Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1415: Within three months, I will kill him!

After speaking, he laughed and turned to leave.

Chen Feng finally saw Long Shenhou.

This was a tall and mighty middle-aged man in a purple robe. At this moment, he closed his eyes slightly.

Long Wu respectfully said: "Master Hou, Chen Feng has been brought here."

Long Shenhou didn't open his eyes either, he just raised his hand gently, and Long Wu respectfully left, just closing the door slammed.

Chen Feng felt that everything outside was isolated, and it seemed that there were only two people left between the world.

Dragon God Hou opened his eyes and looked at Chen Feng, and then he immediately said in his heart: "What happened just now is absolutely wrong, this person is obviously a very blessed person!"

When he looked at Chen Feng, there was already a look of horror: "In the fate of Chen Feng, Fukuzawa is extremely thin. I don't know what caused him to look like this."

"Furthermore, I just gave me the feeling that he seems to be rejected, and he is rejected by this world, by this world, so Fukuzawa is thin to the extreme, but there is a very powerful force in the world to give him back. Heaven changed his fate, and abruptly changed him from extremely thin to extremely heavy!"

"Just now, I sensed that power, but compared to that power, I was too far behind, but I was shocked to vomit blood after a tentative contact."

"What kind of existence is that? Is that existence changing his fate for him?"

At this time, Dragon God Hou was already horrified, he realized that Chen Feng was not simple.

Chen Feng respectfully said: "The disciple has seen Lord Hou Ye."

Dragon God Hou nodded faintly, and then suddenly asked: "Chen Feng, have you encountered any unusual changes in the past? Have you had any adventures?"

Chen Feng's heart jumped: "What does this mean? The adventures I have had are countless."

Before Long Shenhou waited for him to speak, he suddenly laughed, patted his head, and chuckled softly: "It's me who thinks a lot. I want to find out what happened to you before, but it seems unnecessary to think about it. You experienced it before. It has nothing to do with me."

"Well, you don't need to say."

Chen Feng was stunned, and he heard what the dragon **** was doing.

He hasn't reached such a powerful level yet, and he doesn't know that he has been changed his fate without realizing it.

Long Shen Hou smiled and said, "Chen Feng, before coming to see me, Long Wu must have told you a lot. This time, if I can fancy you, I can accept you as a closed disciple."

Chen Feng nodded, with a touch of excitement on his face, and said loudly, "The disciple begged Master Hou to accept me as a disciple."

Long Shenhou didn't speak, but carefully examined Chen Feng. Chen Feng felt that he was about to be seen through.

Long Shen Hou said: "If I am not mistaken, your martial soul has not yet responded, it is still a waste martial soul."

Chen Feng looked a little sad, but still nodded.

Dragon God Hou sighed: "Do you know that martial artists are bravely climbing high peaks, and their strength is constantly increasing. In fact, they are fighting against the world and the world, so they are bound to be rejected by the heavens!"

Chen Feng nodded: "I know this."

Long Shen Hou continued: "To break through the insulting martial emperor realm, a martial soul is necessary, because only with the protection of martial soul can we more or less reduce the rejection of heaven and earth."

"Your five souls are broken, but you can still break through to the Martial Sovereign Realm. This shows that your blood is so powerful that even the will of heaven cannot hold you down."

When Chen Feng heard this, he was grateful to Yan Qingyu in his heart.

"How powerful is the drop of dragon blood left by the master? After transforming my body, it can make my blood so strong?"

Long Shenhou continued: "Chen Feng, let me see your dantian."

Chen Feng took a deep breath, opened his defenses, and let Long Shenhou's consciousness invade his dantian.

After Long Shenhou entered Chen Feng's Dantian, he was immediately shocked. He saw the golden spring that pierced through the world and the blooming golden lotus.

After quitting, he immediately looked at Chen Feng in horror and said, "It turns out that the bridge between heaven and earth runs through? A martial artist like you will surely have limitless achievements in the future."

"The bridge between heaven and earth? What is the bridge between heaven and earth?" Chen Feng asked.

"So you don't know yet," Long Shenhou shook his head and said, "In your case, the golden spring surging through the top and bottom of the dantian, this is called the bridge between heaven and earth."

"With the bridge of heaven and earth. There will be a channel for spiritual flow, and your true essence will continue to flow from then on."

"Suppose, originally your strength, a powerful martial skill, you can only make one move, but now you can make three moves with a powerful martial skill."

"Even if your realm is not improved at all, but after the bridge of heaven and earth penetrates, your lasting combat effectiveness can be increased by three times."

He looked at Chen Feng, he was amazed, and said: "Your bridge between heaven and earth, among the warriors of the same realm, there may not be one out of 100,000."

"Chen Feng, you really surprised me."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Then Lord Hou can accept me as a closed disciple now?"

Long Shenhou said: "I don't want to accept you as a disciple now."

Chen Feng dumbly: "Why?"

Long Shenhou said: "When you were at the gate of the mansion just now, you also heard Shangguan Yunxiang say that three months later, it will be the time when the four great mansions are compared."

"Comparison of the four great mansions?" Chen Feng raised his brows and said, "I just heard him mention it, but I don't know the details."

The Dragon God Hou patiently explained: "The four great masters of the Great Qin State are Tongtian Hou, Dragon God Hou, Liyan Hou, and Zhenxi Hou!"

"At this season of each year, the Four Hou Mansions will have a big competition. Among the four Hou Mansions, the best young talents of the year will participate. You have also seen that Tongtian Hou Mansion will participate this year Master Xiaohou, Shangguan Yunxiang."

"How terrifying is his strength, you can feel it, he can even easily kill you with his aura."

"If you are to be my closed disciple, it means that you will grow to a level comparable to him in three months, otherwise," Long Shenhou looked at Chen Feng and said in a deep voice:

"You only have one ending, and that is death!"

"I give you a choice. You can choose not to be my closed disciple, and you don't have to participate in the competition."

Without any hesitation, Chen Feng said loudly, "Master Hou, don't think about it. I choose to be your closed disciple. I choose to participate in this competition."

Long Shenhou looked at Chen Feng in amazement and said, "Aren't you afraid?"

"There is nothing to be afraid of? I am confident that in three months, I can definitely grow into a strong like Shangguan Yunxiang, no, better than him!"

There was a cold murderous intent in his eyes, and he said, "Shangguan Yunxiang, so humiliated me, I must personally kill him to vent my hatred."

"If I can't do it, I just commit suicide, because if I am humiliated by him, I will become a demon, and my strength cannot be improved!"

The Dragon God Hou laughed loudly, his eyes showed relief, and said: "Okay, Chen Feng, I am very pleased that you have such a heart, then I will accept you as my last disciple!"

Chen Feng bowed deeply and said, "Thank you Lord Hou."

Dragon God Hou smiled and said, "Chen Feng, why don't you kneel?"

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