Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1364: Are you also a dragon spirit?

"My current subtle and mysterious technique, killing the cage, is powerful, but it is too easy to expose the fact that I am a soul master."

"I've heard the old man said before that because of the scarcity of soul masters, they are quite repelled in the world of warriors. Every time they appear, they will often cause people around them to covet and look maliciously, so it's better not to be exposed or not to be exposed."

"Then, I have to practice other moves now. After losing the Golden Flame of the Sun, the Fire Dragon Nine Heavens Qifeng Thunder is no longer available, but I can still comprehend other techniques of the Dragon Slashing Technique!"

Chen Feng thought about it for a moment, and his thoughts were generally clear.

At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded outside.

Chen Feng opened the door and saw Yue Yuanshan standing outside.

"Senior brother's injury is healed?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Yue Yuanshan nodded: "I would also like to thank brother Chen Feng for his life-saving."

Chen Feng said, "Brother Yue, you and me are too polite, right? When I fell into the hands of the fire dragon before, you desperately saved me. I remember this scene very clearly!"

The two went in and sat separately, and Luo Zilan had tea.

Yue Yuanshan took a sip of tea and said, "Brother Chen Feng, this time you come here, I will just tell my purpose."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Senior Brother Yue, please speak."

Yue Yuanshan said: "Brother Chen Feng, you killed the fire dragon, so the senior brother took the liberty to ask, where is the fire dragon corpse now?"

He hurriedly explained: "Brother, I didn't mean to doubt you, but this time I went to hunt the fire dragon for reward. The most important purpose is to obtain something from the fire dragon."

"Such a thing is very important to me."

Chen Feng raised his brows and asked, "Brother Yue, what do you want?"

Yue Yuanshan took a deep breath and said slowly: "The essence of the fire dragon is just a little bit, a thousand catties!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "The fire dragon's body is in the space ring in my hand, and the fire dragon's essence and blood are also there."

"Senior brother wants a thousand catties of blood and blood, there is no problem, I will get it for senior brother."

With that said, he turned and returned to the backyard, then took out a thousand catties of blood from the golden dragon ring, placed it in the jade box, and brought it back.

The fire dragon's body is huge, with millions of catties of blood and tens of thousands of catties of essence and blood. A thousand catties of essence and blood are nothing.

"This is Fire Dragon Essence Blood?" Yue Yuanshan looked at the whole big box in front of him, exuding hot heat, essence content, hot and powerful blood, and his voice trembled a little.

Obviously, excited.

Yue Yuanshan took a deep look at Chen Feng, then took two steps back, gave a deep bow, and said to Chen Feng with gratitude: "Brother Chen Feng, thank you for your great grace!"

"If there is any use of brother in the future, brother, I will go through fire and water, and I will not hesitate!"

Chen Feng was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Yue Yuanshan to value this thing so much, even to such a point.

Seeing the doubt in his heart, Yue Yuanshan said softly: "I won't hide it from Junior Brother, this fire dragon essence blood, I actually want to activate my own blood."

"What? Activate your own blood?" Chen Feng was startled and said, "Is it? You too?"

"Yes!" Yue Yuanshan said proudly, "My martial soul is Dragon Martial Soul! No!"

He suddenly changed his face, looked at Chen Feng, and said in surprise: "Brother Chen Feng, you said just now, so are you? This means..."

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "I am the Azure Dragon Wuhun!"

Yue Yuanshan laughed loudly when he heard the words: "That's a coincidence, my martial soul, I always thought it was Wuyuelianfeng martial soul."

"Later, after being instructed by an expert, I discovered that it turned out that there was an earth dragon faintly on top of my five mountain peaks, but the earth dragon was very cryptic, hidden in the five mountain peaks, and could not be revealed at all."

"It must be stimulated by the blood of other dragons to allow the earth dragon to emerge from the ground. At that time, I will be the Martial Spirit of the'Dragon Raising Five Peaks'."

Chen Feng showed a look of horror on his face and said, "Brother Yue, your martial arts spirit is really very powerful!"

He discovered that Yue Yuanshan was also a genius no less than him!

Yue Yuanshan shook his head and said, "In fact, your Azure Dragon Martial Spirit is very pure, and there will be more room for future development, definitely much stronger than mine."

As he said, he bowed his hands and said eagerly: "It should not be too late, I will go back and start practicing."

Chen Feng smiled and nodded.

"By the way, Junior Brother Chen Feng." Yue Yuanshan said, "Don't forget, go to the task point to hand over this task and receive the reward!"

When Chen Feng was said by him, he just remembered, slapped his head, and smiled: "I was negligent. I almost forgot. I must go!"

When Chen Feng thought of the reward of the task, his heart suddenly became hot.

Hunting the fire dragon is the ultimate mission of the Kuangzhan Academy, the reward of the mission, but the seventh-grade pill, Wujun Jindan!

"Lao An, after taking this medicine, I should be able to enter the Martial Sovereign Realm, right? But would there be any problem without the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit?" Chen Feng asked An Lao instinctively.

After the question, he was startled and stood there blankly. Only then did he remember that An old man had fallen asleep.

Chen Feng's heart was filled with unstoppable sadness.

He has become accustomed to the existence of An Lao, and he knows how important An Lao is to him!

Ziyue appeared next to her, stroked his face lightly, and said comfortingly: "Chen Feng, don't be sad, you still have me."

"Yes! I still have you!" Chen Feng cleared up his mood, smiled, stretched out his hand to touch Ziyue's face, and passed through her phantom.

A few days later, a silent night.

Suddenly, everyone in the Kuangzhan Academy was awakened by a huge explosion.

Then, countless people got up in their clothes and came to the courtyard, looking into the distance.

Through this, they were shocked to discover that there were five huge mountain peaks floating in the distant sky.

And above these five huge peaks, the light fluctuated, and suddenly, an earth-yellow dragon rose into the sky.

The dragon is hundreds of meters long and walks around these five mountain peaks, making a burst of joy.

Everyone was shocked, and even the entire Qingzhou was shocked!

In the Qingzhou prefect’s mansion, an old man looked up and looked at this huge martial soul. Between his eyebrows revealed a faint murderous intent: “It’s Dragon Martial Soul again! It’s Crazy Battle Academy again! You Crazy Battle Academy, really against me. Did you do it? It just made Lao Tzu uneasy, right?"

"There is a student in the Kuangzhan Academy who awakens the Dragon Martial Soul, and he looks very powerful, but he doesn't know who this person is."

"If we can win him into our family, it will be of great benefit to the development of our family!" This night, the major families in Qingzhou rushed to tell each other, and made such a decision at the same time.

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