Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1475: Sixth Grade Soul Master!

He took it for granted, as if Chen Feng should kneel for him.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "What if I don't kneel down?"

"Untouchable, you are really brave, but if you dare not kneel down, then you have to teach you a lesson you will never forget." Shui Changxu said coldly.

Chen Feng said lightly: "Yu Wenzhen, is this the rescuer you hired?"

Yu Wenzhen chuckled and said, "Brother Xu happened to be a guest at my house, which coincided with the meeting, but I did not invite it!"

Chen Feng didn't believe this nonsense.

He looked at Chen Feng with a ferocious chill in his eyes: "Speaking of which, you and our Shui Family can't be regarded as having no grievances and no grudges!"

"Our Shui family has a branch. In Qingzhou, the most proud disciple of the clan died in your hands!"

"Oh? Shui Family? Qingzhou?" Chen Feng immediately remembered, and said, "Shui Wuhen, right?"

"Yes, it's just that there is no trace of water."

Shui Changxu said lightly: "It's just a small branch of people, even if they are called geniuses in their branch, in my eyes, he is not worth mentioning, but after all, he is a member of our Shui family, I naturally want to He took revenge."

He lifted his chin, and said proudly: "Anyway, it's easy to kill you, but it's enough to kill you with just one touch."

Chen Feng said lightly: "Are you so confident?"

"Of course!" Shui Changxu showed an arrogant smile with everything under control, and said: "You are in front of me, it's not worth mentioning, I want to kill you, so easy!"

As soon as he moved, Chen Feng did not feel any fluctuations in the martial arts gods, but Shui Changxu actually floated like this, hanging in the air.

He looked down at Chen Feng and sneered: "What you rely on is nothing but the power of a soul master, and I happen to be a soul master too!"

"Moreover, stronger than you!"

"I, have reached the realm of a sixth-grade spirit master!"

He opened his arms, his face was arrogant, and he looked like he was sure of winning.

Chen Feng's complexion did not change, but his eyes were cold.

The other party was also a soul master, and it really exceeded his expectations. Moreover, the sixth rank spirit master far surpassed Chen Feng's current spirit master level.

Shui Changxu stretched out his arms, and another momentum burst into the sky.

Chen Feng immediately distinguished, this momentum is exactly the power he is very familiar with, the power of the soul-man!

Shui Changxu suddenly smiled: "Sister Zhen, please play the piano for me!"

Yuwenzhen nodded with a smile, and the Qiqiqin in her hand suddenly dropped out and threw it towards the depths of the bamboo forest.

The strings of the Jiaoweiqin kept slashing across the bamboo leaves and branches, making a babble and babble sound, fierce and generous.

The momentum of this golden horse and iron horse was even more than ten times higher than just now, and Chen Feng found that the scenery in front of him immediately changed.

Just now it was a small bamboo forest, elegant and calm, but now it is on an island.

Egrets flew around, and the blue ocean was everywhere.

At the foot, there is a white sand beach, endless.

Only at this time, the white sandy beach has been dyed red by blood!

Chen Feng found that there were corpses everywhere around his body, human corpses, and monster corpses.

There was a cloud of blood floating in the sky, and the extremely strong smell of blood gathered in the air, and the sea in the distance, in an instant, turned from blue and clear to a blood-red, it turned into a sea of ​​blood!

In the sea of ​​blood, there are countless corpses floating, there are as many as tens of thousands at a glance!

Chen Feng was horrified: "This, this is the illusion that you used to condense with your mental power! You use the sound of the piano as a medium to condense the illusion with your spiritual power, almost reaching the ability to create the space of the soul!"

He was indeed shocked. He didn't expect this Shui Changxu to be so powerful!

A huge voice came from above Chen Feng: "You actually also know the space of the soul?"

Chen Feng said coldly: "Of course I know!"

He looked up and saw Shui Changxu slowly standing up from the sea.

His figure is indomitable.

Deep water, but just over his ankle!

The blood-colored setting sun above the sky only reached his waist!

His whole person is tens of thousands of feet high. In front of him, Chen Feng is as small as an ant.

A triumphant smile appeared on Shui Changxu's face: "Chen Feng, since you know the space of the soul, then you must have obtained the relevant cheats."

He immediately showed greed on his face and said, "Hahahaha, I have been searching for this kind of secret book all the time. Do you know how rare it is to be able to create a secret book that mixes space?"

"But I didn't expect it to be obtained by you, a trash boy!"

"This time, if I kill you, I can get the cheat! Hahaha..."

He was extremely proud, and greedily squeezed directly towards Chen Feng: "Boy, take it to death!"

His aura was overwhelming, and his giant palm seemed to be slow, but in fact it pressed down extremely quickly.

Chen Feng was shocked, feeling that he could be directly crushed to death by this force.

He was very surprised: "This Shui Changxu is really a genius. He has no secrets to create the space of the soul, but he used the sound of Yu Wenzhen's piano as the framework to create such a space of the soul!"

The powerful existence of the Soul Person Space was definitely not a realm that Shui Changxu could touch, but he completed it in a different way.

He is extremely powerful here, of course, it is definitely not up to the level of the soul-man space, the master is a **** inside, but it is also very powerful.

This can be regarded as a false soul space.

Chen Feng was extremely fast and rushed outwards, but he found that he could not run away at all.

Shui Changxu chased forward with a stride, took a step, took a palm shot, and shot Chen Feng away dozens of miles away, from here to the other side of the island.

Chen Feng spurted blood, his bones were broken, and he was already injured.

But in his eyes, there was a touch of ecstasy: "Sure enough, the soul-man space constructed by Shui Changxu using this method is not as powerful as the real soul-man space, and he is definitely not doing what he wants inside!"

"If it's a real soul-seer space, he can even kill me directly with a thought, but he still has to do it here! This is my opportunity!"

"At this time, he is certainly powerful and incompetent, but I am not without chance!"

Chen Feng gritted his teeth, and suddenly there was a flash in his hand, and the black pill appeared as if it contained a starry sky, and he swallowed it directly.

The little demon disintegrates the **** pill!

As a result, Chen Feng's momentum suddenly rose, and Chen Feng felt a huge shock all over his body. In his brain, there was first chaos and then extremely refreshing.

That martial arts Tianhe, directly from more than two thousand meters long to five thousand meters long, the number of martial arts gods inside has tripled!

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