Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1353: The technique of enchantment! tyrannical!

Chen Feng was shocked and shouted in surprise: "What is this?"

Unusually looked down at him, his face was full of complacency, and he laughed and said: "Chen Feng, this is the powerful and mysterious technique I have, the technique of enchantment!"

"The technique of enchantment? What is this?"

I seem to feel that I have a chance to win, and my soul is in a very good mood. Looking at Chen Feng, he laughed and said: "Let you ignorant boy understand that the technique of enchantment is a powerful and mysterious technique."

"After practicing the technique of enchantment, an enchantment can be formed around the body, and everything in this enchantment is up to me."

"I'm like a **** in this enchantment!"

As he said, he looked at Chen Feng and snarled frantically: "Now let you see the power of my enchantment!"

As he said, he stretched out the palm of his right hand, spread it flat, and then slowly tightened it.

Chen Feng feels. There was infinite pressure around him squeezing it, tightening it tighter.

And when his fist finally clenched, Chen Feng felt that the pain around his body was so severe that he was almost squeezed into a ball of meatloaf!

Seeing this scene, the transparent divine light rushed madly towards the silent soul.

Without a word, he laughed, fingered, and the transparent light banged. Hit directly on a wall of invisible air, and the collision was dizzy.

The transparent divine light flashed quickly, swaying like a spirit snake, and then rushed in another direction.

Soul Buyu slowly shook his head, his palm was gently pressed down, and with a bang, an invisible giant mountain seemed to be pressed down in the sky, directly pressing the transparent divine light below.

Chen Feng was shocked: "This enchantment technique is really powerful!"

"The transparent divine light has been unprofitable. At this time, there is no way to fight back?"

He remembered that the Martial King Realm powerhouse mentioned in his last words that this soul master possesses an extremely powerful subtle and mysterious skill. It seems that it is the technique of enchantment!

Then, he flicked the tip of his finger lightly, the transparent divine light, as if he had been hit hard, he was directly ejected thousands of meters away.

Chen Feng clearly sensed from his soul that this transparent divine light sent out a mournful scream, which seemed to be painful to the extreme.

Chen Feng felt a pain in his heart. This was the first time that the transparent divine light had such a situation!

Then he looked at Chen Feng and said with a smile: "I just said that I will torture you for a hundred years. Now, let you taste this first!"

As he said, his fingers gently downwards, and then Chen Feng immediately felt that an invisible huge pillar of air appeared above his body, pressing down towards him.

He was in terrible pain, feeling that he was being squashed, and in the end, he was almost like a piece of paper.

This pain goes deep into the soul!

Looking at him without a word, he laughed wildly: "Please forgive me, please forgive me!"

But Chen Feng clenched his teeth, said nothing, and did not beg for mercy. Instead, a vicious meaning flashed in his eyes, just like a wounded lone wolf!

The soul was furious: "Okay, you are stiff!"

"But do you know that your stiff ending is even more fierce torture!"

With that said, continue to increase strength.

Chen Feng felt that he was about to lose consciousness.

The transparent divine light made a sharp cry, and the voice was full of anxiety, and wanted to rush to rescue Chen Feng.

Kunbuyu stretched out the **** of his right hand, gently moved it down, and pressed him again.

Two fingers, just two fingers, completely crush Chen Feng and the transparent light!

The transparent divine light has always been unprofitable, but today it has been beaten so badly, this is the first time.

The strength of Soul Silence was really beyond Chen Feng's imagination. I didn't expect the other party to be so powerful!

Even if the mind is as firm as Chen Feng, there is a sense of despair at this time!

In the spiritual world, all he can count on is himself and the transparent divine light, and no one else can help.

And now, both are in crisis!

Suddenly, Kunbuyu stretched out his left hand and held the transparent divine light in his hand. As if he had played enough with him, he sneered and said, "Now, it's time to end!"

"After turning you into the purest mental power, I can absorb it calmly!"

With that, he kept tightening, the transparent Shenguang's body was twisted by him, gradually changing from refinement to looseness.

Seeing the next moment, this transparent light will completely disappear and become invisible.

Chen Feng screamed distressedly, but it had no effect at all.

However, at this moment, suddenly, an extremely huge coercion fell on here, and it pressed against the soul without a word!

Unbelievable in the eyes of the soul without words: "What kind of existence can give out such a huge pressure?"

He touched, his body leaned heavily, the indifferent expression on his face and that kind of hegemony under his control, disappeared without a trace.

He became panicked, because at this time, in the distance of the barrier, an equally large figure appeared.

And this huge figure seemed to be bigger than Soul Silence, and Soul Silence panicked and shouted: "You, who are you? How can you enter my barrier?"

An old voice sounded: "It's just a fifth-level spirit master. A little guy like you can only show off in front of Chen Feng."

"In front of the old man, what are you?"

Hearing this old voice, Chen Feng's eyes widened first, with an expression of disbelief in his eyes. The next moment, it turned into a burst of ecstasy.

Because of this voice, he was very familiar.

Chen Feng suddenly turned around, looked at the huge figure, and exclaimed in surprise: "An Lao? It's you, An Lao!"

An Lao glanced at him, and said angrily: "You little guy, you have a top-notch ability to cause trouble. If I don't save you this time, you will really be dispelled and completely wiped out!"

Chen Feng hurriedly laughed and said, "An old man, I didn't expect that you still have such a hand! That's great, I really thought I was going to die!"

Chen Feng never needed hypocrisy in front of An Lao.

An Lao pointed at him, just said: "You little fellow, quickly step aside!"

Chen Feng nodded and stepped aside with the transparent divine light.

At this moment, the battle between An Lao and Soulless Speech, he couldn't get in at all.

The soul silently stared at An Lao and said, "Old fellow, I advise you, don't interfere in this matter indiscriminately!"

An old man smiled slightly: "I just want to intervene, what can you do with me?"

The sound is domineering!

The soul said with a cold smile: "Old guy, you are looking for death!"

As he said, his palms slowly squeezed away in the middle, and suddenly, a huge and extremely pressure gathered around An Lao's body.

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