Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1249: Mad Beast Gate

This is a seventh-rank spirit beast, Chen Feng just killed it!

After practicing for a long time, Chen Feng let out a long suffocating breath, feeling the surging in the ocean of true essence in his dantian.

At this time, Jinquan had fully recovered, was surging and full of vitality.

The Ocean of True Essence was also plated with a very light gold.

Of course, even now, this golden color is still slightly invisible!

Chen Feng whispered to himself: "It's only a thin line away from Soul Condensation, I may need an opportunity to break through!"

He was about to get up, ready to rush to Qingzhou.

Suddenly at this moment, I heard a scream of killing from a distance, and the scream of people, coming with the wind.

Chen Feng frowned, and rushed over there.

In a valley, a fierce battle is taking place at this time.

Four people are being surrounded. These four people, all young, are young teenagers in their twenties, three men and one woman.

There were 20 or 30 people who besieged them, all wearing black clothes, and the leader was a burly man in black.

And on his forehead, there was a single horn, which was obviously not an ordinary person, but an alien.

This one-horned man is three meters tall, like an iron tower, extremely mighty and majestic.

He looked at the three men and one woman, with a hideous look at the corners of his mouth, and a low growl from his throat: "Hand in the invitation letters of the four of you, I'll give you a happy one!"

"I want us to hand in the invitation letter, that is a dream!" Among the four people, the leader is an ordinary young man who looks simple and even a little honest.

At this moment, his expression was extremely firm, looking at the single-horned man, he said word by word!

There seemed to be an unwavering strength in his ordinary face, which moved people.

The other people were a little panicked at first, but after seeing his expression, they also settled down.

They said loudly, "Yes, even if you kill us, you won't get the invitation letter!"

The one-horned man laughed: "A few brats, they're quite tough!"

"Okay, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

"As for the invitation letter, when you die, I will naturally have a way to get it!"

Several teenagers were angry and said: "The invitation letter from the Crazy Battle Academy was made by our talents and hard work."

"If you want, just do it yourself! What kind of ability to grab us?"

The one-horned man laughed and said, "I'm going to grab you, what can you do?"

Two words popped out of the ordinary young man: "Shameless!"

"Haha, shameless? Yes, we are shameless! So what?"

The one-horned man showed bitter hatred on his face and said, "Well, since you are all going to die, I will let you be a ghost."

He hated it and said: "The **** dogs in the Kuangzhan Academy simply look down on our so-called crooked ways."

"Only you who are so-called righteous people are eligible to participate in the competition for invitations, and we don't even have the qualifications to participate!"

"There is no way, we have to come to kill you, and then pretend to be your identity and enter the Crazy Battle Academy!"

These teenagers exclaimed: "You guys, you are actually outside the evil spirits?"

"Yes!" the one-horned man roared.

Then, the people behind him suddenly roared in unison, ripping off all the black clothes on their bodies, and their momentum rose wildly, and their bodies soared.

They were just like normal humans, but now they all have the characteristics of monsters.

Some have a lion's head, and some have a leopard's tail, they look terrifying and hideous.

The one-horned man laughed and said: "We are the people of the Great Qin Kingdom as one of the seven evil ways, the beasts!"

"It turned out to be you?" These teenagers were pale, and there was a look of despair on their faces.

Even Chen Feng, who was hiding in the dark, frowned slightly.

Crazy Beast Gate, in the Great Qin State, is notorious!

It is said that everyone in the Mad Beast Gate is not a purebred human, but with a trace of monster beast blood.

Therefore, their physical strength is far greater than that of ordinary human beings, and the speed at which they can cultivate is far greater than that of ordinary people.

Moreover, they can also awaken martial souls, and the awakened martial souls are mostly related to their own beast forms.

Therefore, it can be said that they are both monsters and human beings, and they are powerful and extremely difficult to deal with.

If it hadn't been for these years, the various forces in the Great Qin Kingdom had been strangling together, I'm afraid they were already huge and unstoppable!

They were suppressed countless times by the Great Qin State and gradually turned into the dark, but from time to time it was heard that they slaughtered a certain town or a certain city.

Unexpectedly, I ran into it here!

The calm young man turned his head, looked at the three companions, smiled and said: "Since they have dared to identify themselves, it means they must kill us. Are you afraid?"

"Afraid? Why are you not afraid?" Another tall and thin young man laughed: "But no matter how scared you are, you won't shrink. If it is a big deal, I will fight them!"

The one-horned man screamed: "Stop talking nonsense with them, kill!"

With that, everyone in the wild beast gate killed the four young people!

Soon, everyone smashed into a ball.

Chen Feng looked on the side with cold eyes, and soon saw that the strength of the four teenagers was not weak.

All four of them have reached the first stage of the soul condensing state.

At their age, it is absolutely rare.

Sure enough, Kuangzhan Academy is worthy of being one of the three major colleges in Qingzhou, and all the disciples admitted can be regarded as geniuses.

Of course, they are far behind Chen Feng.

And the people of these wild beast doors are also very powerful.

More importantly, they have a large number of people. Among the more than 30 people, a dozen of them are soul-condensing, and that one-horned man has the strength of soul-condensing.

Soon, the four young people were all bloodied and seriously injured!

Among the four, the woman is the weakest.

And these people of the wild beast door are also very shameless, spotted his weakness, and attacked him.

Soon, a man from the mad beast door with a red wolf head, holding a golden long stick, slammed **** her legs.

He directly knocked her down to the ground, a painful snorted in her mouth, and her face changed color.

And the one-horned man, seeing the opportunity, laughed, and bombarded with both fists. Blast directly at the head of this tall woman.

If it is true, the woman's head can be completely shattered and she will die directly.

At this time, the other two people were entangled, and even ordinary young people couldn't get away for a while.

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