Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1440: Breakthrough, the fourth level!

With the rotation of the inner alchemy, a vortex appeared on it, and an extremely huge suction force came, instantly absorbing these true essences outside Chen Feng.

Then he wasn't satisfied, just like a long whale sucking water, the suction power went directly to Chen Feng's dantian.

Suddenly, the true essence in Chen Feng's dantian was not under his control at all, rushing out frantically, and was absorbed by the inner alchemy.

Chen Feng was overjoyed: "The Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Arts are really mysterious, and they can still be used like this!"

Chen Feng stopped thinking about it, and quickly held his breath and began to practice quietly, extracting the true essence from his body.

Then, without even having to do it himself, the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art directly sucked this true essence into the inner alchemy.

The speed of absorption is getting faster and faster, and the inner alchemy seems to be turned into a bottomless pit, devouring the true essence madly, even Chen Feng's remaining true essence rushes out of the dantian, forming a huge river.

In the air, there are sounds of surging rivers.

Chen Feng sat cross-legged like this. I don't know how long it took. Finally, the inner alchemy suddenly made a light click, and then it spun backwards.

The inner alchemy no longer absorbed any true essence inside, and from the inner alchemy, a light blue cloud sprayed out.

The first martial art **** Gang finally appeared.

These martial arts gods rushed directly into Chen Feng's dantian, and then I saw that in Chen Feng's dantian, a Tianhe appeared out of thin air.

This Tianhe is a verdant color that hangs in the air and is extremely beautiful.

In the Tianhe, what flows is not river water, nor is it liquid true essence, but something like cyan starlight.

These cyan starlights, between the liquid state and the solid state, are very condensed, and the aura emanating from them is extremely huge.

Chen Feng took a breath: "Is this the martial arts god?"

He carefully felt the breath coming from the martial arts gods, and said in surprise: "The strength and purity of the martial arts gods is at least ten times that of true essence, extremely powerful and condensed!"

"Isn't it said that the condensed level of martial arts gods is only three times that of true essence? Why is mine so condensed?"

If I can't figure out Chen Feng, I don't want to, anyway, it is a good thing!

This hanging Tianhe is hanging in the air, if Chen Feng has realized, he knows that this is the martial art Tianhe of the martial arts powerhouse!

Chen Feng continued to practice, and time passed bit by bit, and the martial arts gods continuously poured out of the inner alchemy, and then merged into Chen Feng's martial arts sky.

The martial arts Tianhe in Chen Feng's dantian was originally only a dozen meters long, but now, it has been expanding and expanding, and it has become a full five hundred meters in length, which is extremely wide above the dantian.

I don't know how long it took, and there was a sudden bang, Chen Feng's dantian was trembling, and the walls of the dantian were so painful that they rapidly expanded outward.

After a long time, it stabilized.

Chen Feng's Dantian directly doubled, and Wudao Tianhe also doubled, becoming a thousand meters long!

Suddenly, with a bang, Chen Feng's inner alchemy suddenly shined.

The inner alchemy has not become larger, it is still the size of an egg, but the inner alchemy is more purely condensed, and the power emanating from it is even more powerful.

Chen Feng has actually broken through to the fourth realm of Martial King Realm!

Chen Feng was also awakened by this breakthrough. He suddenly stood up, then sighed softly, with a smile on his mouth.

"This retreat actually lasted for half a month, and half of the true essence in my body was transformed into a martial arts god!"

"Now, I have entered the middle stage of Martial Sovereign Realm!"

Chen Feng clenched his fists, feeling the surging power rushing in his body: "My current strength, when compared to the third level of the Martial Sovereign Realm, has increased by at least ten times! Because the condensed level of the martial arts gods is far beyond the true essence. !"

"But now, the martial arts gods are not all condensed, and it is not possible to practice the small vajra art, but after holding back here for so long, it is time to go out for a stroll."

Chen Feng left Longcheng Mansion and went to Wuyang City first, and met Luo Zilan and Zhong Yuxiu.

Chong Yuxiu enthusiastically took the initiative to leave, and went to the outer room, leaving space for them.

Chen Feng looked at Luo Zilan, hesitated to speak, and finally said, "Did the black-clothed old woman come to you again during this period?"

Luo Zilan smiled and said: "I knew you would ask like this. She did come again and persuaded me all afternoon."

Chen Feng asked quickly: "Then how did you answer?"

Luo Zilan's expression was extremely firm: "The same as before, without any changes, I won't be shaken in any way!"

Chen Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Luo Zilan was really too stubborn without persuading.

The two were tired and crooked for a while, Chen Feng went out, Zhong Yuxiu walked over immediately, looked at Chen Feng, and said, "Chen Feng, when will you help me avenge Yuwen's house?"

Chen Feng touched his nose and smiled bitterly: "You guy, you don't shy away from it at all, just say it straightforwardly."

Chong Yuxiu grinned and said, "What is there to conceal? Revenge against Yuwen's family is the condition you promised me. Besides, don't you and Yuwen's family also have hatred?"

Chen Feng nodded: "That's right."

There was a fierce murderous intent in his eyes: "People like Yuwen's family have already had a deep hatred with me. Don't worry, I will help you get rid of Yuwen's house soon."

"As long as my strength reaches a sufficient height, and this day is not far away."

After staying here for an afternoon, Chen Feng set off to the Valley of Life and Death, where he was going to see Shen Yanbing and Yue Yuanshan.

Soon, Chen Feng reached the Valley of Life and Death, only to find that there was no one in those huts, and from the center of the Valley of Life and Death, there were bursts of loud shouts!

When Chen Feng saw it, he saw that there were hundreds of people in the center of the Valley of Life and Death, a large area of ​​black and black, everyone should have gathered there.

Where Chen Feng walked slowly, silently, everyone did not notice.

When Chen Feng came there and looked inside, his eyes were suddenly split.

Among the crowd, the two are fighting.

One of them was Yue Yuanshan, while the other was Yun Buyu. Yue Yuanshan was obviously under the wind, he was already covered in blood, and there were many injuries on his body.

While the cloud is silent, the white clothes are fluttering, and the clothes are like snow, like a fairy.

Yun Buyu directly kicked Yue Yuanshan into the air. Yue Yuanshan lay on the ground, panting heavily. He was already seriously injured, trembling all over, and it was very difficult to even get up.

Yun Buyu glanced at him with disdain, and snorted coldly: "You trash, tell you, without Chen Feng, you would be nothing! You can't even take a single move from me!"

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