Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1375: Can't believe it!

Suddenly, he roared, and golden light burst from his body.

Behind him, there seemed to be an extremely powerful, mighty, Jin Guanghaoran figure suddenly appeared.

That figure has completely condensed into substance, with blue-faced fangs, extremely vicious, and its muscles are knotted, looking very vicious.

But on him, golden light flickered, exuding bursts of sacred aura, and his hand was holding a huge magic pestle.

After Chen Feng watched it, his heart jumped.

Because of this phantom, he was very familiar with it, and this phantom was actually exactly the same as his great asura.

As far as Chen Feng is concerned, it has been a long time since the Great Asura's Faxiang.

The various powers he later obtained were very powerful, and he did not focus on cultivating the Great Asura Dharma, but this does not mean that he has forgotten the Great Asura Dharma.

At this time, the golden light and the strong aura that radiated from the Great Asura Martial Soul behind Yong Changxi made Chen Feng extremely familiar.

Chen Feng felt exactly the same breath in the Xiao Leiyin Temple at the bottom of Qianyuanzong Lake and above the existence named Buddha.

It's just that the existence of the Buddha named Buddha, his aura is more than billions of times stronger than the one in front of him?

This great asura martial soul is several hundred meters high, and its aura is many times stronger than Chen Feng's great asura spirit. It has been completely condensed into essence.

Obviously, this is Yong Changxi's martial soul.

At this time, Yong Changxi used Wuhun, which was already desperate!

Chen Feng was shocked: "No wonder when he issued those huge golden palm prints just now, I felt vaguely familiar. It turns out that his martial soul is the great Asura martial soul, but at the same time, the aura above the martial soul is It's kind of Buddha-nature!"

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly felt extremely greedy.

This feeling arose from his instinct, and then expanded infinitely through the nine-yin and nine-yang magic.

At this time, Chen Feng had an extremely strong desire in his heart, that is, his desire for the great Asura image.

"Swallow him! Use it for yourself! Swallow him!"

He wanted to completely swallow the great Asura martial arts in front of him, Chen Feng was hungry and thirsty, full of desire for it.

But this obviously couldn't be done, because at this time, the Great Asura Martial Spirit was too strong.

He leaned over to look at Chen Feng, and suddenly let out a muffled roar, and the huge vajra slammed on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng let out a miserable grunt, and was hit and flew hundreds of meters away, just like a stone thrown by a child!

Yong Xi laughed: "Chen Feng, you didn't really think that you could kill me just now? You are really too arrogant!"

"After I used Martial Soul, you are not my opponent, let alone I still have inner alchemy to use!"

Chen Feng gritted his teeth and did not give in.

He knew that there was a big gap between himself and Yong Xi.

Yong Changxi's figure flashed and came to Chen Feng, Sen Leng said, "This time, it's your death!"

Yue Yuanshan screamed: "If you want to kill him, kill me first!"

With that, he flew up into the sky and killed Yong Changxi.

Yong Changxi gave him a cold look, and said in a cold voice, "Get out of the way!"

With a light palm, the blood flew out of Yue Yuanshan's mouth.

Then, his palms continued to move forward, and slammed on Chen Feng severely.

All of Chen Feng's resistance was in vain. He was hit directly, and then he saw that Chen Feng's body was exploded with countless wounds, all the internal organs were exposed, and even about 80% of the internal organs were destroyed.

Chen Feng fell to the ground, feeling dizzy eyes, even panting very hard.

He feels that he has no strength at all. At this time, even an ordinary person who is not a warrior can easily kill him.

Chen Feng looked at the sky and murmured: "Am I going to die!"

Yong Changxi slowly walked over and was about to lift his palm to kill him.

Suddenly at this time, there was a cold low shout from the side: "Yong Xi, get out of me!"

The voice is low and deep, and the big and powerful is full of majesty.

After Chen Feng listened, his face suddenly showed joy, and he shouted: "King Qingjun!"

Hearing the words Qingjunwang, Yong Xi's expression also changed, showing a look of jealousy. He stepped back a few steps and looked at the side with extreme caution.

A middle-aged man next to him slowly walked over. He was tall and majestic. It was the invincible Qingjun Wang Qing! "

He slowly walked over, looked at Yong Changxi, and said faintly: "Yong Changxi, you can do it, you have grown up, and you dare to come to my Qingzhou to go wild!"

Yong Changxi looked at him, obviously a little bit fierce.

He knew that he was not an opponent of Qing Wudi, and he had fought with Qing Wudi several times before, and as a result, he was easily defeated by Qing Wudi each time.

He looked at Qing Wudi and shouted loudly, "He killed my son, so I came to take his life. Is there anything wrong?"

Qing Wudi looked at Chen Feng and said lightly: "Is what he said is true?"

Chen Feng coughed violently: "You can ask Yue Yuanshan, why should I kill him? Let's go hunting the fire dragon together, but he betrayed me and sent me to the fire dragon's mouth. Such teammates, I will kill him. Is he wrong?"

Qing Wudi looked at Yue Yuanshan next to him, and Yue Yuanshan nodded and said, "Yes, and Xiao Yuqing, the deputy dean of the college, can also testify!"

Qing Wudi nodded slowly, and there was a murmur around him.

"This time, King Qingjun is here, and Chen Feng will never be taken away."

"Yes, everyone knows what Qing Junwang values ​​Chen Feng, and Qing Junwang is the most upright and reasonable. As long as whoever has the upper hand, even if the opponent is hostile to him, he will Support each other."

Everyone's eyes are a bit complicated.

Yong Xi also looked at Qing Invincible, and said in surprise, "Qing Invincible, this time, you must protect this little boy, right?"

Chen Feng looked at Qing Wudi with a smile in his eyes.

He knew that with Qing Wudi, he would not die today, and Yong Changxi could not be Qing Wudi's opponent at all.

Qing Wudi looked at Chen Feng and suddenly smiled and said, "Yong Changxi, you take Chen Feng away!"

"What?" As soon as the words came out, everyone was stunned, looking at Qing Wudi with disbelief.

Chen Feng's smile solidified on his face, he was dumbfounded, and looked at Qing Wudi in disbelief: "Why would he do this?"

And those onlookers around were shocked.

"Why didn't Qingjun Wang defend Chen Feng? No, he values ​​Chen Feng the most!"

Even Yong Xi couldn't believe it. After he was stunned for a moment, he laughed triumphantly, bowed his hand to Qing Wudi, and said, "The affection of King Qingjun is written down below."

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