Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1357: Heaven-defying martial arts supernatural power!

The Azure Dragon Martial Spirit said: "I can attach myself to your body and inject all my power into your body."

"Our strength, converging, exerts an extremely powerful force, far surpasses the sum of our strengths!"

"Then, you can make a move. This move is more than ten times more powerful than your usual moves!"

When Chen Feng heard this, his face suddenly showed surprise, and he was overjoyed: "This martial soul supernatural power is extremely powerful! It can be called against the sky!"

"In this way. I am equivalent to possessing a trick to press the bottom of the box, which is ten times more powerful than my usual attacks!"

Qinglong Wuhun nodded and said, "Yes, but the price is very huge!"

Chen Feng frowned: "What is the price?"

Azure Dragon Martial Spirit said slowly: "This Martial Spirit supernatural power can only be used once, and after using it once, I will fall into deep sleep, and you may never be able to wake me up again."

After Chen Feng listened to it, without hesitation, he immediately said flatly: "Then we will never use this martial arts supernatural power again!"

He looked at Azure Dragon Martial Spirit, smiled and said, "In my opinion, you are more precious than any martial arts supernatural power!"

When Qinglong Wuhun heard it, he immediately took a long breath, looked at Chen Feng, curled his lips and said: "You said it earlier, so that I have been strained in my heart and face, pretending to be deep, and want to give Put some pressure on you!"

Chen Feng patted his forehead with a helpless expression, and said, "How come you martial soul are so scheming?"

"Still thinking of putting pressure on me? You don't have to put pressure on, I would never do that!"

Qinglong Wuhun grinned and said, "I'm a little worried!"

At this moment, suddenly, Chen Feng looked far away with an awe-inspiring color in his eyes, only to see a black spot in the distance facing this side, approaching at a very fast speed.

The momentum was overwhelmingly suppressed!

Although it is still far away from here, but this momentum. Almost crushed Chen Feng and suffocated him!

When he was shocked, he roared loudly: "Fire Dragon, the Fire Dragon is back, let's go quickly!"

With that said, Chen Feng swept outwards at an extremely fast speed, and the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit also brushed it, directly into Chen Feng's body, and disappeared.

The fire dragon saw this scene from a distance, his face was extremely frightened, and his voice rolled, like a thunder in the sky: "Chen Feng, you despicable human, still want to run? Leave me here!"

However, at this time Chen Feng's strength has greatly improved, and Tianlong's pace is also extremely fast! A flash, it is a kilometer away!

And this is already the fastest speed Tianlongbu can reach.

After all, this kind of exercise is not a high level.

In fact, at this time, if Chen Feng uses other footwork martial arts, the speed can be faster!

Seeing, the fire dragon would be unable to catch up with Chen Feng.

He uttered a muffled roar in his throat, and then suddenly opened countless wounds on his body. It seemed that he had used some secret trick, and the speed was increased by five times!

Chen Feng originally ran all the way, and already stretched some distances, but after the fire dragon's speed increased, he brushed it and blocked him in front of Chen Feng, blocking his way!

Even when he was chasing Yue Yuanshan and others before, Fire Dragon didn't use this trick. Obviously, he was determined to win Chen Feng, and he must catch up with Chen Feng!

Fire Dragon looked at Chen Feng triumphantly, and smiled slightly: "I didn't expect that you kid had some ability to kill Shi Wei and want to escape!"

"Fortunately, I came back in time!" He looked at Chen Feng with a joking expression on his face: "Little bunny, you run? You run again!"

"I'll let you run out for 10,000 meters first, and then chase you! How about we have a fun?"

Chen Feng took a deep breath, with an awe-inspiring expression on his face. Looking at him, he said with a cold voice, "Skills can be killed and not insulted!"

"I know that your strength is far better than me, and your speed is far better than me now, but what? Are you delusional to play me?"

"Tell you, that's a dream!"

"Don't talk nonsense, the big deal is a battle! If you can't win, the big deal is death!"

"A big man was born between heaven and earth, even if I die, I will stand upright and die!"

Chen Feng, so proud!

The fire dragon laughed and said: "Okay, ambitious!"

Suddenly, his face became ferocious and ferocious: "But it's a pity that generally aspiring people don't live long!"

As he said, his figure swept forward quickly.

Chen Feng only felt a flash of red shadow in front of him. He didn't even have time to see the shape of the fire dragon. He just instinctively slashed forward to the left.

With a bang, Chen Feng's dragon-slaying knife and the fire dragon's claws collided with each other, and he was shaken back ten steps, with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

Fire Dragon looked at him with a look of astonishment on his face: "Unexpectedly, I haven't seen you in a few days, your kid's strength has improved!"

"Now with a single move, it has the power of the first layer of the Martial Sovereign Realm, which is beyond my expectation!"

"It seems that I want to improve my 30% strength to 70%!"

As he said, there was another boom, and a paw shot out.

This time, Chen Feng felt an incomparably powerful force rushing in, and directly shot him over a hundred meters, spurting blood, and breaking many points on his body.

This was just a blow of the fire dragon's 70% power, and only physical power was used, without the slightest move.

But Chen Feng didn't have the slightest fear, instead, his eyes were awe-inspiring.

When the fire dragon attacked again, Chen Feng's gaze flashed, and he roared: "Fire Dragon Nine Heavens and Thunder!"

In the dantian, the golden flame of the blazing sun brushed once, and it spread out directly, turning into countless tiny sparks.

Nine golden fire dragons that were two or three times larger than before, whizzed out and bombarded the fire dragon.

The fire dragon did not expect Chen Feng to launch such a powerful offensive. He let out a scream, and was knocked out of his body with forty or fifty huge wounds. The scales were flying and blood spurted.

There was a screaming scream in his mouth!

After reaching the eighth level of Ning Hun, Chen Feng's move of the Fire Dragon Nine Heavens thundered, and its power was comparable to a blow from a triple powerhouse in the Martial King realm!

But this trick also consumed all of Chen Feng's blazing sun and golden flames.

At this point, his blazing sun and golden flames have completely disappeared, and Chen Feng feels lost in his heart!

The fire dragon looked at Chen Feng in surprise and anger, and roared furiously in his throat: "You despicable human being, how dare you hurt me? I will definitely make you pay!"

As he said, his figure flashed, and he came directly in front of Chen Feng, and two huge claws captured Chen Feng!

Chen Feng couldn't move a bit with tremendous force.

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