Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1312: Zhao Honglie's plan

At this time, he was already terrified.

Chen Feng pushed towards him step by step, pressing down his momentum, and with a bang, Lu Yuhua was actually crushed by the momentum to sit directly on the ground.

His crotch was already wet, and he was so scared to pee his pants.

He cried and pleaded: "Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

There was already a hint of crying in the voice.

Chen Feng laughed loudly; "Where was your arrogance just now? Where did you go?"

"Where was your arrogance? Where did you go?"

With that said, Chen Feng didn't hesitate anymore and cut it out with a single knife. Lu Yuhua had no power to fight back and was directly smashed by this knife.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yuyan let out a horrified scream: "Chen Feng, you dare to kill my big brother?"

"You wait, my Lu family will definitely not let you go!"

Chen Feng looked at him and smiled slightly: "Don't worry, as long as the Lu family dares to come up, I will kill one of them. If the Lu family comes together, then I will kill your Lu family!"

With that said, he carried the Dragon Slayer knife, walked towards Lu Yuyan, smiled and said: "If I heard the right words just now, it seems that you said that these guards under yours can solve me, right?"

Chen Feng took a step forward, and Lu Yuyan and his guards took a step back.

Their faces were full of fear and trembling.

Finally, some of the guards couldn't bear the huge pressure, and with a plop, they knelt on the ground and repeatedly smashed their heads towards Chen Feng.

Begged: "Chen Feng, you forgive me, we will never dare anymore!"

"Just now I was blind and uttered wild words. I wonder if your strength is so powerful!"

Some people even pleaded: "Even if you kill me, don't do this, it's more painful than making me die!"

Chen Feng smiled coldly: "You want to die, don't you? Okay, then I will fulfill you!"

As he said, he slashed out.

This knife killed Lu Yuyan and his guards together!

At this time, only Yang Chun was left in the entire field.

At this time, Yang Chun was already limp to the ground, shivering, and looked at Chen Feng with terrified eyes.

Seeing Chen Feng walking towards him, he was extremely frightened, begging again and again.

Chen Feng didn't say a word, just holding the Dragon Slayer Sword and approached him.

Suddenly, Yang Chun yelled and trembled violently. After twitching for so few times, he actually stopped moving.

It turned out that he was frightened to death by Chen Feng!

Chen Feng smiled coldly, picked up a few mustard bags on the corpse, and then left here.

On the way back, Chen Feng thought about what he would do next.

First of all, it is natural to swallow the soul-evoking pill for Ziyue to wake up Ziyue.

Secondly, it is to find the traces of Long Houshui.

Thinking of Long Houshui, Chen Feng's heart suddenly tightened.

He remembered that after he had awakened the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit, some people were searching for him all over Qingzhou.

He didn't know the origin or purpose of these people, but Chen Feng absolutely did not want to be discovered by others.

But now that Long Houshui is here, will he reveal his secrets?

Chen Feng immediately reminded himself that he must catch Long Houshui quickly to prevent the secret from leaking.

He suddenly remembered that Zhao Honglie had come again. When he was on the peak of Shenlong Religion and released the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit, Zhao Honglie also saw it.

Will he leak?

Chen Feng felt a little messy and went back to the college.

Half an hour later, in this deserted house, a middle-aged man in bright and beautiful clothes stood here.

Looking at the patches of blood on the ground, his face was extremely gloomy.

Suddenly, he roared angrily: "Who is it? Who on earth did it?"

"Killed my two sons! If I find out, I will definitely break your body into pieces!"

Extremely angry, there seemed to be flames in his eyes.

This person is the head of the Lu family, Lu Shengyue!

His strength has already reached the Ninth Level of Condensing Soul!

At this time, murderous intent was everywhere, madness overflowed!

Behind him, the masters of the Lu family were silent and silent.

At this time, suddenly, someone abducted from the ruins nearby and came here.

Lu Shengyue immediately cast his gaze over, and said coldly, "Who is it?"

This person turned out to be the one who had a dispute with Chen Feng, the so-called Fiery Swordsman, one of the top ten swordsmen in Qingzhou City, Ding Yan!

Ding Yan arched his hand towards Lu Shengyue and said, "My Patriarch, I know who killed your son."

"Who is it?" Lu Shengyue almost squeezed these two words from her throat.

Ding Yan said, "It's a student named Chen Feng from the Crazy Battle Academy."

"Chen Feng?" Lu Shengyue thought about these two words, but had no impression.

He slowly shook his head and said, "What is Chen Feng's background? How can he be so powerful?"

Ding Yan said: "I don't know, I only know that he is a freshman of the Crazy Battle Academy this year, and he suddenly rises like a comet. A lot of important things have been done during this period."

"The fourth Ye family was killed, it is said that he did it!"

"Ling Lang had a dispute with him in the auction floor, and brought people here to surround him, but he did not expect that he was too strong and was killed by him!"

Lu Shengyue nodded, her face extremely sullen, and said slowly: "Chen Feng, right? I remember you!"

"Now, you are hiding in the Mad Fighting Academy, I can't come to ask someone, I can do nothing about you, but you wait for me!"

"At most one month, I will kill you to honor the spirit of my two sons in the sky!"

Early the next morning, a disciple in handyman clothes knocked on Chen Feng's courtyard door and said respectfully:

"Brother Chen Feng, here is your letter."

Chen Feng raised his brows: "The letter? Whose could it be?"

After opening the letter, Chen Feng was shocked.

It turned out that the person who wrote the letter was unexpectedly the lord of Danyang County and Zhao Honglie, the guard of Danyang County.

What Zhao Honglie roughly meant in the letter was to let Chen Feng not worry, he would keep a secret for Chen Feng and prevent others from knowing that Chen Feng possessed the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit.

And, at the end of the letter, he said lightly:

"The Patriarchs of the major families in Danyang County have all witnessed you using the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit, but you can rest assured that they have all been killed by me."

"You are a good student in Kuangzhan Academy, don't care about other things!"

The last sentence seemed plain, but in fact it was extremely murderous.

Chen Feng looked at it, and his heart jumped suddenly. After reading the letter, he relaxed a little.

Since Zhao Honglie said that, he would naturally keep a secret for himself.

With such an identity, he would not deliberately tease himself, he was not so boring.

But there were countless doubts that came to mind, why did Zhao Honglie do this? What is his purpose?

(The third update of 3.12)

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