Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1507: Three dragon souls!

Wood makes fire, fire overcomes gold, fire dragon spirit and black iron dragon spirit are inherently deadly enemies.

At this time, both showed strong hostility.

The Iron Dragon Martial Spirit was also staring at the Fire Dragon Martial Spirit with full alertness. Suddenly, Chen Feng sank and swiped it. He actually entered his own inner alchemy world.

This is an incomparably vast world. Above the earth, the land is fertile and verdant. There are countless extremely tall plants growing. There are green grasslands everywhere, and there is a thick woody aura that makes people happy.

Being in it is full of vitality and comfort.

In the sky, there are floating blue misty clouds.

And at this time, above the sky, a black iron was mixed with a bronze figure, a fiery red figure occupies half of the sky, and red and black clouds were everywhere.

The Azure Dragon Wuhun was beside him, and he was already a weak one.

The Black Iron Dragon Soul and the Fire Dragon Martial Soul were fighting in his home court, but he had no choice but to avoid them.

Chen Feng could also feel the departure in his heart now. The Fire Dragon Wuhun and the Black Iron Dragon Soul confronted for a long time. Suddenly, the Fire Dragon Wuhun let out a roar and took the lead in launching an offensive against the Black Iron Dragon Soul.

The two fought each other, killing the sky dimly, and from time to time there were large pieces of dragon blood and large pieces of dragon scales falling down.

Dragon blood spilled over the sky, and the two fought fiercely.

The difference between the two of them is not big, and they are inextricably fought, but in the end, the fire dragon martial soul has the upper hand.

After all, this fire dragon martial soul is a combination of two fire-attribute dragon martial souls, and its strength is better than that of the black iron dragon soul.

At this time, there was already a piece of scorched earth inside the inner alchemy.

Those large tracts of forest and grassland were burned down, and Chen Feng felt distressed.

But at this moment, he was expelled from the world of Nainidan with one stroke.

At this time, in the battle situation inside, the Fire Dragon Martial Soul also had the upper hand. It seemed that after a period of time, although he had to pay the price of serious injuries, he could kill the Black Iron Dragon Soul.

This is absolutely not allowed by Chen Feng!

Chen Feng's heart suddenly moved, and he immediately drove the inner alchemy to move towards the few pieces of ten thousand gold essence.

Soon, the inner alchemy came into contact with the essence of ten thousand gold.

The power of the Essence of Ten Thousand Gold diffused, and the Dark Iron Dragon Soul in the inner alchemy immediately sensed it and became extremely excited.

With a long groan, he was madly absorbed in the inner alchemy, and the power of the Essence of Ten Thousand Gold was immediately absorbed, and he ran wildly in the inner alchemy.

The Black Iron Dragon Soul received the support of the extremely vigorous Essence of Gold, and immediately became alive again, the combat power returned to its peak period, and the Fire Dragon Soul was immediately suppressed.

Not only that, the black iron dragon soul has absorbed a large amount of the essence of ten thousand gold, and it is even evolving. After two hours, the two pieces of ten thousand gold essence are exhausted, and the black iron dragon soul has become half of the body. They are all the color of bronze, thick and vast, their strength has risen a step, and they are extremely powerful.

It turned into a half-iron half-bronze dragon Wuhun directly!

At this time, the Fire Dragon Martial Soul was no longer the opponent of the Black Iron Dragon Soul at all, and was crushed to death.

At this moment, the Azure Dragon Martial Soul suddenly entered the battle, dying of the Fire Dragon Martial Soul, but in the end it was not beheaded, but a life was left.

The Black Iron Dragon Soul also received Chen Feng's instructions, and did not continue to do it, so the three formed a balance in the inner alchemy.

The fire dragon spirit is the weakest and is in a monitored state, followed by the blue dragon spirit, and the black iron dragon spirit is the strongest.

However, although the Black Iron Dragon Soul is powerful, it does not pose any threat to Chen Feng's inner alchemy. He can't absorb the power of the wood attribute at all, instead relying on Chen Feng to provide him with the essence of ten thousand gold.

In this way, in Chen Feng's inner alchemy, a red shadow, an iron figure, and a blue figure formed a balance temporarily!

At this time, Chen Feng's inner alchemy temporarily stabilized, forming a situation where three martial souls stood side by side.

At this moment, Chen Feng retreated from the state of introspection. He looked at the Dragon Slaying Knife in his hand with a look of worry on his face.

At this time, the dragon slaying knife in Chen Feng's hand was even scarred, with dozens of cracks cracked on it, none of these cracks were very deep, nor did it reach the level of breaking the dragon slaying knife.

But the cracks are densely populated. Chen Feng estimated that in a few more battles, the Dragon Slaying Knife might be destroyed!

The reason why there are so many cracks in the Dragon Slayer this time is because Chen Feng’s Thunder Dragon Crushing into the Sky Broken Stars has refined the strongest realm, and the Dragon Slayer Blade, with its stubble body, can no longer withstand such surging and tyrannical power. !

Chen Feng whispered softly: "It seems that the Dragon Slaying Sword needs to be completed. There is only such a half-length long sword, which has greatly affected my combat effectiveness."

"The level of the Dragon Slaying Sword far surpassed my strength. Even if it is only a half-sliced ​​sword, it can exert my moves more than ten times the power, but now, it has even become a drag on me!"

If you want to repair the Dragon Sword, you need other artifacts from the Eight Peaks of Ziyang Sword Field. Now Chen Feng has collected these eight artifacts.

He just didn't have time, and couldn't find a suitable person to help him repair the Dragon Slayer.

Chen Feng immediately went to Zhou Yang.

"What? Are you looking for the best foundry in the capital of the Great Qin Kingdom?"

"That's right." Chen Feng slowly nodded. He didn't conceal anything from Zhou Yang. He took out half of his dragon slaying knife and said: "My dragon slaying knife is just a remnant blade. I need to supplement it now."

"I already have the materials here. All I need is a master."

Zhou Yang looked at Chen Feng with a strange expression, and suddenly said, "Chen Feng, do you know that casting master is not an ordinary and simple profession."

"The foundry in the mouth of our martial artist is completely different from the sword-sculptor and the sword-saver in the mouth of the common people."

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "Is there another saying?"

"That's right." Zhou Yang said: "The foundry master is a systematic and powerful profession in the world of warriors."

"The pharmacist is rare enough, isn't it? In fact, the foundry is even rarer than the pharmacist, and even the degree of rarity can be said to be as rare as the soul!

"Ordinary casters can increase the power of weapons more than ten times and dozens of times. A warrior, even with a weapon refined by a low-level caster, will have his strength several times higher."

"And those powerful casters who only exist in legends can even forge powerful artifacts that can destroy the world."

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