Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1416: Shooting arrows!

Chen Feng said: "The students have already sworn an oath before, except for my first master, Yan Qingyu, I will not kneel."

Dragon God Hou laughed: "Well, you can be considered filial, I won't force you."

Chen Feng thanked him.

Long Shenhou said, "Isn't the earth-level martial art you got taken apart yet?"

Chen Feng nodded.

Dragon God Hou smiled: "This is a great gift. Even if it is the meeting gift I gave you, it stands to reason that you have already been apprentices, and I should give you some more good things, but this martial art will be enough for you to practice for a while. After you figure him out thoroughly, I will teach you other things."

Chen Feng nodded, said a few more words, and left.

After Chen Feng left the hall, Long Wu said to Chen Feng: "You can stay in the Dragon God Mansion for one night, and I will send you back to the Valley of Life and Death tomorrow."

Chen Feng nodded: "Okay."

In fact, he didn't want to leave the valley of life and death, because the extinct power in the valley of life and death had a great effect on his cultivation, and he had now broken through the Martial Sovereign realm and could be upgraded continuously, unlike before.

Therefore, Chen Feng wanted to return to the Valley of Life and Death as soon as possible to practice as soon as possible, but it was quite a good thing to be able to stay in the Dragon God Mansion for one night.

Chen Feng also wanted to see what kind of martial arts he had drawn! According to Long Shenhou, this martial skill should be very good.

Long Wu general Chen Feng led to a quiet small courtyard, and then retired.

Chen Feng closed the door and couldn't wait to open the jade box, which turned out to be a jade slip.

After Chen Feng saw it, he was stunned. It was the first time he saw a secret book using jade slips to record martial arts, and he secretly said: "I think, the higher the level of the secret book, the higher the grade of the things used to record."

"In the beginning it was bamboo slips, books, then sheepskin scrolls, and now it is jade slips."

Chen Feng looked forward to picking up the two-foot-long jade slip, and then looking up, the four big characters came into his eyes: shooting the sun and arrow!

"Arrow shooting from the sun? This turned out to be an arrow method?" Chen Feng was shocked, and then the next moment, the shock turned into ecstasy.

The arrow technique is the rarest among all martial arts. Because the arrow technique can be extremely far away, it is much more powerful than the general martial arts used with other weapons of the same level.

Therefore it is much more precious.

People with arrow spirits are also quite rare. Up to now, Chen Feng seems to have only seen no more than three people possess arrow spirits!

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "Shooting the sun is an arrow technique. The tone of this arrow is really big enough. It's actually called shooting the sun!"

Chen Feng then looked down. The jade slips were densely written with no traces of numbers, and every handwriting was flashing with weird light.

After Chen Feng glanced there, he found that he couldn't read the writing on it at all, but it was blurred, and his eyes hurt.

Chen Feng was not surprised and rejoiced. The ability to have such a powerful effect shows that this sun-shooting arrow method is really extraordinary. He quickly picked up the real yuan and looked again. Only then did he see clearly.

On the jade slip, thousands of words were eloquent, Chen Feng took a deep breath after reading it, and there was an unstoppable ecstasy in his eyes.

"This shooting arrow is so powerful!"

It turns out that the arrow shooting method is an earth-level fourth-grade martial art, but in fact, its power is not even weaker than other weapons' earth-level fifth-grade!

Because the attack range of the shooting arrow method is really terrifying, generally speaking. The attack range of the prefecture-level martial arts is between 800 and 1,000 meters. As the martial artist's strength gets higher and higher, the attack range of the martial arts becomes larger.

Because the higher the martial artist's strength, the faster the speed, if the attack range is too small, before there is time to make a move, the opponent has already flashed to the front, and it will be extremely passive.

Therefore, the attack range of the prefecture-level martial arts is relatively large, but its limit is only about one kilometer. The shooting method of the sun is not the case.

As long as the arrow shooting method is slightly successful, and a single arrow shoots out, it is enough to shoot three kilometers away, directly three kilometers away, and kill the enemy.

And if you practice shooting the sun to the extreme, you can shoot an arrow so sharply, you can even kill the enemy from 10,000 meters away.

What a terrifying distance is this?

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he said softly: "My Tianlong Step, compared to my strength, is already very backward and has no effect. Now that I have the archery method of shooting the sun, it can make up for my long-range attack method. insufficient."

"From then on, the long-range attack has the sun shooting arrow, the mid-to-long range has the thunder broken star finger, and the thunder strikes the sky broken star at close range. In this way, my strength will be greatly improved!"

"This method of shooting the sun is really suitable for me."

"It's just, how should we practice?"

Chen Feng frowned and looked at it carefully, and his brows became deeper: "The sun-shooting arrow technique says that although the sun-shooting arrow technique is powerful, there is also a limitation. Used by people with arrow spirits."

"Because a person with an arrow spirit can directly condense into a sword of true essence and shoot outwards, while a person without an arrow spirit cannot do this at all."

"Could it be that I can't practice?"

However, Chen Feng was not depressed, but said boldly: "I, Chen Feng, still don't believe me, there is something I can't do in this world."

"No matter how many restrictions and no matter how difficult this shooting method is, I will definitely be able to practice it!"

With that said, Chen Feng began to close his eyes and concentrate, and according to the secret technique in the arrow method of shooting the sun, he began to control the true essence to wander.

The huge true essence in his body turned a few times along the hidden meridians, and then Chen Fengfeng suddenly felt a heat in the palm of his right arm, and then a rush of true essence formed directly in his palm.

This strand of true essence, about five feet long, extremely condensed, formed in the palm of his palm, and already became the appearance of a long arrow.

After the formation of this long arrow, Chen Fengfeng suddenly felt that his true essence was like the collapse of a dyke, and it was actually pouring out crazily.

Chen Feng was startled and wanted to stop it, but then he thought that this technique could not harm himself, so he allowed the true essence to flow outward.

Soon, a full one-third of the true essence in Chen Feng actually leaked out, and at this time, the arrow of true essence in Chen Feng's right palm had become extremely condensed, exuding a huge momentum. There is constant destructive power inside and out.

Chen Feng felt that this sword of true essence was extremely powerful, but at this moment he didn't know how to shoot it out.

Chen Feng tried to throw it out with a loud bang, and when it was thrown out, it was also very powerful, but it was only thrown out for a few hundred meters and could no longer move forward.

Chen Feng frowned: "This distance is too close."

(One more chapter in the evening)

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