Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1413: Fuze Compass

Long Wu said angrily: "Shangguan Yunxiang. You are too much, let go of Chen Feng!"

Shangguan Yunxiang glanced at him disdainfully: "Dog minion, get out of the way!"

With that, Long Wu resisted with a punch, but his strength was also slightly weaker than Shangguan Yunxiang, and his fists intersected and stepped back ten steps before he stood firm.

The mighty Golden Dragon Guard is actually no match for Shangguan Yunxiang!

Shangguan Yunxiang laughed, as powerful as a **** of war.

For some reason, the voice of Dragon God Hou who had intervened before did not sound again this time, but let Shangguan Yunxiang humiliate him.

In Chen Feng's eyes, there was a strong look of resentment: "Long Shenhou is so unfair! Even sitting and watching me being humiliated by Shangguan Yunxiang!"

"It seems that no one can count on it. Only when one's own strength becomes strong enough can he not be insulted."

Shangguan Yunxiang stepped on Chen Feng’s face for a full cup of tea, and then he seemed to be happy, happy, and then smiled slightly and kicked Chen Feng fiercely, directly kicking Chen Feng crazy. Sprayed blood, flew out hundreds of meters.

Chen Feng felt that his entire body's bones were broken into countless powder, and his internal organs were shaken and shifted, falling heavily to the ground, and did not get up for a long time.

Shangguan Yunxiang laughed and turned to leave. Chen Feng struggled to raise his head and saw a murderous intent in his eyes: "Shangguan Yunxiang, I will kill you!"

Long Wu walked over and said softly, "Master Hou did not say to help you just now. Don't resent your heart. Master Hou must have his consideration."

Chen Feng slowly shook his head and said, "Nothing."

He had already taken this matter lightly at this time, everything still depends on himself, or he has his own strength, others can't count on it.

Long Wu ejected a pill. After swallowing it, although Chen Feng's internal injuries were not healed, this sixth-grade pill also emitted bursts of warmth, healing part of Chen Feng's injuries, at least so that he could I walked around, instead of being hard to move because of serious injuries.

Long Wu took Chen Feng into the Longshenhou's mansion, went all the way, crossed countless palaces, and finally stopped in front of a large hall that was several hundred feet high.

This hall was shining brightly under the setting sun. After Chen Feng looked at it, he was shocked. It turned out that the hall was made of metal.

This is a kind of weird brass-colored metal that looks extremely strong. The entire pavilion was cast into the shape of an angry dragon roaring upward, and it was divided into three floors.

Long Wu smiled and said: "This pavilion is the Battle Dragon Pavilion. The whole body is made of bronze and profound gold. It is extremely strong, and even the offensive of the Martial King realm cannot cause any damage to it."

"In the Battle Dragon Pavilion, we collected the most powerful martial arts in the Dragon God Mansion. Even in the entire Great Qin Kingdom, no one would dare to say that they were second when the Battle Dragon Pavilion said third. There is only one richer place."

Chen Feng raised his brows and asked, "But the Great Qin Palace?"

"That's right, it is the Star Picking Tower in the Great Qin Palace. Apart from the Star Picking Tower, Zhanlong Pavilion is the number one!"

The front of the Zhanlong Pavilion was unguarded, but as soon as Chen Feng and Long Wu entered here, Chen Feng felt an extremely harsh murderous intent coming out from the side of the Zhanlong Pavilion.

Chen Feng immediately shivered all over his body. He saw that beside the Zhanlong Pavilion, there were twelve huge metal statues erected impressively, each of which was hundreds of meters high and looked down on Chen Feng.

At this time, Chen Feng saw that in the eyes of two of the statues, bursts of human-like brilliance were revealed, and the two rays of light were like substance, piercing hundreds of meters of sky.

This biting light came through directly and glanced at Chen Feng, making Chen Feng feel that he had nowhere to hide and was easily seen through.

Chen Feng was shocked. The strength of each of these twelve statues was extremely powerful. Chen Feng felt that even if he was not injured, if the statue was hit with a punch, he would not be able to bear it. Smashed to pieces.

Long Wu smiled slightly next to him, and said, "Don't panic, these twelve statues were placed in front of the Dragon Pavilion by the ancestors of the Dragon God Mansion."

"Each statue has the strength of the peak of Martial Sovereign Realm, and it is normal for you to be afraid."

He took out a card from his arms and said to Chen Feng: "This kind of card, as long as the twelve-headed statue's eyes are scanned, you can enter the Dragon Pavilion, but each card can only be used once."

"Do you know that this card is invaluable! As long as you hold this card, you can enter the Battle Dragon Pavilion once, and even a county city outside can't get such a card!"

He was about to show the card to the statue. Suddenly, the statue's gaze at Chen Feng suddenly softened.

Then, with a glance, he disappeared directly, and the door of the Zhanlong Pavilion opened directly.

Long Wu looked at this scene with a stunned expression on his face, and said, "Why? Why did the gate of Zhanlong Pavilion opened by itself before I showed my card?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "It seems that they seem to welcome me."

Long Wu shook his head, and muttered in his heart: "This kid's blood is indeed extraordinary."

After entering the Zhanlong Pavilion, it was a large hall with a height of over a hundred meters and densely packed bookshelves on both sides, and on the bookshelves were books full of various secret books.

Chen Feng took out a cheat book casually and held it in his hand. This cheat book was unexpectedly a fifth-rank mysterious level, extremely old, and it looked like it was some years old.

Chen Feng turned it over and found that the power of the cheat book is very powerful, even if it is placed in a place like Ziyang Sword Field, it is enough to be treasured as a treasure.

But at this time, it was placed on the bottom layer like throwing garbage, and it was even covered with dust, which shows that no one has taken care of it for many years.

He glanced roughly, and there were four huge bookshelves on the first floor alone, and there were hundreds of thousands of books of various martial arts and techniques, and it was like a sea of ​​smoke.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, and the foundation of the Dragon God Mansion was too profound.

Long Wu smiled and said, "Not here, behind."

With that said, he took Chen Feng through the hall, went straight to the second floor, and came to a hidden secret room.

In the middle of the chamber, there is a huge metal compass. In the middle of the compass, there is a pointer. At this moment, the pointer faces the sky and does not point to any side of the compass.

Walking to the compass, Long Wu looked at Chen Feng's face with curiosity, smiled and said, "This compass is the famous Fuze compass in the Dragon God Mansion."

"Fuze Compass?" Chen Feng whispered these four words.

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