Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1363: Hatred!

Xiao Yuqing's jade rod stopped one inch in front of Yong Ziyuan's forehead.

At this moment, she was very convinced of Chen Feng, turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Chen Feng said, "I still have a few more words to ask him. After the question, it is never too late for you to kill.

Yong Ziyuan had a look of surprise at first, thinking that Chen Feng would not kill him, but he didn't expect such an ending.

Becoming desperate again, trembling all over, full of fear!

Xiao Yuqing looked at Chen Feng, nodded, and suddenly said, "Chen Feng, thank you so much."

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "This is all I deserve."

Xiao Yuqing didn't ask why Chen Feng's strength increased so quickly. This is a taboo. She just exclaimed: "Chen Feng, you are so powerful, you can kill the fire dragon!"

Chen Feng didn't say much, Xiao Yuqing looked at him, her eyes flickering, and there was even a hint of worship in it.

This kind of emotion suddenly rushed to her heart. After Xiao Yuqing found out, she was very surprised, and she couldn't believe it.

Then there was a bitter smile of self-deprecating: "Xiao Yuqing, you are so old, and you still have the intention of admiring a young man who is under twenty years old. Are you ashamed?"

Chen Feng took Yong Ziyuan aside and asked a few questions. After everything was clear, he smiled and looked at Yong Ziyuan and said, "Okay, now choose a method of death!"

Yong Zi Yuanyuan's face was gray, and he muttered: "You can't kill me, you can't kill me, you dare not kill me!"

Chen Feng shook his head and patted out with a palm, hitting his head.

Yong Ziyuan let out a muffled snort, his seven orifices were bleeding, his body shivered violently, his head tilted, and he fell to the ground motionless.

Chen Feng had already broken his heart.

Chen Feng looked at him and said lightly: "I said I would kill you, then I will definitely kill you, no matter who is standing behind you!"

At this time, tens of thousands of miles away, Yongzhou City.

In the Yongzhou Prefect's Mansion, in a clean room, a tall, burly, luxuriously dressed, and imposing man was practicing.

Suddenly, he was awakened from the training, with a muffled hum, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

He clutched his chest and said with horror: "What's the matter?"

He closed his eyes and meditated for a while, and suddenly there was a touch of grief on his face, and he whispered to himself: "Zi Yuan, it turned out that it was you who had an accident, it turned out that it was you!"

There was a touch of murderous intent on his face: "Ziyuan, no matter who dares to kill you, I will take his life, smash him into thousands of pieces, and avenge you!"

"You wait, I will ask him to accompany you down there soon!"

As he said, he suddenly got up and walked out. All the people he encountered on the road stepped aside, knelt on the ground, and shouted respectfully: "Master Taishou!"

This person is Yong Changxi, the prefect of Yongzhou!

A few days later, Chen Feng and others returned to the Crazy Battle Academy.

Even Xue Kuangren came back together, and Yong Ziyuan was killed. If he returned to Kuangwu Academy, there was only a dead end, so he had no choice but to give up there.

After returning, Xiao Yuqing went into retreat for the first time.

This time she went out for this battle, she was quite enlightened. After she came back, she retreats directly. After five days, she broke through and entered the first level of the Martial King Realm, becoming the first among all the deputy deans of the entire Crazy Battle Academy to enter Wu One of the strongest in the environment.

For a time, shocked the entire Kuangzhan Academy.

In addition to the mysterious dean of the Kuangzhan Academy, she is already a well-known master among all the high-levels.

After Xue Kuangren and Yue Yuanshan came back, they both began to retreat and recuperate. The two of them were seriously injured, and it was not until almost a month later that the healing was completed.

This month, Chen Feng has been in the fourteenth retreat of the Silent Crypt.

One month later, he broke through.

Chen Feng's whole body is extremely powerful. He would deliberately gather his aura every time before, allowing himself to stay in a relatively inconspicuous state, or simply withdraw it completely without letting others see it.

But this time, Chen Feng was unable to withdraw.

His aura is completely erect, radiating outwards, swelling to the extreme, and within a few feet of his surroundings, his rich true essence is permeated.

It turned out that at this time, Chen Feng's strength had reached the peak of the Ninth Level of Soul Condensation, only a thin line away from the Martial King Realm.

At this time, he couldn't suppress it at all if he wanted to!

Looking at Chen Feng, the people around were shocked.

"Isn't this Chen Feng, the first-year genius freshman in the college?"

"Yes, it's him. I heard that he just won the top spot in the Qingzhou Nine County Competition some time ago, and was personally canonized by the Qingzhou King as the first young generation in Qingzhou!"

"This Chen Feng is really amazing. I heard that when he won the first place in the Nine-County Competition a while ago, he was only a six-layer powerhouse with Soul Condensation, and now he has become the pinnacle of Soul Condensation! ?"

"No more than three months!"

Everyone exclaimed, looking at Chen Feng like a monster.

"This person is really amazing, extremely talented, and incredibly fast in cultivation speed. Compared with him, we are also self-proclaimed geniuses. We are simply a bunch of chickens!"

Suddenly, one person glanced at Chen Feng, then was silent for a moment, then, with a brush, turned and entered the training room again.

His voice came from inside, full of high spirits: "Chen Feng is a genius like this. What reason do we have to be lazy? Everyone, I decided to retreat for another three months!"

When everyone heard him say this, they all said loudly: "Yes, we should practice more."

"I decided to retreat for another month!"

"I don't have enough primordial stones, I will let the family send me another batch of primordial stones!"

Most of these people can cultivate here. Most of them are of noble origin. They completely looked down on civilians like Chen Feng before, but at this time they were completely convinced by Chen Feng.

Looking at Chen Feng's eyes, there was no trace of contempt, but full of admiration.

Chen Feng glanced at them, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, turned and left.

Soon, the news that Chen Feng had stepped into the Ninth Level of Soul Condensation was diffused throughout the entire Mad Fighting Academy.

Chen Feng returned to the small courtyard and stayed with Luo Zilan for a while, then he returned to the room, falling into contemplation.

"It seems that without the existence of Azure Dragon Martial Soul, I shouldn't be able to break through and enter the Martial Sovereign Realm!"

"Moreover, if you want to enter the Martial King Realm, you still need a Martial King Golden Pill. This is also a difficult problem, so there are two urgent tasks now."

"First, get a Martial King Golden Pill, and second, since my realm cannot be improved, then I must improve my combat power in other areas."

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