Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1162: Come on together!

Chen Xiao and the others were pale, they knew that what Chu Xiong was telling was the truth, and even if they added up, they were definitely not Chu Xiong's opponent!

Chu Xiong looked at the expressions on their faces and was even more proud. He laughed and said, "Now, I will give you three breaths."

"Within three breaths, you quickly make a decision, leave here, and then leave this girl for us to enjoy. If not, I will..."

"How about you?" A cold voice suddenly sounded.

When the first word was spoken, the voice was still far away, and when the fourth word was spoken, it was as close as everyone's ears.

Then, everyone heard a sharp piercing sound coming from here quickly.

Windy placket.

Many people feel that their heads have been clicked, and it seems that some people lightly stepped on their heads with their toes.

Everyone hurriedly looked up in a panic, and saw a figure in a white shirt with fluttering clothes, extremely chic and rushing towards him.

Almost sigh, they already appeared in front of Qian Yuanzong.

He stared at Chu Xiong coldly, and said in a cold voice, "What about you?"

Seeing this person, everyone in Qian Yuanzong was so excited that they shouted: "Big brother, big brother."

Some people even have tears in their eyes.

And some people in Ran Yuxue, after seeing him, the expressions on their faces that had been nervous all the time, they also brushed a bit and quieted down.

She looked at Chen Feng, her eyes were a little red for a moment, and tears rolled in her eyes.

That is a feeling of grievance that arises when I see my support after being bullied!

At this moment, she felt as if she was back twenty years ago, when she was bullied. When her senior brother Yan Qingyu rushed over to fight the injustice for her, she felt that way.

She looked at Chen Feng with tears, as if Chen Feng's figure overlapped with another figure.

And the members of the Dragon Slaying Group, after seeing Chen Feng, they all shouted in surprise, "Master Feng, Master Feng!"

In their eyes, Feng Chen is as powerful as a legend!

Chu Xiong looked at Chen Feng, frowned, and said in a cold voice: "Boy, it seems that you and them are old acquaintances, but I advise you, don't care about things you shouldn't care about, otherwise, you will lose your life. ."

Chen Feng smiled coldly: "Unfortunately, I still have to take care of this matter."

Chu Xiong rubbed his fists: "Then you are looking for death!"

Chen Feng glanced at them lazily, hooked his fingers, and said lightly:

"Come on! Let's go together! I can easily kill all of you without any help!"

He clicked on Chu Xiong and said, "You Chu family and Wang family members, you can also go!"

What he said was exactly the same as what Chu Xiong said just now.

Return the original way!

"What? You let us go together?" Chu Xiong was taken aback for a moment, then his face showed an expression of disbelief.

Then, a sneer of disdain broke out: "Haha, what did I hear?"

"What an ignorant junior, dare to say such a thing, and let us go together? I can easily crush you by myself!"

At this moment, an equally sturdy and burly man behind him shouted loudly: "Patriarch, such a stinky little furry child, do you still need to do it?"

"If the family took the initiative, wouldn't it be too bad?"

"Let me come, you can definitely kill him easily!"

"Okay!" Chu Xiong smiled slightly, and said, "Then you go and kill him!"

"Yes." The sturdy man replied and strode forward.

He was a full half as tall as Chen Feng, looked down at Chen Feng, grinned and said, "Boy, how do you choose to die?"

"My favorite is to tear people in half! Of course, if you want to be smashed into a pool of flesh, I will accompany you."

"In this case, your pain can be lighter!"

Chen Feng looked at him with a cold expression, just spit out a word: "I choose, you die!"

As he said, his figure flashed, and everyone hadn't recovered at all, and then they saw that Chen Feng was back to the original place again.

It seems that the figure flashed just now, just an illusion.

But they knew that it was not an illusion, because the burly man had already been blasted into pieces in the sky with a bang.

Seeing this scene, everyone let out a huge exclamation!

Just now, the disciples of Qianyuanzong and the members of the Dragon Slaying Group were a little worried, for fear that Chen Feng was not their opponent.

Seeing this scene at this time, they all cheered: "Haha, big brother is too powerful!"

"Young Master Feng is really powerful. This person is a one-star powerhouse in Tianhe. I was worried that Young Master Feng was not his opponent, but I didn't expect Young Master Feng to easily kill him."

"Do you remember? Half a year ago, when we saw Young Master Feng, Young Master Feng was only a powerhouse of the gods, but I didn't expect that he could easily kill the one-star powerhouse of Tianhe!"

"Yes, Master Feng's cultivation speed is too fast!"

Chen Feng screamed, no longer talk nonsense, his figure flashed, and he directly entered the three major families.

He only heard the endless screams, and every time Chen Feng struck out, at least one person was killed.

He even slammed a punch, directly shaking more than a dozen people from the three major families into blood fog.

I only heard the screams rising into the sky, and the corpses flew bang and blood flow.

Wang Bo, Chu Xiong, and Liu Hong, the three Patriarchs, are already silly.

They only saw a flash of white lightning flashing so fast that they couldn't even see what was happening.

The white lightning killed one person and then another. When he killed a third person, they could see the situation of the person who was killed first.

Because Chen Feng's speed is too fast!

The people of the three major families resisted desperately, but unfortunately, it was useless at all.

Chen Feng wanted to kill them, but they couldn't escape even if they wanted to, and couldn't stop them if they wanted to.

Finally, the white lightning, with a sigh, returned to before everyone.

The three big families looked around blankly, and then they saw a corpse on the ground.

The hundreds of people they brought, except for the three of them, have been killed.

Blood ran across, and corpses were everywhere.

The three of them were shocked and couldn't believe it when they watched this scene, and then their bodies began to tremble.

They looked at Chen Feng as if they were looking at a demon.

"How could this person be so powerful? How could he be so powerful? Killed so many people easily!" Their faces were shocked, they couldn't believe it!

They looked at Chen Feng with extreme fear and desperation in their eyes.

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