Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1358: sacrifice!

Then, the two paws began to diverge slowly.

There was a vicious look in the fire dragon's eyes: "Boy, feel it carefully, I will tear you into two pieces bit by bit!"

"However, it makes you immortal, and then tears the flesh off your body inch by inch, making you suffer!"

"Oh, yes, I also forgot a process. Every time I tear off a piece of your meat, I will intrude your wound into the lava lake, causing you to suffer!"

Chen Feng struggled, but unfortunately, he couldn't get rid of it.

His body was pulled little by little, and a huge wound appeared on the surface of his body, and even the bones and internal organs below could be seen clearly.

But at this moment, suddenly, a fierce dragon roar from the sky, loudly!

Azure Dragon Wuhun suddenly appeared.

As soon as he appeared, he hit the fire dragon fiercely.

The fire dragon screamed, his paws loosened, and Chen Feng fell directly to the ground.

The fire dragon looked at the blue dragon in front of him, who was only one-tenth the size of himself, with a look of astonishment. At first, his face was shocked, and then this shock turned into ecstasy, he laughed:

"Despicable human, this should be your martial soul, right?"

"Sure enough, it is a dragon! Hahahaha, not only will I devour your Dragon God bloodline, I will also devour your martial soul. Today, neither of you can run away!"

With that said, he killed the Azure Dragon Wuhun!

With the aura from his body, the Azure Dragon Martial Soul was almost crushed, and the difference in strength between the two was too great.

Qinglong Wuhun suddenly turned his head and looked at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was shocked, and an inexplicable sadness came from his heart.

How many emotions are contained in Qinglong's eye? There is reluctance, nostalgia, and that touch, decisive!

Suddenly his figure flashed and he ran into Chen Feng directly. Chen Feng seemed to think of what he was going to do, and shouted in surprise, "No!"

However, Qinglong Wuhun didn't listen to him this time, he broke into Chen Feng's body directly.

In the next moment, Chen Feng felt that an extremely powerful force exploded in his body.

At this moment, all the wounds on his body were restored, and enormous power circulated in his body.

Chen Feng feels that he seems to be omnipotent, and he can do whatever he wants. This is what he wants from a powerful force!

Chen Feng was extremely sad. He knew that Azure Dragon Wuhun had already used the magical power of Wuhun: ten times the power!

Chen Feng knew that what he should do at this time was to turn sorrow into strength. This is the opportunity Qinglong Wuhun uses his life to bring to himself!

Suddenly he stretched out his arms and roared up to the sky, coldly bursting out four words: "Destroy the cage!"

The air fluctuated violently, and eight huge air barriers appeared quietly around!

However, this time, the eight air barriers are ten times larger than before.

The height of each air barrier is more than two thousand meters, and the width is more than one thousand meters!

As majestic as a mountain!

All eight air barriers appeared around the fire dragon's body.

The fire dragon felt the huge momentum above, and shouted in horror: "What the **** is this?"

Chen Feng's voice was as cold as ice: "Things that kill you!"

As he said, the air barrier slammed into the fire dragon together.

The air barrier, before ten times the strength, was enough to kill the first-level powerhouse of the Martial King realm.

At this time, the strength has increased tenfold, and there are eight sides, the attack power of each air barrier is equivalent to a full blow of a four-layer powerhouse in the Martial Sovereign Realm!

The fire dragon also felt the powerful attack and destruction power above the air barrier, and let out a stern roar, the surface of the body was filled with red light.

The huge mouth opened, and a golden fireball spit out from the mouth, suddenly bursting open.

Before he wanted to, this fireball was enough to extinguish the eight air barriers.

But unfortunately, the reality is too far from what he thought.

This golden-yellow fireball blasted heavily on an air barrier. With a loud bang, I saw that one air barrier was almost half mutilated. The remaining seven and a half air barriers were unscathed and all bombarded him. Body!

A fluttering sound sounded, and every sound sounded, an air barrier hit him.

It's like the sound of meat being smashed alive!

After the first air barrier hit him, it directly smashed his muscles and fractures, and even the small half of his body was photographed into meat sauce!

Amidst the sound of puffing puffs, there was also a series of screams from the fire dragon.

The screams were loud at first, and then became smaller and smaller.

When the last air barrier hit it fiercely, there was a bang, and the fire dragon did not even scream.

Chen Feng was pale and sweating profusely.

After this move was issued, it seemed that he had exhausted everything.

But Chen Feng stood proudly and looked in the direction of the fire dragon.

With a bang, a large group of black objects in the air slammed heavily on the ground. It was the fire dragon.

At this time, the fire dragon had already turned into a large pool of rotten meat and fell to the ground.

Chen Feng slowly walked towards that way.

The fire dragon opened his eyes with great difficulty, with a deep unwilling color in his eyes, and a weak roar from his throat: "Despicable human beings, I am unwilling!"

"How could you use such a powerful move to kill me in a single blow? I'm not reconciled!"

Chen Feng looked at him with cold eyes: "This is my martial soul, which he bought with his life!"

"And you forced us to do this, then I have no choice but to take your life as a memorial service!"

As he said, he strode forward, and the Dragon Slaying Blade severely cut out.

A fierce sword aura was swayed out by him, directly beheading the huge head of the fire dragon.

The dragon's blood spurted wildly, and the huge head fell heavily to the ground. So far, the fire dragon was beheaded by Chen Feng!

Chen Feng didn't stop at the slightest, he immediately came to the fire dragon, pressing his hands on it, and then inside his body, in the dantian, the nine-yin and nine-yang magical powers operated, absorbing everything about the fire dragon madly.

The power of the Third Stage Profound Beast was extremely powerful, and Chen Feng immediately felt that an extremely powerful energy poured into his body.

This energy exploded in Chen Feng's dantian almost in a blink of an eye.

As soon as this energy entered, it rushed from left to right in Chen Feng's dantian, extremely rebellious.

There was even more powerful and extremely hot power from above. Chen Feng felt that his dantian was scalded with a sharp pain, and even this energy whistled out, forming a large red fire directly above Chen Feng’s dantian. cloud.

The freight squeezed towards Chen Feng's dantian, but Chen Feng did not panic at all, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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