Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1439: you lose!

At this moment, Chen Feng laughed and said, "Don't bother Brother Zhou!"

Then he leaped into the air, and the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand slashed forward frantically.

Three thunderclouds suddenly formed, nine thunder pillars fiercely smashed down, fiercely bombarding the ninety-nine golden palm prints.

Bang Bang Bang Bang, a series of loud noises, nine thunder pillars directly pierced 99 palm prints.

These ninety-nine palm prints were blown to pieces one after another, and disappeared invisible, and after the ninety-nine palm prints were wiped out by nine thunder pillars, the remaining power was not exhausted, and it was a fierce bombardment on Sun Xiao. Body.

Sun Xiao didn't expect Chen Feng to have such a powerful move. He said in amazement: "My current strength after suppressing, absolutely can't take this move, maybe I will kill it directly!"

He gritted his teeth fiercely, his aura suddenly increased, and his strength was raised to the eighth level of the Martial Sovereign Realm. Only then could he easily crush the nine thunders directly after this move.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Brother Sun, you have improved your strength."

"you lose!"

Sun Xiao's face turned black and faceless, he glared at Chen Feng, and said coldly: "Chen Feng, you wait for me!"

With that, he turned around and was about to leave.

Chen Feng stared at him with a cold voice, and said, "Senior Brother Sun, are you going to leave like this? What about the bet? Keep the bet!"

Sun Xiao turned around, stared at Chen Feng, and said fiercely: "Little bastard, you still dare to bet on me? Believe it or not, I'll give you up!"

At this time, Zhou Yang spoke lightly beside him: "Junior Brother Sun, I was very disappointed by your performance today. Not only did you rely on the strong and bully the weak, but you also did not keep your word."

"If you dare not hand over the Little King Kong Art to Chen Feng, then I can only report it to Master Ming."

The expression on Sun Xiao's face was the same, he took a deep breath, pointed at Chen Feng, and said, "Okay, okay!"

Then he threw the jade slip in front of Chen Feng and turned to leave.

Chen Feng laughed and said, "Senior Brother Sun, go well! I won't give it away!"

After Sun Xiao left, Long Yuhui laughed, walked forward, patted Chen Feng's shoulder heavily, and said, "Chen Feng, I know you will not lose to him!"

"Your strength far exceeds your level!"

Then, he looked at the other Golden Dragon Guards and said, "How is it? Am I right?"

Those Jin Longwei looked at Chen Feng, all convinced.

One of the hearty guys even apologized and said: "Chen Feng, I just said something to look down on you, now I apologize to you!"

"You are very strong!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "It's nothing."

But he knew that only the strong can be respected.

This battle also completely changed Chen Feng's position in Zhou Yang's eyes. He now recognizes Chen Feng's strength and is quite confident that Chen Fengfeng will participate in the Big Four Houfu Competition.

After sending away Long Wu and others, Chen Feng returned to the training room, and then took the Little Diamond Technique in his hand and speculated carefully.

After reading the Little Diamond Technique, Chen Feng showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. It turns out that this Little Diamond Technique is a powerful technique for practicing martial arts!

The source of the martial artist's power, at a low level, is called Gang Qi.

If the realm is higher, it will be called true yuan.

When you reach the Martial King Realm, you will be called Shen Gang, Martial Dao Shen Gang.

After Chen Feng finished reading it, he realized what a big mistake he had made before.

He whispered to himself: "I was really stupid before. I have already reached the Martial Sovereign Realm. As a result, I still use True Yuan as the source of combat power. No wonder I feel that my combat effectiveness has not been significantly improved."

"This is really putting the cart before the horse. After reaching the Martial King Realm, it is already possible to transform the true essence into the Martial Dao God Gang. The reason why the inner alchemy is the source of power in the Martial King Realm is because it is necessary to transform the true essence into the Martial Dao God Gang. Only after the inner alchemy is tempered!"

Different martial artists have different attributes and different cultivation techniques, so their martial arts gods are also different.

Some martial arts gods are very powerful, and some are weak and pitiful, mainly based on the practice of heavy Yu cultivation, and this small vajra art is an extremely powerful ground-level fifth-rank practice.

"Practicing the Little King Kong Art, you can transform the martial arts gods into the power of Little King Kong!"

Chen Feng said excitedly: "Little King Kong is extremely powerful, and its strength is five times that of ordinary martial arts gods! Looking at the entire prefecture-level middle-level martial arts, the Little King Kong Art can be regarded as outstanding, and only some Only after the pre-level advanced exercises transform the martial arts gods can the strength be greater than this."

Wujun realm is divided into three levels, upper, middle and lower. The lower level of Wujun realm is strong, and the real element is the main one, and the martial gods are supplemented.

The medium powerhouse of Martial Sovereign Realm can already transform all true essence into martial arts gods.

"What I have to do now," Chen Feng took a slight breath and whispered to himself: "It is to start transforming the true essence, and strive to convert the true essence into the martial gods as soon as possible!"

"When all the true essences are transformed into the martial arts gods, my strength can be increased three times! Because the martial arts gods are three times as condensed!"

Chen Feng did what he thought of, and immediately began to sacrifice his true essence and transform it into a martial arts god.

He sat cross-legged in the circle, and then with a thought, an egg-sized inner alchemy appeared in front of him, which was extremely verdant and full of vitality and vitality.

On the inner core, the appearance of a little green dragon was engraved.

The inner alchemy is extremely energetic, circling around, and vitality is constantly pouring out of it.

At this moment, as the inner alchemy appeared, the bamboo around Chen Feng's yard suddenly rose up again, full of vitality.

In Chen Feng's ears, he seemed to hear the rustle of the night wind and the sound of bamboo, and he felt extremely peaceful for a while.

Then, the true essence in his body flowed out of the body along the meridians, and countless true essences gushed out, rotating around the inner alchemy, wanting to pour into it.

Chen Feng whispered to himself: "According to the experience of the predecessors, this step will be very difficult. The inner alchemy will instinctively shut out these true essences. If you want to transform the true essences into martial arts gods, you can only Instill in it little by little."

Chen Feng had prepared for a long time, but at this time, suddenly, the nine-yin and nine-yang magical arts in Chen Feng's body suddenly flew out of the body and came to the vicinity of the inner alchemy.

The nine-yin and nine-yang magic arts are in Chen Feng's dantian, covering the entire sky, occupying a large area, but now it has become very compact, only the size of a palm.

After coming to the side of the inner alchemy, its body shrank further, and finally shrank to the size of the inner alchemy.

Then swish, and entered the inner alchemy. Suddenly, on the inner alchemy, a small whirlpool pattern formed.

Then the next moment, the inner alchemy spun quickly.

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