Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1376: Grace!

Qing Wudi looked at him and said coldly: "I don't need you to remember my affection!"

Chen Feng yelled in disbelief, "King Qingjun? Why is this?"

Qing Wudi suddenly turned around, glared at him, and coldly shouted: "You still have a face to say? Look at you, what magic skills are you practicing?"

"What I practice is magic power?" Chen Feng finally knew why Qing Wudi would do this. He shouted: "King Qingjun, you say that, it doesn't make sense at all!"

"There is no righteous way or evil way in the exercise method. There are righteous ways and evil ways. The righteous gentleman can also punish the evil and promote the good by using the evil way. Those who have an unrighteous temperament, even if they use an upright method, will be He used it to kill and was used by him to do evil!"

Qing Wudi shook his head, stared at Chen Feng, and said word by word, "In the eyes of my Qing Wudi, if you practice magic skills, you are outside the evil spirit!"

"You **** it!"

His voice was extremely cold and his expression was firm.

Obviously, this is what he believes in his heart, and he insists on it.

In his opinion, this is the right thing.

Chen Feng shook his head, an extremely absurd feeling surged up.

Qing Wudi is really terrifying stubbornness!

Yong Changxi stepped forward, looked at Cheng Feng with a smirk, and said hehe, "Chen Feng, don't worry, after returning to Yongzhou, I will take care of you."

As he said, he grabbed Chen Feng.

At this moment, Qing Wudi was beside him, without any intention to intervene at all, standing by and looking cold.

A great resentment surged in Chen Fengfeng's heart. He suddenly pulled a piece from his sleeve and threw it heavily on the ground. He said loudly, "King Qingjun, today I and you, I will cut off justice!"

"From now on, you and I have nothing to do with each other, but you can rest assured that I will definitely pay back the kindness I had before!"

The sound is decisive.

Everyone was stunned, and Qing Wudi's eyes flashed a touch of sadness, but he still pressed his lips, his expression was extremely determined!

Chen Feng showed a sorrowful smile, shook his head, and stopped talking.

Yue Yuanshan shouted: "Stop!"

He strode out and came to the front of Qing Wudi, and suddenly fell to his knees heavily, begging: "King Qingjun, please save Chen Feng's life!"

"You are the honorary dean of the Crazy Battle Academy. After all, Chen Feng is also a student of the Crazy Battle Academy. Please, I must save him!"

Cao Changgeng, the dean of the Kuangzhan Academy, also walked up to Qing Wudi, his voice hoarse and trembling: "Master County, I have not begged you for so many years."

"But today, the old man begs you, save Chen Feng, don't let him be taken away by Yong Changxi, otherwise, he will definitely end up miserably!"

A warm current surged in Chen Feng's heart. No matter how hostile others were to him, at least the two of them had not changed themselves.

As if he hadn't heard it, Qin Wudi pursed his lips and said nothing, his expression resolute, he didn't mean to save Chen Feng at all.

Chen Feng said coldly: "Two, you don't have to beg him anymore. I would rather be taken away by Yong Changxi than beg him!"

Yong Changxi laughed loudly: "You kid is hard-spirited, if that's the case, then let me go!"

After speaking, he grabbed Chen Feng.

But at this moment, suddenly, a rough and tyrannical voice came: "Yong Changxi, retract your dirty claw, otherwise, I don't mind cutting it off!"

The sound was like a muffled thunder, rolling in, a golden one, two red, three silhouettes flashed here quickly.

It looks like three lightning bolts!

Among them, the red figure was extremely rugged and tyrannical, coming violently, and directly blasted towards Yong Changxi.

Yong Changxi was already seriously injured at this time, and his strength was only 20% to 30% left. Feeling the powerful power in this punch, his complexion changed drastically.

Behind him, the great Asura Faxiang appeared again, waving the vajra, and slamming against the man fiercely.

The golden figure laughed loudly, blasted out his fists, and greeted the giant vajra like a hill without fear.

With a loud bang, the golden figure flew more than ten meters into the sky, landing lightly, without backing at all. Obviously, he just flew back just to relieve his strength, not his strength.

As for the Great Asura's Faxiang, he shook violently, and returned to Yong Changxi's body.

Yong Changxi let out a muffled snort, spouted blood again, and backed away again and again.

He looked at the golden figure, his eyes shrank suddenly, and he shouted in horror: "Why are you? Why are you here?"

The golden figure laughed loudly: "Fortunately we are here, otherwise, our people in the Dragon God Mansion will die in your hands!"

His face suddenly became fierce, staring at Yong Changxi, and said in a cold voice: "My people in the Dragon God Mansion, if you die in your hands, you will handle the consequences yourself!"

"What?" Yong Changxi was shocked and shouted in panic, "Chen Feng, is he from your Dragon God Mansion?"

The golden figure smiled slightly. At this time, two red figures came to him.

Everyone saw it clearly at this time. The three of them were all tall and tall. One of them was wearing a golden battle dragon armor. He was in his thirties and was extremely rough.

The other two, older than him, wore red dragon armor, but obviously, they were led by those wearing golden dragon armor.

The person wearing the golden battle dragon armor walked slowly towards Chen Feng. He looked at Chen Feng and said with a smile: "You are Chen Feng? Qingzhou Ziyang Sword Field Chen Feng?"

Chen Feng nodded slowly.

"That's right." The man in the golden armor smiled slightly and said: "I am one of the twelve golden dragon guards beside Dragon God Hou, Long Yuhui."

"Today, we are here to take you into the Dragon God Mansion by the order of the Dragon God Hou!"

"Take me into the Dragon Palace?" Chen Feng looked at them with calm eyes, but in his heart, there was already a stormy sea.

He had heard of the three words Dragon God Mansion, and it reminded him immediately of the conversation.

That was the dialogue between the people of Qingzhou Taishou's Mansion and the Qingjun King. The people of Dragon God's Mansion seemed to be looking for people who possessed Dragon Martial Spirit to bring them back to Dragon God's Mansion.

Moreover, the Dragon God Mansion is obviously extremely powerful! Even the emperor of the Great Qin Kingdom is so huge that he needs to send people everywhere to intercept and kill the people who possess the dragon spirit, in order to prevent them from joining the Dragon God Mansion and strengthen the power of the Dragon God Mansion!

Long Yuhui looked at Chen Feng and said, "Where is your Dragon Martial Soul? Release it. Let us take a look so that we can confirm your identity."

Chen Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Something happened a few days ago. In order to protect me, Dragon Wuhun attached to my body and issued a powerful blow, but he fell into a deep sleep."

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