Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1420: I just deceived people too much!

Chen Feng walked up to Yunbuyu, looked down at him, smiled slightly, and said: "Yunbuyu, now it seems that I am the true pride of heaven? It seems that I am the one who has unlimited future achievements!"

"The gap between you and me will only get bigger and bigger. In the future, you can only look to me."

These words were said by Yun Buyu to Chen Feng in front of the hall yesterday, and at this time, Chen Feng returned all these words.

After speaking, Chen Feng laughed, his heart was very refreshing, and he let out a bad breath.

Yun Buyu showed extreme shame on his face, ashamed that he almost wanted to commit suicide.

He lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Chen Feng, but the resentment in his eyes seemed to be condensed.

Without even looking at him, Chen Feng turned to the two Golden Dragon Guards and said, "Two big brothers, I don't know what the Master has sent you to give me?"

His attitude was very kind. The two Golden Dragon Guards smiled slightly, and one of them handed Chen Feng a huge jade box, and said: "There are twenty six-grade pill, Sanqing Qi Pill."

"What? Twenty Sanqing Qi-enhancing Pills?" Everyone was even more envious after listening.

This kind of pill is extremely precious, even if he is the top ten master, he can only get one one a month, but Chen Feng unexpectedly got twenty.

The Jinlongwei smiled and said: "Hou Ye said, your realm is still a bit low now, just take some Sanqing Qiqi Pills to help you improve your strength as soon as possible, in order to prepare for the future four major Houfu competition."

A warm current surged in Chen Feng's heart, and said, "Thank you two, and please tell Master Hou, the disciples will remember."

The two Golden Dragon Guards nodded.

"By the way, there is one more thing, the Lord Long Shen Hou ordered us to pass it to you."

One of the Golden Dragon Guards took out a kit from his arms and held it to Chen Feng with both hands very respectfully, as if the contents of the kit were extremely precious.

Chen Feng opened it and saw that there was a token in the kit.

This token is made of a very rare metal. The whole body is black and almost translucent. In the token, a five-clawed golden dragon undulates like a living thing, constantly wandering inside.

The Golden Dragon Guard said: "This is the Five Claw Golden Dragon Order of the Dragon God Mansion."

"The Five-Claw Golden Dragon Order is the symbol of the Dragon God Hou Mansion. Seeing this token, if you see Lord Hou, you will have this token in the future. It will be very convenient to deal with people."

One of the Golden Dragon Guards lowered his voice and said, "There are only five Five-Claw Golden Dragon Orders in the entire Great Qin Kingdom. You are one of them, cherish it, and don't let Master Hou live up to your expectations."

Chen Feng was moved in his heart and whispered: "Chen Feng must live up to expectations."

Two lives Jinlongwei bid farewell.

Looking at Yunbuyu, Chen Feng suddenly stepped on him, and said with a cold voice: "Yunbuyu, I warn you, you will be honest with me in the future, otherwise I will dispose of you."

As he said, he turned and left, only Yun Buyu was trembling, but he dared not say a word of resistance.

Not long after the two Golden Dragon Guards left, another dragon head flying boat came here, and then hundreds of craftsmen walked down from above, led by a Golden Dragon Guard.

With the order of the Golden Dragon Guard, hundreds of craftsmen quickly built ten more pavilions in the center of the Valley of Life and Death.

Chen Feng strode directly into the tallest and most luxurious palace. This palace was the first pavilion, representing the residence of the strongest man in the valley of life and death.

Only the number one master here can enter the master. Chen Feng slowly climbed up the steps, pushed the door and entered, then turned around, smiled and looked at everyone, and said softly, "Do you have any opinions?"

Everyone was silent, looking at Chen Fengfeng in awe, no one dared to say a word, they dare not have any opinions!

Chen Feng smiled slightly, then turned around and walked in, closing the door with a bang.

Yun Buyu glanced at Chen Feng with bitterness and deep resentment, his eyes showed unwillingness, but he did not dare to resist in any way, he did not dare to say a word of unnecessary nonsense.

Because he knew that if he said one more thing, Chen Feng would really dare to kill him.

He struggled to stand up, came to the second pavilion, opened the door and went in, taking it for granted.

In his opinion, even if he is not better than Chen Feng, he is also the second master in the valley of life and death. There is no problem in occupying the second pavilion, as everyone else thinks.

But at this moment, suddenly the door of the first pavilion was pushed open with a bang. Chen Feng walked out of it, he looked at Yunbuyu, and said lightly: "Yunbuyu, get out!"

"What do you mean?" After Yunbuyu heard it, he was shocked, looked at Chen Feng and roared angrily.

"This is my pavilion, why do you let me get out?"

Chen Feng said coldly: "I don't want to repeat it a second time, I'll say one more thing to get out, will you get out?"

His volume suddenly rose, and with a violent roar, Yun Buyu trembled with fright, and quickly retreated from the second pavilion.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "I have also taken the second pavilion."

Yun Buyu glanced at him angrily, gritted his teeth and swallowed the bad breath, and then walked to the third pavilion. He had just opened the door of the third building when suddenly Chen Feng's voice came again: " This pavilion is not yours either!"

Yun Buyu was furious, and turned around and shouted: "Chen Feng, what do you want? You are deceiving too much!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "I just deceived people too much, so what can you do?"

With that, he slashed out in a volley, and the Dragon Sword slashed over.

Yun Buyu was cut and flew several tens of meters away, and fell heavily to the ground, spurting blood.

Chen Feng smiled and looked at him and said, "I said, I don't want to listen to any nonsense from you anymore. Since you don't want to quit, then I will let you get out!"

"You!" Yun Buyu pointed at Chen Feng, shaking all over, so angry that he couldn't say a word.

Chen Feng smiled slightly and said to Yue Yuanshan and Shen Yanbing: "These two pavilions belong to you two."

Then, he looked at the crowd and said proudly: "Whoever is not convinced can challenge them. I know that according to the rules, you can challenge them both, but I will leave Chen Feng's words here. Who dares to challenge them? I will definitely make you regret it!"

Everyone was awe-inspiring, and no one thought Chen Feng was joking, and he would do it if he said it.

Chen Feng turned around and entered the pavilion, but did not even look at the clouds without saying a word. Yue Yuanshan and Shen Yanbing also entered their pavilion and began to practice.

Chen Feng sat cross-legged in the pavilion, looking inwardly at his dantian, and soon entered a state of tranquility.

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