Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1508: Snob

"Some of the most top, god-level, holy-level, and noble-level casters can even forge artifacts that can change a continent and a world. Are they powerful?"

Chen Feng listened and took a cold breath.

It turned out that there is such a great knowledge in the foundry world, he didn't understand it before.

"As far as I know, the number of casting divisions is very small, but in the Great Qin Emperor, there must be!

Zhou Yang said: "I heard that there is a shop in the east of the city called Da Qin No. 1 Sword. It is said that there is a powerful casting master in this Da Qin No. 1 Sword."

"This casting master should be the Great Qin Emperor. I only know him. You can ask him."

Chen Feng nodded and said gratefully: "Thank you, brother, for your advice."

An hour later, Chen Feng and Shen Yanbing appeared in front of a tall pavilion.

The pavilion is five stories high, and in front of the pavilion stands a huge piece of pig iron ore. There are five large characters on it, and the brushwork is vertical and horizontal: Daqin's first sword!

Extremely mighty atmosphere.

"Is this the number one sword in the world? Is the foundry master inside Da Qin the most prestigious one?"

Chen Feng raised his head and said softly.

Shen Yanbing was a little confused and said: "Brother. It's fine if you come here, why are you pulling me here?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Because, I think I will also cast a weapon for you."

"What?" Shen Yanbing said with surprise and joy: "Give me one too?"

"That's right!" Chen Feng said: "Your original weapon was used during Qian Yuanzong's time. It's really bad. I know you have feelings for that giant sword, but its material is really ordinary. And it's already destroyed now."

Shen Yanbing nodded and said, "It's true that it has become fragments, but I still have these fragments!"

Chen Feng said: "You are already very strong now, so naturally you have to have a weapon that matches your strength."

"So, come here this time, I plan to cast one for you too!"

Shen Yanbing did not speak, looked at Chen Feng, nodded slowly, and did not decline.

There is no need to deliberately reject the relationship between the two.

The two climbed up the stairs and walked towards the shop.

Xiao Er, standing at the entrance of the pavilion, glanced at both of them.

The little two in these big places have very poisonous eyes. At a glance, you can tell that Chen Feng's clothes are very ordinary, no different from ordinary civilians.

Moreover, both of them had deliberately reduced their strengths, so with the eyesight of these two men, they did not see how strong they are.

"These are two poor ghosts." Xiao Er immediately made a self-righteous judgment.

So, he immediately stepped forward and stood in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng frowned and said lightly, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Er said lazily: "What do you mean? It's meaningless!"

"You two poor ghosts and untouchables, our first sword in Da Qin is not where you can come."

Chen Feng frowned, but he didn't want to cause trouble, and said lightly: "We are here to buy weapons."

"Ha, are you here to buy weapons?" Xiao Er's mouth curled, with a touch of disdain on his face, haha ​​smiled: "You poor people and untouchables, can you afford it?"

"Do you know? The cheapest weapon sold in my Daqin First Sword is 10,000 yuan stone!"

"We here, but only entertain the rich and the noble people of the Great Qin Kingdom. You can't afford the cheapest weapons like you, untouchables like you!"

As he said, he waved his hand impatiently and said, "Go ahead, don't waste uncle's time here!"

"Oh?" Chen Feng said lightly: "You mean, don't you think we can't afford the things in your shop?"

"Of course!" Xiao Er held his chin up, looked at Chen Feng, and said proudly: "You don't take a picture of yourself by taking a pee. Look at the clothes you are wearing, the tattered clothes, and you will know it is a Poor ghost!"

"If you add up all your net worth, I'm afraid it's less than a thousand yuan stone. How can we afford the things in our store?"

Shen Yanbing's face was cold, and he slowly said: "Dogs see things that are low!"

"What? What did you say?" Xiao Er immediately jumped like a fire on his ass, with a chill on his face, and screamed: "Little bitch, what did you say?"

"My junior sister just said it very clearly. She said that you are a dog-seeing thing, and I think that junior sister is right. You are indeed a dog-seeing thing!" Chen Feng sneered.

"Well, you two untouchables!"

Xiao Er's expression was cold, staring at the two, with a hideous look on his face: "Just now. The uncle wanted to get you out of the way, but you didn't know how to raise it, and you dared to talk to him like that."

"In this case, I can only abolish you, uncle today!"

As he said, he yelled: "Zhao Da Zhao Er, you two come here."

"Yes!" Two warriors with big waists came over at the door and walked to Xiao Er.

Xiao Er pointed at the two Chen Feng and said: "Take them two, abolish the cultivation base and throw them out!"

"Yes!" Then Zhao Da Zhao Er nodded and walked towards Chen Feng.

Xiao Er looked at Chen Feng proudly and said: "Untouchable, you are really blind, you dare to provoke me, can you provoke me?"

"Now, I will let the security guards in the store scrap you and break your legs!"

Suddenly he glanced at Shen Yanbing with a greedy look, and said with a lustful smile: "Zhao Da Zhao Er, this woman is no longer needed, catch her, hahahaha... Such a good thing, Master Foundry Master must like it. "

"Tonight, I will send her to Master Foundry Master's bed, and if we are in favor of Master Foundry Master, the three of us will definitely be rewarded!"

Zhao Da Zhao's second face also showed greed, and they nodded in response!

Xiao Er said triumphantly: "Anyway, these two, at first glance, are untouchables. We, Daqin First Sword, have contacted a lot of powerful and powerful people. What is it to kill a few untouchables?"

"They are dead, no one will hold them accountable!"

Chen Feng's face was cold at this time. They insulted themselves and Chen Feng could bear it, but Chen Feng could not bear to insult Shen Yanbing.

At this time, he made up his mind that as long as the two dared to step forward and attack him, Chen Feng would directly kill them.

But at this moment, a lazy voice suddenly came from the side: "Wei Xiaoshan, what's the matter?"

Hearing this voice, Xiao Er Wei Xiaoshan, the hideous and arrogant expression on his face suddenly disappeared, with a thick flattery color on his face.

He turned his head and said that the speaker was a thirty-year-old purple-robed nobleman.

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