Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1313: Purple Moon Awakens

Chen Feng thought about it for a long time, but didn't think of a reason, so he didn't think about it, only adding to his worry.

At this time, what Chen Feng didn't know was a huge golden eagle, which rose into the air from the mansion of the Danyang County City City Lord, and flew towards the far distance.

Under his lower abdomen, he carried a golden box made of sixth-grade spiritual material.

The golden box is invulnerable to swords and guns, and is extremely precious.

In the golden box, there is a small scroll with less than a hundred words written on it!

This eagle is three meters long and has a wingspan of two meters. Its body is like a golden eagle, and its speed is extremely fast.

In a few moments, he disappeared.

This golden eagle, called the Golden Winged Great Eagle, is extremely powerful.

And more importantly, the speed is so fast that it can travel thousands of miles a day.

Therefore, it is often used by some strong people for long-distance communication!

In the city lord's mansion, Zhao Honglie looked at the golden winged giant eagle that was going away, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and whispered to himself expectantly:

"Chen Feng, soon you will be able to stand on that bigger stage!"

"A talented person like you belongs to that place. Qingzhou Mansion is too small and you can't struggle. If you use more force, you will break this world!"

Chen Feng opened the mustard bags.

These people are all princes of your family, and their wealth is quite rich.

In their mustard bag, Chen Feng found a total of 600,000 yuan stones. In addition, there was also a blue big sword from the auction and that wonderful piece of meteorite iron!

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "A person is not rich without a windfall, it is true."

"This time, if you didn't kill me, but I killed them, I made a fortune!"

"Of course, the most important thing to do now is to wake up Ziyue."

Chen Feng asked An Lao, "An Lao, what should I do?"

An Lao smiled and said, "Where is Ziyue?"

"In my body."

The dark old man laughed: "That's not it?"

"In your body, you want Ziyue to absorb the power of this phantom soul pill again. Naturally, you need to swallow this pill."

Chen Feng nodded slowly.

He didn't do it right away, but sat cross-legged, recuperating and resting.

After almost two hours, I felt that all my states had reached the peak, and the whole person was calm and comfortable, and then I took out the phantom soul pill.

In this phantom soul pill, countless souls seemed to be sealed.

As soon as he took it out, Chen Feng felt that there was a surge of soul in the air.

It's as if there are countless people whispering in their ears.

It's just that it is not malicious, but the power of the kind soul.

The whole body is a yellow-orange pill, which is extremely round and top-grade.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and slowly accepted it into his mouth.

With a swish, as soon as the Soul Summoning Pill entered his mouth, it immediately turned into a tangible and qualitative icy cold current, directly entering everywhere in his body.

Then, following his meridians, all the way up, it actually poured directly into the jade pendant in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's jade pendant exudes a misty light.

Chen Feng was surprised.

An old man smiled and said: "That girl is damaged and can't wake up. My jade pendant has the function of calming the soul and consolidating the soul."

"If not, I wouldn't be able to exist in it for thousands of years."

"If I didn't tell him to put it inside, I'm afraid he is already gone."

Chen Feng nodded.

Above the jade pendant, a misty light was emitted.

This cold current poured into it all.

Then Chen Feng seemed to be able to see that his eyes were magnified countless times, and there were countless holes inside, like a maze.

These holes, made of special materials, can protect the soul from damage inside.

Finally, in the deepest part of this place, Chen Feng saw a room.

There was a white jade bed inside, and the white jade bed, at this time Ziyue was lying quietly on it.

Chen Feng was excited for a while, almost unable to hold on to himself.

"Ziyue, Ziyue, after a long time, I finally saw you again!"

However, at this time, Ziyue's body was very dim, as if she had lost a lot of energy.

Her body was real and empty, and it seemed as if it was going to dissipate at any time.

Chen Feng looked anxious.

And this cold current quickly entered his body, then spread out everywhere in his body, and then exuded a powerful attraction centered on it.

Suddenly, countless fragments were absorbed in this space.

These fragments are all fragments of Ziyue's soul power.

After she was hit hard, she began to escape, and now the fragments were absorbed again.

As every piece of debris entered, her body became more condensed.

Two hours later, this cold current finally disappeared.

At this time, Ziyue's body had also become extremely condensed.

The whole person looks shining in spirit.

Suddenly, he yawned and sat up.

Just as Chen Feng was about to speak, he suddenly felt a strong repulsive force rushing towards him, directly causing him to leave this space.

With one brush, Chen Feng opened his eyes and returned to the real world.

At this moment, in front of him, An Lao smiled and stood.

Next to An Lao, Zi Yue stared at him with wide-open eyes.

Seeing Chen Feng opened her eyes, Ziyue immediately cheered and rushed forward, and her little mouth patted and kissed Chen Feng's face.

"Chen Feng, I really thought I would never see you again!"

"Last time I fell into a nap, you don't know how terrifying that place is! How scared!"

"It seems that there is only darkness around, and my consciousness is also absent for a while. Sometimes I am afraid, afraid that I will disappear."

"When I don't, I don't even have consciousness anymore. That feeling is too horrible. I will never experience that feeling again."

Chen Feng patted her back gently, and whispered in her ear: "Don't worry, I will protect you in the future and never let you feel like this again!"

At this moment, Chen Feng was holding Ziyue, only feeling extremely relieved.

An old man didn't know when, he had already disappeared.

Ziyue and Chen Feng were tired and crooked for a while before they broke free from Chen Feng's arms.

She looked at Chen Fengfeng with a smile and said, "Do you want me?"

"I think every moment!"

Ziyue immediately pouted her, her mouth proudly said: "Since you miss me so, why don't you wake me up sooner?"

Chen Feng gave a wry smile, and hurriedly circled Ziyue, whether he was paying for compensation and saying good things next to him.

After a while, Ziyue chuckled and nodded on his forehead with a green finger:

"Well, for your sincere sake, I will spare you!"

At the same moment, in the capital of Great Qin State, Wuyang City.

(This is the fourth update on 3.12, I'm sorry again, there are only four changes on 3.12.

3. On the 13th, which is Sunday, at least five shifts! )

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