Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1421: The road is uneven!

Upon entering the dantian, Chen Feng was shocked. It turned out that Chen Feng's dantian had completely changed at this time.

The ocean of true essence has disappeared, and at the bottom of the dantian is a golden spring spring water gurgling out of it, directly connected to the golden lotus at the top.

And the inner alchemy is suspended in the golden spring water that penetrates the heaven and earth.

This is the bridge between heaven and earth!

A steady stream of true essence surged out from the golden spring, poured into the golden lotus overhead, and then made a cycle, so endlessly.

The inner alchemy was floating in it, and even if Chen Feng didn't deliberately cultivate, there was still a lot of true essence pouring into it.

With the passage of the bridge between heaven and earth, life is endless, letting the inner alchemy continue to grow.

Chen Feng was very pleasantly surprised. The bridge between heaven and earth was connected. It was indeed a rare vision. Even if he did not practice, his inner alchemy would continue to grow and improve.

And the cyclone of the nine-yin and nine-yang divine art is actively absorbing the extinction power in the valley of life and death on one side, transforming it into true essence, merging into the golden spring, and continuously expanding the inner alchemy.

Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner. After Chen Feng broke into the Martial Sovereign Realm, without the previous restrictions, he could finally progress by leaps and bounds.

Although he does not have a martial soul, his strength is still very fast, and Chen Feng is looking forward to the day when his Azure Dragon Martial Soul returns.

At that time, the speed of cultivation will definitely increase greatly.

He came out from the state of introspection, and then opened the jade box. In the jade box, twenty Sanqing Qi Enhancing Pills were neatly placed.

"This is the Sanqing Qi-enhancing Pill that can be exchanged for a small city outside!"

Chen Feng let out a foul breath, his expression suddenly trance.

"I was struggling desperately in Qianyuanzong at the beginning, I'm afraid I never thought that one day I could reach the current state! This medicine can buy all the sects of the Aomori Mountains!"

Chen Feng opened his mouth and put a grain of Sanqing Qi Enhancing Dana into his mouth. Suddenly, the majestic aura poured into Chen Feng's body, and instantly entered Chen Feng's Dantian.

The reason why the Sanqing Qi-enhancing Pill is a high-grade pill is not only because the spiritual energy contained in it is extremely large, but also because most of its spiritual power can be smoothly transformed into true essence.

The first-grade and second-grade pill, it is good that one-tenth of its medicinal power can be absorbed by the person who swallows it, and the Sanqing Qiqi Pill allows the swallower to absorb 50% of the medicinal power of the pill.

The spiritual power of the Sanqing Qi Enhancing Pill was vast and majestic, and Chen Feng had absorbed it for a long time before he had absorbed it.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he realized that five days had already passed.

For the next month, Chen Feng practiced in retreat every day. One month later, his strength had already climbed to the peak of the third level of the Martial King Realm, only one step away from the fourth level of the Martial King Realm.

And Chen Feng had been cultivating tightly for a whole month, so he decided to go out and relax for himself, so as not to be too stressed, and the effect of cultivation would not be good.

Every other month, people in the Valley of Life and Death can take the Dragon Head Flying Boat to Wuyang City. This is also a chance for them to rest in the Dragon God Mansion. Every other month, Dragon Head Flying Boat will come to pick up people.

Today is the time.

Chen Feng opened the door of the pavilion and strode away. The dragon head flying boat just fell.

An hour later, Chen Feng had already arrived in Wuyang City.

Wuyang City is extremely large, the city walls are so high that the guards at the city gate are all nine-level masters of Soul Condensation.

Stepping into it, the streets are extremely wide, and the two sides are extremely prosperous, with very tall pavilions, and the streets are all made of white marble.

What surprised Chen Feng was that the street was divided into two layers, inside and outside, separated by red-painted railings.

Most of the people walking on the outer layer are in civilian attire, while those walking on the inner layer are all luxurious car wheels. Occasionally, the curtains are opened when the wind blows, and you can see the luxuriously dressed people sitting inside.

Chen Feng was a little surprised, so he strode towards the inner road. He was about to walk there when suddenly two tall, iron-clad guards stood in front of him, and said without a smile: "Untouchables, go over there!"

"This road is specially prepared for nobles, are you worthy to walk on it?"

Chen Feng's eyes were full of anger, and his fists were clenched, but he did not act impulsively, just took a deep breath and walked to the outer street.

It took an hour before Chen Feng knew what the reason was.

It turned out that in Wuyang City, the capital of the Great Qin Emperor, the division between nobles and common people was extremely serious, much more serious than Qingzhou.

Those nobles in Qingzhou looked down on civilians very much and regarded them as untouchables. In Wuyang City, these nobles didn't even regard the civilians as human beings, and even felt that the civilians walked their way, which was a kind of defilement to them.

Therefore, the way they walk is separated from the way civilians walk, and the area where they live is also separated from the area where civilians live, and even civilians cannot look at them directly.

Chen Feng is already full of anger!

Chen Feng had just turned a street corner when he heard a scream in front of him, followed by the sound of the whip slamming on his body, and a series of howls pleading for pain.

Chen Feng walked quickly and saw a middle-aged man dressed as a commoner. He was kneeling on the ground, holding his head and howling in pain, crying and begging for mercy.

And beside him, a man with luxurious clothes and the appearance of a housekeeper slammed his body with a whip, and when the whip fell, a deep bloodstain appeared, blood and flesh were flying, and his clothes were all shattered.

The civilian's strength is not low, and Chen Feng can see that he is at least a master of Soul Concentration.

The butler next to him was not as strong as him, but the commoner did not dare to resist, so he could only hold his head and beg.

Beside, a luxurious car was parked there. A young woman in her twenties, dressed in luxurious clothes, looked at the middle-aged man with a cold expression and said coldly:

"You dared to bump into my car, so I was frightened, and all the nine tribes of you are light!"

He shouted sternly: "Steward Wang, beat me, kill me!"

"Obviously!" The steward Wang complied proudly, gave the middle-aged man a fierce look, and said with a cold voice: "You should die if you dare to bump into my lady's car wheel!"

The whip was slashed, and after dozens of lashes, the middle-aged man was dying, covered in blood, without a piece of good meat.

He twitched a few times, as if he wanted to resist, and at this time, the Mingyan girl coldly said: "If you die, I won't pursue your family, and if you dare to resist, I will kill you nine clans. , Do you believe it or not?"

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