Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1456: Live from the dead!

Chen Feng shook his head: "I don't know! It's because you are so stupid that you are silent!"

Sun Xiao snarled frantically: "Although Yunbuyu is not the same name as me, in fact, the two of us are brothers!"

"You killed him, I must avenge him!"

After hearing this, Chen Feng knew why Sun Xiao would do this today.

Chen Feng said coldly: "If the master knew about this, he would never spare you, he would abolish you by himself!"

"Hahaha, he won't know, he definitely won't know!" Sun Xiao said loudly, "This old thing has been closed!"

"Otherwise, do you think I would dare to do this? He is very careful when he retreats. Every time he retreats, he will gather all the guards outside the Dragon God Mansion Hall, protecting him at all times."

"So, at this time, he will never know what happened outside. When I say that you kill, people will only keep accounts on the black and white Shuangsha, and on Yuwen's house. It has nothing to do with me! "

There was a smug look in his eyes: "Do you think I haven't calculated until now?"

Chen Feng took a deep breath, his eyes revealed a touch of determination.

He knew that today's things could never be good, and if he couldn't overcome Sun Xiao's level, he would be killed today.

Chen Feng turned his head and saw that the black and white double evil spirits had chased him frantically, not far from him.

"Now, there is no time to delay!"

He screamed, thinking Sun Xiao rushed over.

There was a look of disdain on Sun Xiao's face, and he laughed and said, "Little boy, are you going to work hard?"

"Haha, do you still want to fight me hard? What are you? Do you think you can be my opponent?"

"You in your heyday will be easily killed by me, let alone you are seriously injured at this time!"

He roared ferociously: "Die!"

With that, he slapped Chen Feng with a palm.

In Chen Feng's eyes, there was a look of decisiveness, he gritted his teeth fiercely, suddenly shouted, and the inner alchemy shot out.

At this time, there were already several cracks in Chen Feng's inner alchemy, and the blue color inside was already very dim, looming.

Then Chen Feng's inner alchemy brushed it, and slammed into Sun Xiao.

At this time, even if the inner alchemy had broken and cracked, the power was still several times stronger than Chen Feng's most powerful move.

But if it hits, the price Chen Feng will pay is that his inner alchemy will be broken.

Sun Xiao roared in surprise: "You lunatic, are you crazy?"

"If you do, the inner alchemy will be broken!"

Chen Feng laughed: "People are dying, so what do you care about Nai Dan?"

With a coax, Neidan slammed into Sun Xiao, even though Sun Xiao was several levels higher than Chen Feng's strength, after being hit, he sprayed blood and flew out heavily.

He fell to the ground and was seriously injured.

And Chen Feng's inner alchemy was directly broken into countless pieces.

Chen Fengru was struck by lightning, spurting blood violently, and staggering.

He rushed forward, collected the fragments in his hands, and fled madly.

Sun Xiao spouted a mouthful of blood, followed behind, and pursued desperately.

He knew that if Chen Feng escaped and entered the Dragon God Hou Mansion, he would be the one who finished.

Finally, two miles away from the Dragon God Mansion, he caught up with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng used the inner alchemy to break it and bought himself time for a cup of tea.

Sun Xiao brushed it and blocked Chen Feng again. He looked at Chen Feng grimly, and said, "Little rabbit, you don't have any means this time?"

After speaking, he punched Chen Feng.

This punch left Chen Feng with only one breath, and he would die at any time.

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly showed a very reassuring smile, and said softly: "You are finally here!"

He pointed his finger behind Sun Xiao, with a bright smile on his face, and said, "Look behind you."

Sun Xiao laughed and said disdainfully: "Chen Feng, your tricks are almost the same to deceive a three-year-old child. You want to deceive me?"

"Behind me, there must be nothing."

At this moment, the voice just fell, behind him, a violent shout came: "You rebel!"

When Sun Xiao heard this voice, he shivered suddenly, his face showed disbelief, and he suddenly looked back.

Then, the disbelief on his face turned into extreme fear.

Behind him, above the sky, three people were floating impressively.

The one on the left is big brother Zhou Yang, whose face is full of disbelief and regret at this time.

The person on the right is Shen Yanbing dressed as snow in white.

The one in the middle is indeed the Dragon God Hou.

At this time, Long Shenhou stared at Sun Xiao stubbornly, with extreme anger on his face, his eyes seemed to burst into flames.

Sun Xiao trembled, his face turned pale, and his face was full of despair. He stammered and said, "Master, Master, Brother, you guys, why are you here?"

"If I don't come, I don't know that you, a villain, dare to do such a thing behind my back!"

Long Shen Hou shook his head with a sad face, and said slowly: "Chen Feng is your junior brother! You dare to do this to him, are you still not a human being?"

Chen Feng shook heavily and fell to the ground without the strength to stand up.

Shen Yanbing brushed it and flashed over, holding Chen Feng in his arms, tears streaming down his eyes.

She looked at Chen Feng and said, "Chen Feng, do you want it? Do you want it?"

Chen Feng opened his mouth to talk, but as soon as he opened his mouth, blood and internal organ fragments poured out frantically, and couldn't stop it.

With tears like rain, Shen Yanbing hurriedly took out various wound medicines from his body, stuffed them into Chen Feng's mouth, and applied them to Chen Feng's wound.

Chen Feng looked at him, although he was vomiting blood, there was a smile in his eyes.

Shen Yanbing and others finally arrived in time.

After swallowing dozens of healing medicines, his blood stopped temporarily. He gently stroked Shen Yanbing's face with his hand and smiled:

"Yan Bing, I gave you a communication talisman at the beginning. I originally thought that you would be in danger. Ask me for help. I can get there in time."

"Unexpectedly, it became me asking you for help. You came to save my life!"

Shen Yanbing was crying, with a smile on his face: "Yes, it has been several years, I have kept that thing on my body and never lost it."

"That was what you gave me during Qian Yuanzong. I didn't expect it to be used at that time, but it is used today."

As the two of them said, they all suddenly gave birth to a sense of timelessness, and in a blink of an eye, several years have passed.

Then, the two looked at each other and smiled.

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