Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1412: Extreme humiliation

Shangguan Yunxiang looked down at Chen Feng in a condescending posture, and then stared at Long Wu again. A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the laughter was full of disdain.

He said with a manly voice: "Long Wu, who is this person you brought back to Dragon God Mansion?"

Long Wu said neither overbearing nor overbearing: "If you go back to Master Hou, this is the winner of this year's Valley of Life and Death. I will bring him to see Master Hou and go to the Dragon Pavilion to choose a martial skill."

"Oh? He is the winner of this year's valley of life and death?" Shangguan Yunxiang was taken aback after listening, and then burst into a burst of disdainful laughter.

He leaned forward and closed with a laugh, and tears were about to come out.

Chen Feng looked at him with anger rising in his heart, and said lightly: "Master Xiaohou, is this incident so ridiculous?"

"Of course it's ridiculous!" Shangguan Yunxiang said intermittently: "A piece of trash that is not in the Martial Sovereign realm, can it become a winner in the valley of life and death? It is also known as the opportunity of a disciple of Dragon God Hou."

"Are you all young people in Dragon God Mansion dead? You sent such a trash out?"

Chen Feng looked at him with cold eyes and said nothing.

Long Wu said lightly: "Master Xiaohou, this is a private matter of our Dragon God Hou Mansion. It seems that you are not qualified to interfere yet?

"You're a real slave, so courageous! You dare to talk to me like this?" Shangguan Yunxiang was already laughing. At this time, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared without a trace. He stared at Longwu and said in a cold voice:

"You have to recognize your identity, you are just a humble slave, what kind of thing? I am the young master of the dignified mansion, and my identity is ten thousand times more noble than you!"

"You!" Long Wu trembled, his face flushed, and anger rose in his eyes!

"And you," Shangguan Yunxiang looked at Chen Feng, pointed at him, condescendingly, and said in a very arrogant attitude: "You untouchable, when I think about three months later I will compete with you, I will Feel ashamed."

"Who am I? I am a dignified little Hou Ye. I am one of the four great lords of the Great Qin Kingdom in the future, the prince of Tongtian Hou, and you are in heaven and underground.

"Are you like someone worthy to compete with me? What a joke!"

Then he said again: "You are only the third level of Martial King Realm, and I have reached the seventh level of Martial King Realm, and your strength is far from mine!"

In the end, he laughed and said disdainfully: "You only have one Martial Spirit, and it is very broken. This is the third huge gap between you and me!"

"So, what are you?" He pointed to Chen Feng and said arrogantly!

Chen Feng looked at him with cold eyes.

That's right, this Shangguan Yunxiang was born in Tongtianhoufu, and his status is honorable.

His strength is very powerful, he has reached the seventh level of Martial Sovereign Realm, that's right!

However, this is not the reason why he can look down on Chen Feng.

In Chen Feng's heart, a voice snarled frantically: "Shangguan Yunxiang, right? You will definitely pay for what you say, no one can look down on me!"

"Since you dare to speak out, you have to pay your blood for it!"

At this time, Shangguan Yunxiang laughed triumphantly.

Suddenly, he said loudly towards the Dragon God Hou’s mansion, “Dragon God Hou, are you planning to send such a martial arts soul with only one martial spirit in three months, and this martial soul is still broken to fight us?”

"Then I will be too disappointed. When the time comes, you Dragon God Hou Mansion, but there is no chance at all!"

His voice was extremely mad, he looked down on Chen Feng at all, and completely regarded Chen Feng as nothing.

At this time, from the depths of the Dragon God Hou Mansion, a huge voice suddenly came out, his voice cold: "Boy is rude!"

Then I saw the clouds in the sky suddenly condensed, and then condensed into a huge palm print, slamming towards Shangguan Yunxiang.

Shangguan Yunxiang's face changed drastically, and he played several powerful moves one after another, each of which was a tertiary third-rank or above martial skill, very tyrannical.

But it was useless. These offensives were easily smashed by the huge palm prints, and then the huge palm prints slammed his face fiercely.

Shangguan Yunxiang let out a muffled snort. The whole person was slapped in the air a dozen times and fell heavily on the ground. A mouthful of blood mixed with broken teeth spurted out, his face was swollen into a pig's head, his neck almost All to be interrupted!

The magnificent voice came again: "It's rude, you should slap your mouth!"

Shangguan Yunxiang showed an extremely resentful look on his face and glared at the depths of the Dragon God Mansion.

He thought that no one could see his eyes, but the magnificent voice in the Dragon God Mansion came with a hint of joking: "I dare to look like this, do you still want to be slapped?"

Shangguan Yunxiang trembled, with a look of fear on his face. He dared to be arrogant in front of Chen Feng, but at this time, the person speaking, the Dragon God Hou, was an existence he could not provoke at all!

So, he quickly turned around and shouted: "Go, let's go!"

The huge chariot slowly started. Before he left, he glanced at Chen Feng, pointed at Chen Feng, and said extremely arrogantly and provocatively: "Untouchables, I am waiting for you in the Big Four Houfu Competition in three months!"

"At that time, I will definitely make you lose miserably, and let your Dragon God Hou Mansion lose face!"

With that, his coercion was overwhelmingly suppressed. At this time, he was the seventh peak of the Martial King realm, while Chen Feng was only the third high of the Martial King realm. He was four realms higher than Chen Feng.

What's more, he is also extremely powerful among the warriors of the same level.

This momentum was drastically depressed, making Chen Feng almost unable to breathe. Chen Feng felt as if a mountain was pressed on his shoulders, and he could hardly help kneel to the ground.

Chen Feng gritted his teeth and shouted angrily: "Want me to kneel? You are dreaming!"

Shangguan Yunxiang laughed loudly: "Really? I want to see how hard your bones are!"

With that said, the power has increased again!

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang, the bones on Chen Feng's body burst, hundreds of bones were directly crushed and fell to the ground heavily.

Then, this momentum suddenly became even greater, and there was a howling sound in the air, like a thunderstorm.

Shangguan Yunxiang suddenly jumped from the pavilion and slammed his foot on Chen Feng's back.

With a loud explosion, Chen Feng exploded a big pit under him, and his entire body was stepped into the mud and dust.

Then, Shangguan Yunxiang's feet moved to Chen Feng's face, and he smashed Chen Feng's face severely, stepping Chen Feng into the dust.

He smiled grimly: "Have you seen it? Untouchables, this is your fate!"

"You are in front of me in this life, you can only lie on the ground, like a dog, I stepped your face into the mud!"

"And you don't have any ability to resist at all!"

"Are you very angry now? Do you want to kill me now? But unfortunately, you can't do it at all because your strength is too humble! Hahahaha..."

He laughed loudly and proudly.

Chen Feng was extremely humiliated!

In Chen Feng's heart, it seemed that something exploded, his eyes became blood red, and anger rose from him.

He wanted to shout crazy and resist, but he couldn't do it.

At this time, Chen Feng once again deeply realized that strength is everything. Without strength, he can only be humiliated at will!

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