Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1449: You can no longer speak!

He smiled and said to Yu Wenzhen: "Girl Yuwen, I won't let it stain the blood of these filthy things in this elegant place."

Everyone was stunned, and no one thought that Chen Feng would disagree and directly killed someone.

Such a thunderous method, so violent.

After a moment, the prince froze, and shouted sharply: "You untouchable, you are so brave, how dare you kill my men?"

Chen Feng suddenly looked cold, stared at him, and sternly shouted: "The surname is Wang, you dare to say something untouchable, believe it or not, I will make you unable to speak for the rest of your life!"

Wang Chiyuan didn't believe it at all, and laughed arrogantly, "You dare to threaten me, you untouchable trash?"

"Do you think that killing a few guards is great? Tell you, you can't be my opponent at all, I want to abolish you, easily! Do you dare to provoke me?"

Chen Feng sneered: "Really?"

Suddenly, his figure flashed, and he directly attacked the prince, and the Dragon Sword slashed fiercely.

Feeling the majestic momentum, Prince Wang quickly resisted.

Chen Feng fell with a knife, he was beaten and vomited blood, and he retreated several steps.

Chen Feng was unreasonable, forward again and again with a slash, he was shaken back ten steps again.

Chen Feng hacked out nine knives one after another, and he was shocked almost to the edge of the cliff, spurting blood, his body was severely injured, his face was pale, and his body was already broken in many places.

Chen Feng punched his throat directly, not killing him, but shattering his throat.

Wang Chiyuan fell to the ground, clutching his throat, and uttered a scream, but he couldn't say a word!

Chen Feng looked at him with a smile, and said lightly: "I said, I want you to be unable to say a word for the rest of your life!"

Wang Chiyuan was rolling on the ground in pain, and everyone around him looked ugly, but no one dared to attack Chen Feng.

The other sons who provoked Chen Feng just now showed fear and fear on their faces, and they didn't even dare to collide with Chen Feng.

They said to themselves: "It turns out that Chen Feng's strength is so powerful. We thought it was a rumor before!"

"Chen Feng, a pariah, at such a young age, how can he have such a strong strength? Wang Chiyuan is also considered a strong among us, and he was so easily seriously injured by him!"

"It seems that we were very unwise to provoke him before!"

And Yu Wenzhen took a deep look at Chen Feng, and said softly in his heart: "Chen Feng really is as fierce and fierce as the rumors, it seems that you can never use strong means against him."

She waved her hand and said: "The Prince is already injured, and he will automatically withdraw from this martial arts competition among the five great families. You will bring him down for healing."

"Yes." Several guards came over and carried Wang Chiyuan down.

At this time, the princes of the five great families who met Chen Feng at the gate of the mansion just rushed over.

Seeing a pool of blood on the ground, they asked in amazement, "What's the matter?"

Someone recounted what had just happened, and these princes said to their family members one after another: "This Chen Feng is not easy to mess with. We have already seen it at the gate of the mansion just now."

The young princes who came early cursed in a low voice: "Damn, you guys are here so late, what the **** do you still say these things now?"

All of them looked at Chen Feng with a deep look of fear.

Only Zheng Dongting looked at Chen Feng, his eyes still calm, just a bit more speculation and scrutiny.

Everyone has arrived, Yu Wenzhen looked at them, smiled and said, "Everyone, since everyone is here, let's start now!"

"This time, the young generations of the five major families will learn about martial arts, and it has officially begun. Thank you for not dismissing it. The younger sister is the host of this competition."

She smiled and said: "We have a long history of competitions between the five great families, and it lasts for thousands of years. The most outstanding young talents from the five great families will participate to verify the progress of martial arts and encourage each other."

"During the competition, you can freely challenge, and the person being challenged cannot refuse, but when fighting, you should stop at your fingertips and never intentionally kill your opponent!"

"Okay, don't gossip, now it is officially started. If you want to challenge, you can now name it."

Everyone looked at each other, but no one stood up.

Suddenly everyone felt a little disheartened. Originally, they all came here with excitement and prepared to show off their skills, but now no one wants to move.

Because Chen Feng's performance just now was so amazing, their strength is far inferior to Chen Feng, and they are both older than Chen Feng.

If you challenge now, the demonstrated strength must be inferior to Chen Feng. With Chen Feng Fengzhuyu in front, they can only take their own humiliation.

Therefore, no one wants to do it.

There was a stalemate for a whole cup of tea, and no one spoke.

In this dead silence, suddenly, Zheng Dongting stood up, looked at Chen Feng, smiled and said, "Chen Feng, are you interested in fighting with me?"

As soon as I saw this scene, the dead silence atmosphere immediately became active.

The children of the five great families became very excited, looking at them with anticipation one by one.

Chen Feng stood up, only spit out one word: "Okay!"

When Chen Feng agreed to this competition, the children of the five great families immediately became excited, their eyes lit up.

"Oh, Chen Feng actually agreed to Zheng Dongting's challenge. Guess who Chen Feng and Zheng Dongting will win?"

"I guess it should be Zheng Dongting. Although Chen Feng has risen to fame and strength, Zheng Dongting, who is known as the strongest of the young generation among our five great families, has the strength of the sixth peak of the Martial Sovereign Realm. Can easily defeat Chen Feng."

"Yes, I am more optimistic about Zheng Dongting."

These aristocratic children talked a lot, and they all looked down upon Chen Feng.

And the prince who was humiliated by Chen Feng at the gate of the mansion before, shouted excitedly: "Brother Zheng, abolish this untouchable!"

He just learned that Wang Chiyuan had been smashed by Chen Feng, and he should have been unable to speak for the rest of his life. He and Wang Chiyuan were brothers, so he hated Chen Feng to the extreme at this time.

Chen Feng suddenly turned around, looked at him, and said coldly, "Do you want to end up with your brother?"

Suddenly, the prince was frightened and dared not say a word.

Seeing his embarrassment, Chen Feng smiled disdainfully: "Trash one."

Only Yu Wenzhen shook her head slowly and whispered in her heart: "Zheng Dongting shouldn't be Chen Feng's opponent."

Chen Feng and Zheng Dongting stood opposite each other, and Chen Feng stretched out his hand: "Please!"

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