Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1457: Good for oneself

It turned out that this time Chen Feng thought he could run away from Black Wind Shuangsha, so he didn't even think about asking for help.

But when he saw Sun Xiao, he knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to escape today.

Chen Feng had even forgotten the existence of the communication jade talisman, but he thought of Shen Yanbing instantly, so he also immediately thought of the communication jade talisman sent to Shen Yanbing.

Therefore, Chen Feng immediately crushed the communication jade symbol.

After Shen Yanbing knew that Chen Feng was in danger, she did not rush to rescue him.

She is a very smart girl, knowing that Chen Feng = an enemy that cannot be dealt with, she must not be able to deal with it, so he immediately went to the Dragon God who was in retreat.

When Long Shen Hou heard that his proud disciple was in danger, he immediately broke through the barrier. As soon as he sensed it, he sensed that the aura here was extremely abnormal, so he rushed immediately.

When Chen Feng and Shen Yanbing were talking, there was a sudden bang, and Sun Xiao knelt heavily on the ground, kowtow desperately towards the Dragon God Hou.

He kowtowed his head and pleaded, "Master, Master, please forgive me this time!"

"This time the disciple is confused for a while, I will never dare to do it again!"

"In the future, I will get along well with Junior Brother Chen, and never dare to do this again."

While talking, she cried bitterly and looked extremely sincere.

Long Shenhou looked at him and said in a faint voice: "Do you think I might still believe you?"

He looked at Sun Xiao and said coldly: "Evil disciple, for the sake of mentoring and apprenticeship, I won't do it anymore, you can stop it yourself!"

Sun Xiao's eyes were dim, his eyes widened, and he looked at Dragon God Hou pitifully and pleaded: "Master. Just forgive me this time, I promise I will never dare again!"

When Long Shenhou saw it, he couldn't help but feel soft.

But at this moment, Sun Xiao suddenly yelled, suddenly his figure violent, and slammed his fist towards Dragon God Hou.

The Dragon God Hou was not guarded, he was hit directly by him. With the strength of the Dragon God Hou, his figure was slightly shaken and his face was blue.

Then, Sun Xiao ran out, escaping extremely fast, and ran out several kilometers in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Long Shenhou was not angry, but shook his head, sighed softly, and slowly spit out two words: "Niezha!"

Then he threw a punch, an extremely understatement.

But this punch actually broke through several kilometers of space. Almost at the same time he raised his hand, Chen Feng saw that Sun Xiao’s body blasted into a single piece with a bang thousands of meters away. Blood mist, no bones!

At this time, the black and white Shuangsha also happened to arrive. They watched this scene from a distance, their faces were extremely horrified, and they looked at Dragon Shenhou in horror.

Seeing that Sun Xiao was easily bombarded and killed, they didn't hesitate to turn around and wanted to escape.

Dragon God Hou smiled slightly and waved two palms lightly. The two of them shook violently, then staggered, but still stood up straight, ran forward, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Chen Feng looked at Dragon God Hou in amazement. He thought that Dragon God Hou would keep these two people here. But he didn't expect that Dragon God Hou didn't kill them. I don't know if Dragon God Hou deliberately, or he didn't have this strength.

Long Shenhou looked at Chen Feng, smiled slightly, and said, "After a while, you will know what is going on."

Chen Feng nodded, and suddenly he felt a heart-piercing pain, and he couldn't help but cough violently.

Mouthful blood gushed out, and the wound on his body was directly shaken open, and countless blood poured out from it.

It turned out that Chen Feng's injury just now didn't stop at all.

He was injured this time, his body was almost broken, and his death was only a step away.

Chen Feng just felt black before his eyes and fainted.

Long Shen Hou walked up and looked at Chen Feng. After a while, a heavy color appeared in his eyes.

He said softly: "Chen Feng was injured very badly this time, even the inner alchemy was broken, it is difficult to save it, and even if it is saved, it is estimated to be... alas!"

He sighed and said, "But he is my disciple. I won't just sit back and take him back to the mansion. I will treat him personally."

Hearing this sentence, Shen Yanbing, who had been in awe-inspiring, breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly fell to his knees, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Master!"

Long Shenhou shook his head and smiled slightly, "Maybe in the eyes of many people, I am ruthless, but Chen Feng is my disciple, and I accept him as a disciple, no matter what he is, even if he becomes a Waste, I will protect him for life!"

With that, he took Chen Feng back to Longshen Hou Mansion.

But the black and white Shuangsha ran all the way, returning to Yuwen's house in a hurry.

In the back garden of Yuwen's house, Yu Wenzhen was playing the piano and singing long songs. Her voice was clear, full of awe-inspiring air, so elegant and holy, it was impossible to think of her as a cruel witch.

Seeing the black and white Shuangsha's face covered with blood and coming back out of breath, she raised her brows and felt a little uneasy. She asked in surprise, "What happened to you two?"

The black and white Shuangsha two immediately said: "Dragon God Hou, Long Shen Hou suddenly appeared..."

Just when they just mentioned the three words Dragon God Hou, they suddenly banged their bodies and exploded, forming a **** mist in the sky.

This scene suddenly appeared in front of Yu Wenzhen, shocked her to shout, staggering, backing a few steps, Hua Rong paled.

At this moment, she saw that the two groups of blood fog condensed in the air, and they were directly gathered into a human form. The Eguan Bo belt was extraordinary in style, and it was the Dragon God.

Long Shenhou looked at him with indifferent eyes, and said lightly: "Little Nizi of Yuwen's family, there are some things you can do, and some things you can't do."

"You do it for yourself!"

As he said, with a snap, the blood mist dissipated directly, splashing Yu Wenzhen's face, dressed in white and turned into blood.

Yu Wenzhen's face was extremely shocked, and she sat on the ground with a bang, desperate and regretful.

She whispered to herself: "I shouldn't provoke Chen Feng. I really shouldn't provoke Chen Feng. I even brought Dragon God Hou out. How can this be good?"

That night, at the deepest and highest point of the Dragon God Mansion, in that main hall, Dragon God Hou gently placed Chen Feng on his cold jade bed.

Chen Feng's wound was still bleeding, and blood was constantly overflowing from the corner of his mouth, but when he was placed on the cold jade bed, suddenly, an extremely strong cold gas welled up and wrapped Chen Feng inside.

Chen Feng's wounds were instantly sealed, and he no longer vomited blood, as the cold air permeated Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng felt that all parts of his body that had been ignited by the fire, and the pain was suddenly surrounded by a cool and cold air, making him extremely comfortable.

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