Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1354: Devour the soul without a word!

Hun Buyu sneered and said with a cold voice: "My palms, as long as you pinch it in the middle and snap it, you can directly crush your soul body!"

An old man smiled slightly: "You might as well try."

The soul did not speak with his palms pinched in the middle, but he soon discovered that no matter how much he urged, no matter how hard he was, his palms could not be put together.

There will be a distance in between.

He said in amazement: "How is it possible?"

"This is in my enchantment, how can you be so powerful in it?"

An old man smiled without saying a word, suddenly, a flash of disdain flashed in his eyes, and said lightly: "I'm already impatient and consume you again."

As he said, his arms shook hard.

With a bang, his silent arms were torn off.

Even his body was torn into two parts.

He roared in amazement: "How is it possible?"

Before the words fell, An Lao had already swooped over, hitting his body with two palms one after another.

Bang, bang, bang, a series of sounds sounded, and the silent body was directly torn into countless soul fragments.

His spirit was directly extinguished, and his body became the purest spiritual power.

At this moment, An Lao also sighed and disappeared directly.

Chen Feng quickly shouted: "An old man, An old man, what's wrong with you?"

But he didn't get any response, Chen Feng suddenly panicked: "An old man, what's the matter with you?"

After a while, the dark old hoarse voice came, and his voice was full of exhaustion: "I'm tired, I want to fall asleep."

"Chen Feng, don't worry, hurry up and devour these soul fragments, and don't let my efforts go to waste."

Chen Feng was a little dazed, just nodding instinctively.

An old voice curled away, and Chen Feng seemed to be able to hear it, and a faint sigh came from the deepest part of his heart!

In Chen Feng's heart, an inexplicable sadness surged.

He knew very well that although An Lao had said lightly just now, in fact, in order to save himself, he was afraid that he had exhausted the power of his soul, so he had to fall into dormancy.

Chen Feng knew that he would not be able to see An Lao for a while.

And he is already used to the existence of An Lao!

Chen Feng's grief didn't last long. He muttered to himself: "An old man, I know, you traded your own safety for my survival."

"You used your efforts to help me break Silence, so that I have the opportunity to absorb his mental power. I will definitely not let down your expectations!"

As he said, Chen Feng showed resoluteness on his face, concentrated on his spirit, and began to frantically absorb the scattered spiritual power in the spiritual world.

The silent soul was shattered into at least several thousand pieces.

These spiritual powers were scattered everywhere in Chen Feng's spiritual world.

The transparent divine light became proud again, and he wandered wildly in the spiritual world, extremely fast.

With a single stroke, he directly caught a piece of mental power, and then directly swallowed it, making his body a little bigger.

A moment later, another piece of mental power was seized.

With a cup of tea, the transparent divine light swallowed all the spiritual power!

At this time, the transparent divine light skyrocketed wildly, directly from one foot and eight feet long to more than five feet long, and his body size increased nearly three times.

The above momentum has also become stronger.

The coercion of mental power is overwhelming!

Chen Feng stood there, closed his eyes, and let out a long breath.

In his soul, the incomparable joy is because his mental power is becoming extremely powerful.

The sense of pleasure comes out from the soul all the way, so refreshing!

Chen Feng sat cross-legged in the spiritual world, and the transparent divine light continuously coiled around his body, like a snake, very spiritual.

The enormous spiritual power began to diffuse.

At this time, Chen Feng was comprehending the mysterious technique: killing the cage.

Chen Feng's killing cage has been cultivated for a long time, but there has not been much progress before.

Because the ability to kill the cage depends on whether Chen Feng's mental power is strong or not.

After being swallowed by Chen Feng's mental power of Silent Soul, Chen Feng's mental power directly increased three times!

The profound meaning of killing the cage was flowing through Chen Feng's heart bit by bit, all of which were fully understood.

Finally, Chen Feng slowly opened his eyes and stood still, motionless.

Then, the mental power suddenly exploded, and for a moment, a huge air barrier suddenly appeared dozens of meters in front of him.

This air barrier is 100 meters high and fifty meters wide, and it exudes a huge momentum.

This is only the first side to kill the cage.

And at the next moment, behind Chen Feng, another equally huge killing cage appeared.

Then, the third piece appeared, the fourth piece appeared...Finally, a whole eight huge air barriers appeared around Chen Feng's body.

These eight huge air barriers formed an octagon, enclosing Chen Feng.

Just like a huge prison, he was surrounded by water.

If it were before, Chen Feng could not maintain such a killing cage, but now, these eight huge air barriers appeared at the same time, and a complete killing cage took shape, but Chen Feng was still at ease!

Then, under Chen Feng's control, the air barrier slammed into Chen Feng and fiercely.

Seeing the next moment, he would hit Chen Feng and smash Chen Feng into a meatloaf!

But after a short while, the air barrier disappeared without a trace.

Chen Feng let out a sigh of relief, and a calm smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "With the tremendous increase in mental power, my killing cage has reached its peak!"

"Around my body, eight huge air barriers can appear, forming a complete killing cage."

"This killing cage can not only be used for defense, but also for offense, and it will appear at the moment of a thought. It is invisible and extremely concealed. Sneak attack is also very good!"

If this blow is issued, if nothing happens, it should have the power of a powerful person in the Martial King realm!

Even Zhao Songyan, who taught Chen Feng to kill the cage, did not reach this level!

Then Chen Feng began to sit cross-legged again.

This time, he did not continue to use his mental power, but entered into the transparent divine light.

As soon as Chen Feng entered the transparent divine light, he immediately felt that the stars were dotted in front of him, as if the transparent divine light was a heavenly river, and he was roaming in this heavenly river at this time.

In the transparent divine light, there are countless bright planets, among which some floating ribbons.

Chen Feng suddenly grabbed one of the colorful glittering ribbons.

This ribbon, surprisingly, sealed the memory of silence.

At this time, Chen Feng wanted to extract the secrets of the enchantment technique from his memory.

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