Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1248: I'm so strong

When he mentioned this, Yu Wendu's face instantly showed an extremely hideous look, full of hatred.

He looked at Chen Feng fiercely: "Okay, Feng Chen, you are brave enough to dare to say this!"

"I planned to kill you directly today, but now I have changed my mind. I must torture you well!"

"Later, I want you to kneel on the ground and call grandpa!"

"Say what?" Chen Feng asked suddenly.

"Call Grandpa!" Yuwen said loudly.

Chen Feng laughed and said, "Yes, yes, let's call grandpa again, good grandson!"

Yuwen realized that he was being tricked by Chen Feng. He jumped into a rage, pointed at Chen Feng, and shouted: "Feng Chen, you must die today!"

Chen Feng smiled: "Not necessarily."

"Not necessarily? Dongfang Yan has measured your true strength just now. You are just a soul-condensing master! I am a master of the four-tier soul condensing, and it is easy to kill you!"

Yuwen roared loudly: "Die!"

With that said, he took another step.

In a blink of an eye, he crossed a distance of ten meters and came directly in front of Chen Feng.

His footwork is very mysterious, and at the same time it gives people an extremely uncomfortable feeling. It is obviously only a step, but it is across such a large distance.

He came directly to Chen Feng and shot out with a punch.

The moment his fist blasted out, it seemed to have grown many times larger, and when it was completely blasted out, it was already as large as three or four meters.

It seemed that Chen Feng was about to be completely shattered by this punch.

Chen Feng was also unwilling to show weakness, with a clear drink, and the same punch.

The two fists bumped together, and Yuwen stood still, motionless.

As for Chen Feng, he took a few steps back, a touch of blue air flashed across his face, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Yuwen laughed loudly: "Feng Chen, I told you that you are definitely not my opponent!"

"The two of us, three realms are missing, I can easily kill you! Just now, I just used 70% of my power!"

"The next punch, I will use ten percent of my strength!"

As he said, it was another punch.

Chen Feng also greeted him with a fist. This time, Chen Feng was directly beaten out. After landing, he staggered back more than ten steps before he could stand firmly.

A mouthful of blood, spit out wow!

Yuwen laughed, "Have you seen it? This is the huge gap between the two of us!"

Chen Feng looked at Yuwendu, smiled and said, "It seems that you can easily kill me."

Yuwen proudly said, "Of course!"

Chen Feng smiled: "Actually, I have a secret to tell you."

"What's the secret?" Yuwen frowned and said.

Chen Feng said in a soft voice, "Just now, I didn't even use one-tenth of my strength!"

"What? How could it be?" Yuwen was shocked.

Chen Feng laughed loudly, already removing the Dragon Slaying Knife behind him.

Then his whole person, his momentum skyrocketed.

Behind him, the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit suddenly appeared.

Chen Feng raised the Dragon Slaying Knife high and screamed, slashing at Yuwen frantically.

Yuwen felt the overwhelmingly powerful force coming, and uttered a shocked cry: "Ning Soul Fourth Layer? Your strength is definitely not weaker than Ning Soul Fourth Layer! How can you be so powerful!"

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "The fact is, I am so strong!"

With that, the Dragon Sword has been cut to Yu Wendu's eyes.

Yuwen tried his best to make a punch with 12% of his power!

But it was useless at all. With a bang, his fist was directly crushed by the Dragon Slayer Blade!

Then, the Dragon Sabre bombarded his fist, directly smashing his fist into debris.

Then, Dragon Sword was still in full force, and it slashed on his body again.

The entire half of his body was photographed into sludge, and with this, he was severely injured and dying, no longer able to fight!

Then, Chen Feng slashed out again.

Yuwen made a screaming scream, and shouted loudly: "Feng Chen, you can't kill me, I was born in the imperial capital Yuwen's house!"

"You dare to kill me, Yuwen's family will never let you go!"

Chen Feng laughed and said, "Then I will send them one by one, and all of them will be sent to **** to accompany you!"

This knife slashed on his legs, directly smashing his legs into debris, and no longer had any counterattack.

Then, Chen Feng walked in front of him, pressed both palms on his body, and the nine-yin-nine-yang magical power worked like a long whale sucking water into his body!

By the side, Dongfang Yan was completely stupid.

He was full of excitement at first, feeling that he would see Chen Feng easily killed by Yuwen in the next moment.

Unexpectedly, what I saw was a completely different picture!

Some were killed, but they became Yuwendu!

He yelled in disbelief: "You could kill Yuwendu? How could you be so powerful?"

He even had a cry in his voice, looking at Chen Feng, crying: "How can you be so powerful?"

His spirit has completely collapsed.

Chen Feng quickly absorbed all the true essence in Yuwendu's body, and then slapped him to death with a light palm.

However, Chen Feng didn't notice that after Yuwen died, a little light seemed to flash past his body.

Chen Feng walked to Dongfang Yan, stared into his eyes, and suddenly shouted, "Dongfang Yan, look at me!"

Dongfang Yan couldn't help but looked at Chen Feng, and then he felt that he would be hit by a sledgehammer, his whole body trembled, and his eyes instantly became dull.

It turned out that Chen Feng had already invaded his spiritual world.

Chen Feng's transparent divine light invaded his spiritual world, and then frantically absorbed Dongfang Yan's spiritual power.

After a while, Dongfang Yan's mental power was completely absorbed.

Although Dongfang Yan is also a soul eater, but he does not have a soul servant, which is a relatively poor one.

Therefore, after Chen Feng absorbed his mental power, the transparent divine light grew from one foot and six feet long to one foot and eight feet long, only two feet long.

Then Chen Feng absorbed all the true essence from his body again!

After absorbing his true essence, a strange feeling came from Chen Feng's dantian.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I have already stepped into the peak of the first stage of the soul condensing state, and it is possible to break into the second stage of the soul condensing state at any time!"

In a barren mountain, the moonlight is like water.

The night breeze was blowing, and there was already a bit less chill, with a bit of spring breath.

On a large rock, Chen Feng was sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes and practicing.

Not far from the side, there was a huge corpse, forty to fifty meters long.

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