Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1474: Arrogant!

Chen Feng was horrified: "This trick is definitely not something I can resist. The power of this trick has even reached the eighth level of Martial Sovereign Realm!"

Yu Wenzhen coughed twice. She was obviously vomiting blood. Obviously, this trick was extremely difficult for her, and she could only use this sword.

But it was enough. She looked at Chen Feng and whispered, "Chen Feng, with this sword, you will definitely die!"

There was a triumphant smile on her face, and she even began to hum a weird little tune, like a mountain ghost singing at night, beautiful and weird at the same time!

Chen Feng didn't feel any panic. He just used all his strength to sense. Suddenly, Chen Feng felt a flaw.

The world in that place was faintly unstable and a little weak.

Chen Feng immediately understood, and he shouted loudly: "Yu Wenzhen, I know, you haven't reached the realm of the unity of heaven and man, you just used the sound of the piano to disturb my audiovisual!"

"At the same time, the sound of the piano can elevate your realm and increase the power of your sword!"

"You use the sound of the piano to blend this small celestial body that is no more than a few hundred meters away. It is not at all integrated with the whole world!"

Yu Wenzhen was yelled by Chen Feng to break the futility of this sword, her face changed drastically, but she gritted her teeth and said, "So what? You can still kill you!"

Chen Feng smiled coldly: "Really? Are you sure?"

He laughed loudly and said: "If you are truly one with this world, I have nothing to do with you, but since this is the case, as long as you are both inside and outside at the same time, you can naturally break you!"

As he said, Chen Feng's left hand suddenly appeared with a transparent divine light, and with his right hand, he held the big arrow that had just been condensed, and opened the bow to shoot!

Shooting the sun arrow, burst out, and a round of small sun blasted towards Yu Wenzhen's sword.

Then the next moment, he raised the Dragon Slaying Knife high and shouted loudly: "Thunder storms into the sky and breaks the stars!"

Three thunderclouds suddenly formed, nine thunder pillars crashed down, white light flashed, and dozens of miles nearby were shone brightly, and the night sky was directly illuminated.

I don't know how many powerful people in the big family are nearby. They are suddenly awakened, and they rise in their clothes, paying attention to the battle here!

Chen Feng's brain at this time. With extremely accurate calculations, the transparent divine light had already returned to Chen Feng's spiritual world.

At this time, the power of the transparent divine light radiated sharply, centered on Chen Feng, and then stretched out countless tentacles like spider silk, which constantly sensed the position of the nine thunder pillars and the sun shooting arrow.

Because Chen Feng had to ensure that the two bombarded it at the same time, so that he could break this sword, a sword that he relied on!

As long as the two are slightly staggered in time and cannot attack both inside and outside at the same time, then they cannot be broken.

After all, Chen Feng's power is very different from the power of this sword!

Yu Wenzhen laughed disdainfully: "Your two tricks are really powerful, but it is extremely difficult to break my sword, unless you attack them at the same time, but do you think it is possible?"

"If you want to achieve such precise control, unless you are a soul master and your mental power is very strong, but do you know how rare a soul master is?"

But the next moment, her triumphant smile solidified on her face, and she shouted in surprise: "How is it possible?"

Because at this moment, the shooting arrow and thunder rushing into the sky smashed the stars at the same time on his sword, extremely accurate, without the slightest time interval.

With a loud bang, Chen Feng only felt that the world in front of him was shaking, and the scenery seemed to be broken!

Then with a bang, like jade shattered, the whole world turned into countless fragments and collapsed.

The small world he constructed was crushed by Chen Feng at the same time.

The immense power of shooting sun arrows and thunderbolt rushing into the sky and breaking stars also blasted Yu Wenzhen.

With a loud bang, Yu Wenzhen screamed, and was blasted out, hundreds of meters away, blood was spilled in the sky, and multiple wounds appeared on her body.

Sun-shooting arrows and thunder rushing into the sky and broken stars are also vanished at the same time!

Chen Feng could see clearly, how could there be any creek in the foreground at this moment? Where is the wooden house? It's still a bamboo forest!

Yu Wenzhen fell on a bamboo leaf, lightly touching the bamboo leaf with her toes, her figure undulated, but she didn't fall down at all, showing an extremely subtle light work.

Holding Jiaoweiqin in her hands, she looked at Chen Feng and said in shock: "You? How could you possibly?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly and said: "It's really a coincidence, it's just a little bit, it just happens to be a soul master!"

"So you turned out to be a soul master, no wonder, no wonder!"

She murmured: "No wonder the trick you used before is a bit familiar to me, it should be a barrier to mental power!"

Chen Feng nodded: "That's right!"

He looked at Yu Wenzhen and said lightly: "Yu Wenzhen, what do you have now, just use it!"

Just as Yu Wenzhen was about to speak, she suddenly groaned and couldn't help it anymore, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

It turned out that she was already seriously injured, and she was just holding on!

Chen Feng smiled and said, "You are injured."

"Yes, I was injured, but unfortunately, even so, I can keep you!"

As she said, she giggled: "Brother Xu, come out!"

When the voice fell, a man in a blue shirt walked out slowly while the bamboo forest was separated.

He looked at Yu Wenzhen and smiled: "Miss Yuwen, you finally figured it out."

Yu Wenzhen took a deep breath, as if he had made a decision: "I figured it out. I promised you that I can marry you, but..."

"But what?" the blue shirt man said eagerly.

He didn't look at Chen Feng from beginning to end, just as if Chen Feng didn't exist, he was extremely contemptuous.

"But you want to kill him!" Yu Wenzhen pointed to Chen Feng.

At this moment, the man in the blue shirt looked at Chen Feng, his mouth curled, and he smiled disdainfully: "On this condition?"

He was extremely disdainful and laughed loudly; "Miss Yuwen, haha, it's too simple, wouldn't it be easy to kill him? Just move your fingers and it's enough!"

Chen Feng frowned: "Who is this person? So arrogant?"

It seemed that he said that by killing Chen Feng, he would be able to kill Chen Feng. He was so loud that he didn't put Chen Feng in his eyes.

The man in the blue shirt smiled and said: "Introduce yourself, I am Shui Changxu!"

"Our Shui Family, for generations, have been from the Great Qin Family. Although we can't compare to the Four Great Hou Mansions, we are only a little worse, and even the strength is not worse than a few Hou Mansions!"

Yu Wenzhen chuckled, and echoed: "Big Brother Xu said all right, the Shui Family, but it is known as the first one under the Four Hou Mansions! And I heard..."

She looked at Shui Changxu and Jiao Didi said: "This time the Shui Family has made great contributions in the battle to conquer the swamp of death and opened up 50,000 li of territory for the Qin Dynasty. The Sage intends to make the Shui Family Patriarch Hou Ye!"

Shui Changxu was very happy. He laughed and said, "Miss Yuwen, what you said is correct. My Shui family will soon be named Master Hou!"

He looked at Chen Feng arrogantly, and said: "Untouchables, I am not grateful to kneel down and kowtow when I see my future young master?"

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