Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1161: Ran Yuxue humiliated

"It's possible at any time to kill our hunting group and your juniors and sisters."

"I was on a mission outside. After I got the news, I came back quickly, but I didn't expect to be blocked by the Liu family. Fortunately, you came."

After Chen Feng listened to this, the murderous spirit between the eyebrows gathered, and he shouted: "These three families are really damn!"

"Go, let's go to the Elixir Town now!"

Elixir Town, in the compound where the Dragon Slaying Group is located.

This is the most center of the compound. Dozens of disciples of Qian Yuanzong gathered together, and their faces showed anger.

They stared at the people who surrounded them, and besides the disciples of Qian Yuanzong, there were more than 30 people wearing uniforms who were obviously also members of the hunting group.

They are basically mature men, and these people are members of the Dragon Slaying Group.

The person standing in the front is Chen Xiao!

Next to Chen Xiao was Ran Yuxue, both of them had serious faces and a hint of anger.

And they are surrounded by hundreds of people.

These hundreds of people belonged to the Liu'an, Wang and Chu families of the three major families in Lu'an City!

Compared to the many disciples of Qian Yuanzong and the nervous look of the people in the Dragon Hunting and Killing Group, the three of them were going to relax a lot, laughing and pointing at the two groups of them.

From time to time, there was a flash of contempt on their faces, and they even made fun of them loudly!

A tall and thin man stood up. The man had high cheekbones and a hooked nose, looking extremely long and harsh.

He looked at Ran Yuxue and Chen Xiao with a condescending attitude, and said impatiently: "Have you two thought about it?"

"Give you another stick of incense, within the time of one stick of incense, immediately get out of the spirit medicine town and hand over the ancient medicine field."

"Otherwise," he smiled sullenly, a cruel killing intent flashed across his face: "All of you are going to die, next year today will be your anniversary!"

Chen Xiao said angrily: "The surname Liu, you are deceiving too much, this ancient medicine field was clearly discovered by us, so why don't you just come up and grab it!"

It turns out that this tall and thin middle-aged man is the head of the Liu family: Liu Hong!

"I deceived people too much," Liu Hong laughed, full of contempt.

He suddenly stopped laughing, looked at Chen Xiao, and said coldly, "Boy, I didn't expect you to be so naive when you are so old."

"Why do we come up and grab it? Just because we are stronger than you, because we have more people than you, and because we can easily kill you!"

"You!" Chen Xiao flushed with anger!

Behind Liu Hong, the people of the three major families all made a disdainful laugh:

"Haha, this surname Chen is really naive, is he still the head of the hunting group?"

"Okay, you guys don't look at what kind of **** hunting group he is, and he slays dragons. It's a big tone. Haha, I think it's very difficult to kill a snake!"

"Such a hunting group is playing sideways in small towns like Spirit Medicine Town. Any small family in Lu'an City is much stronger than them, let alone our three big families."

"That's right, our three big families, come here together, that is to give them a face!"

Chen Xiao wanted to say something more, Ran Yuxue already stepped forward and stood in front of him.

She took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, looked at Liu Hong, and said, "Okay, let's go now."

After the destruction of Qian Yuanzong, he had obviously matured a lot, and he understood that people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

Liu Hong was about to speak, but a short, fat middle-aged man in brocade walked out beside him.

The short fat man squinted his small eyes and fixed his eyes firmly on Ran Yuxue's body, full of lust. He was squinted, and he wanted to pull out her clothes.

He chuckled and said, "Others can go, but you have to stay!"

Ran Yuxue looked cold: "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Haha? What do I mean, don't you understand?" The pudgy middle-aged man is Wang Bo, the head of the Wang family.

He chuckled and said, "You chick is not young, but she's still skinny and tender, she looks really beautiful!"

"Moreover, I just like your cold temperament," he said with a lustful smile:

"I want to see if you can still maintain this frosty virtue after putting you in bed later."

As soon as his voice fell, the three big families behind him, among the crowd, burst into loud laughter!

"Yes, that's right, the owner is right, this little girl, I don't know how many years can I meet one."

"Among the millions of people in Lu'an City, I'm afraid they are not so beautiful and temperamental. If you encounter them, you can't let it go."

"Haha, Patriarch, after you have used this girl, can you reward the little one and use it? The little one has served in the Wang family for forty years. There is no credit and hard work!"

"Go, go on one side, and it's not your turn. We are in the Wang family for three generations. Isn't it longer than you?"

Everyone was full of banter and humiliated.

Ran Yuxue's pretty face flushed, and her chest undulated violently!

Wang Bo laughed loudly, turned his head, and shouted at everyone: "Don't worry, don't worry, you all have a share! You are indispensable!"

Among the disciples of Qianyuanzong, a burly man stood up and said angrily: "Uncle Ran, let's fight with them!"

"He dared to humiliate you, we would rather die than suffer such humiliation!"

This person is Shangguan Lingyun, the person in charge of all the disciples appointed by Chen Feng at the beginning!

"Yes, spell it!"

"Fight!" Many Qian Yuanzong disciples were extremely angry and shouted.

"Oh, do you want to work hard? It's a pity that you have to work hard? Do you have this capital?" A cold snort came, and the Chu Family Patriarch, who had been standing next to him, spoke.

This person is burly and strong, like a steel tower, standing there, there is a very calm master.

This person is named Chuxiong.

Although he didn't speak much, he was actually the strongest among the three Patriarchs!

He looked at the disciples of Qian Yuanzong, revealing a deep contempt, and said coldly: "You people, the most powerful people are not even in the Tianhe Realm!"

"Do you know that I am already a Tianhe three-star powerhouse, I want to kill you, that's easy!"

"You want to work hard, don't you? Okay, come on! Let's go together! I can easily destroy all of you without any help!"

He clicked on Chen Xiao and said, "You members of the Dragon Slaying Group can also go!"

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