Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1448: Take the veil for you

Obviously Wang Chiyuan was extremely convinced by the black-robed youth, and he nodded respectfully and said: "Brother Zheng, I understand, I will study behind closed doors when I return."

Then Big Brother Zheng nodded slightly. He looked at the woman in white and smiled and said: "The lyrics are elegant, but high-pitched, beautiful, with a battlefield atmosphere."

"Presumably, this is ancient lyrics and music, Dongting San!"

"Girl Yuwen, you can integrate it into martial arts. Between the lines and between the lines, each syllable can form a deep murderous intent. If it wasn't for us just now, I'm afraid that now, everyone in the room can be the only one standing here. , And only me."

He applauded and nodded and said, "Girl Yuwen is a great talent!"

The white-clothed woman looked at him with a look of surprise on her face, and said with a smile: "The young man Zheng is like a candle, and he can see through the little girl at a glance. That is the real cleverness."

"Yes, this song is Dongting San. Speaking of it, Dongting San is also related to you. Doesn't your name contain the word Dongting?"

Master Zheng was taken aback for a moment, then he laughed.

It turned out that this person was Zheng Dongting, the eldest son of the first-in-law of the five great families. At the same time, he was also known as the top master of the young generation of the five great families.

At this time, a clear voice suddenly came from the side: "This song should only be found in the sky. How many times can the world hear it!"

Everyone was shocked when he said this.

Zheng Dongting was taken aback for a moment, then he clapped and said loudly: "Okay, okay! A good word with a good song, this word is wonderful, such an excellent word and sentence can not shame the Yuwen girl's Dongting San! "

"Who has such a talent?"

He turned his head and saw Chen Feng, his face was suddenly surprised. He didn't expect that it was a young man wearing such an ordinary green robe who said this.

The girl Yuwen saw Chen Feng with a complex look in her eyes, but she smiled slightly and said, "This one, it must be Chen Feng, Master Chen!"

"What? He is Chen Feng?" Everyone was surprised when they heard these two words.

Immediately, everyone's gaze fell on Chen Feng's face.

Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

The gazes that everyone looked at him were extremely complicated, with disdain, contempt, and jealousy.

Among the five princes of the five great families, except for Zheng Dongting, the other four people looked at him with disdain and contempt.

Wang Chiyuan gave a weird cry, pointed at Chen Feng and said, "You untouchable, you really don't know the etiquette. It's shameful to attend such a banquet to wear such rags!"

The young man next to him smiled and said: "Wang Chiyuan, you are too demanding of this untouchable. For a poor man like him, I am afraid this is his most valuable piece of clothing!"

"Could it be possible that you still want him to wear such gorgeous and expensive clothes like us?"

Wang Chiyuan patted his head, pretending to be annoyed, and said with a smile: "Yes, Zhou Chuang, what you reminded is, haha, I punished three cups and three cups!"

With that, he picked up the wine glass and drank three glasses in a row.

In addition, both of them looked at Chen Feng with joking expressions and ridicules.

And Chen Feng didn't even bother to look at them at all.

Girl Yuwen frowned, took a look at them, then looked at Chen Feng, smiled and said, "Young Master Chen Feng said it is really good."

"This song should only be found in the heavens. It's hard to hear a few times in the world. It is indeed a false praise to the little girl."

She hurried forward, and actually took off the silk scarf from her face.

The moment she took off her veil, everyone present took a breath of breath, and looked at her with an amazing look on her eyes. They looked obsessed with her.

There is no other reason, this girl Yuwen looks really beautiful.

It was indescribable, I only felt that she had taken off her veil and her face appeared, and even the beauty of the lake and mountains had lost her brilliance out of thin air.

He has taken up the most dazzling things in the world.

Chen Feng shook his head and exclaimed in his heart. He deserves to be recognized as one of the four beauties of Da Qin.

The number of beautiful women that Chen Feng has seen is already very large. Han Yu'er, Shen Yanbing, Luo Zilan and others before the disfigurement are all stunning.

But in terms of looks, they are far inferior to the Yuwen girl in front of them!

Girl Yuwen walked up to Chen Feng, then smiled at Chen Feng and said, "My name is Yuwenzhen, and the son can call me Zhener."

"The little girl made an oath four years ago that if no one can describe the subtlety of my Dongting San in a good sentence, she will not take this veil off for life."

"Now, Master Chen Feng, you did it."

She looked at Chen Feng with a smile, her eyes shining.

And hearing these words from her, only the expression on Zheng Dongting's face did not change, and the faces of the other four were full of furious expressions.

Especially Wang Chiyuan, patted the table, and shouted: "Wu Wenzhen, what do you mean?"

"Chen Feng, a pariah, is far from our status. The average nobleman can't match it, let alone our five great families. You didn't take off the veil for us, but you did it for him. You are humiliating us!"

Yu Wenzhen looked at them and said lightly: "Prince Prince, Chen Feng is the distinguished guest I invited. Please don't call him like a pariah."

Then, she smiled slightly and said, "Master Chen Feng, please sit in."

Chen Feng nodded slightly, and had a good impression of her, feeling that she was different from the rest of Yuwen's family.

The prince rolled his eyes, and suddenly he smiled, winking.

Suddenly, the five guards under his staff understood, and went directly to the five seats and sat down, occupying all the empty seats.

Then Wang Chiyuan laughed and said, "Chen Feng, unfortunately, there seems to be no seats now. I don't know where you are sitting?"

"Otherwise, you can just stand by the side, after all, in front of us nobles, you, a pariah, have a place to stand, you should feel very honored!"

His voice was full of contempt and disdain for Chen Feng.

They sat and let Chen Feng stand, making it clear that they were humiliating Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smiled and looked at him, and said softly: "Prince Wang, right? Very unfortunate, I have a problem with this person."

Wang Chiyuan was taken aback: "What's wrong?"

Chen Feng smiled coldly: "That is, whoever dares to take my position, I will let him use his life to exchange it!"

After speaking, Chen Feng smiled coldly and took five palms one after another.

Boom boom boom, shoot at the five guards, and the five guards quickly resisted, but are they Chen Feng's opponents?

Bang Bang Bang, they were directly hit by Chen Feng, and the five of them exploded immediately, leaving no flesh.

Then Chen Feng flicked his sleeves, and a headwind blew directly away the blood mist.

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