordsmanship must be that kind of fierce and invincible, so this should be your appetite."

A smile appeared at the corner of Shen Yanbing's mouth: "I have a very good appetite, Master, thank you!"

She really has an appetite for her, she has no requirements for her own weapons, as long as it is heavy, hard, and sharp enough!

Chu Ci continued: "Little Junior Sister originally thought that this girl's style of play is going forward, so that it is easy to hurt the enemy, but also easy to hurt herself, so I plan to add a characteristic to the sword. It is the key to let him release A protective cover."

"However, the senior brother did not agree. He said that if he did this, it would be against the girl's original intention, and she would be restrained when fighting, and then there would be no more indomitable attitude."

Shen Yanbing took a deep look at Xun Zheng. This person looked dull, but in fact had a pair of extremely sharp eyes, one glance at the essence.

"I don't want to leave myself any back, if you start fighting, then you will die!" Shen Yanbing smiled.

Chen Feng glanced at her, a little helpless, he always knew that Shen Yanbing was such a temperamental girl.

Shen Yanbing suddenly looked at Chen Feng and said, "Let's give this sword a name!"

Chen Feng didn't refuse, thought for a while, and said, "You don't know how many people's blood you want to drink under your sword. You pierced it out with a single sword, and it is full of compassion and vigor. How about this sword being called the Great Compassion Sword?"

"Great Compassion Sword! Great Compassion Sword!" Shen Yanbing said the name twice, smiling and said, "Brother, I like this name very much. Let's call it Great Compassion Sword!"

Chen Feng asked Shen Yanbing to go back first, but he stayed and chatted with Xun Zheng and others.

After chatting, Chen Feng discovered that it was actually very speculative.

Chen Feng stayed here for an entire afternoon, and the relationship with the four of them was much better than before. Of course, they were not friends.

In the evening, I left, returned to the Dragon God Mansion, found Shen Yanbing, and said: "Yan Bing, I have a grievance. I have never understood that before the four great Hou Mansions, I need to completely end it."

"Zhong Yuxiu and Sister Luo's residence, you know, take care of me during this time."

Shen Yanbing nodded: "Brother, don't worry! I will move to live there."

She said treacherously: "If they are in danger, I will warn them. Once I warn, Master will know that there are people in Wuyang City that Master can't deal with?"

Chen Feng clicked on her and laughed, "You guy."

The destination of Chen Feng's trip was nothing but Yongzhou.

Three days later, Chen Feng arrived in Yongzhou City.

The scale of Yongzhou is huge, and it is on par with Qingzhou. If Chen Feng had seen a giant city of this size for the first time two years ago, he would be shocked and speechless.

But now, after seeing Wuyang City, how could he take Yongzhou in his eyes?

Chen Feng entered Yongzhou City and headed directly to the Yongzhou City Lord's Mansion, and soon he came outside the Yongzhou Prefect.

Outside the mansion gate, more than a dozen people were tall and dressed in heavy armor. They saw Chen Feng, and then several guards immediately drove forward: "This is the Prefect Mansion. Where did the untouchables dare to wander at the gate of the city lord's mansion? Don’t know if this is the important place?"

They yelled at Chen Feng, and Chen Feng did not say any nonsense this time, just waved his hand.

With a bang, these guards who came to drive out insulting him were directly shocked into blood fog.

Seeing this scene, the other guards were shocked. One of them courageously shouted: "You, you, this is the prefecture. If you dare to make trouble here, Lord City Lord will never spare you!"

"In a moment, you will be killed, there is no bones left!"

Chen Feng glanced at him, and there was a slight pity in his eyes: "Do you know that if you don't say this, I won't do anything to you, after all, I am too lazy to kill you little shrimps? !"

"But since you said it, that's why you died!"

As he said, Chen Feng snapped his fingers lightly, and the guard suddenly felt his body, as if being held by a huge fist, and began to spray crazily blood out of his mouth and nose.

His body began to deform and break, turning into a mass of rotten flesh and falling to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the guards no longer dared to speak, shivering and hiding one by one.

"Who is this young man? How can there be such a strong strength?"

"Yes, he just killed our four soul-condensing masters one after another in an instant, is it possible to say that his strength has entered the Martial Sovereign Realm?"

"I have definitely entered the Martial King Realm, and it is possible that the level in the Martial King Realm is not low!"

"Looking at him like this, it is obvious that he is here to challenge Lord City Lord, even if he is of Martial Lord Realm, he is not an opponent of Lord City Lord, Lord City Lord is a triple master of Martial Lord Realm!"

When Chen Feng heard what they said, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and a touch of disdain was outlined.

In front of Chen Feng in the trivial martial arts realm, there is almost no chance to shoot.

Before Chen Feng came to the City Lord's Mansion, he suddenly exhaled and roared: "Yong Xi, get out!"

The voice billowed like thunder, reverberating above this Yongzhou city, not only the entire Yongzhou Taishou Mansion could hear clearly, but even the entire city, this vast voice echoed everywhere.

At this moment, I don't know how many strong people in Yongzhou City, suddenly opened his eyes, and looked over here in shock and anger.

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