Peerless Martial God

Chapter 972: Dawn

Tianwu Liuzhong realm of people, instant kill!

The power of horror swallowed and the power of the waste was swallowed back into the demon sea.

Now Lin Feng’s eyebrows can release the minds of the gods, and they can open the demon sea. They simply can’t catch up. The other side just didn’t think that when Lin Feng’s thoughts bloom, he could open the demon sea again and release the power of the wild, so he was instantly wiped out. It is too late to fight back.

After killing the man, Lin Feng flickered and went to the other side. I saw that the guard and the woman also fought. Only the woman in Tianwu’s triple realm had been knocked down to the ground, and the clothes were torn apart. The white shoulders are exposed to the air and are extremely attractive.

"Well?" The man turned his head and saw that Lin Feng couldn't help but frown, and what happened, Lin Feng was still alive?

"Others?" This person spit out a voice in the cold indifference of Lin Feng. His gods rushed out, but he did not find another person's trace, only Lin Feng.

"You don't have to find it, people are dead." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Dead?" The man looked stiff: "You killed him?"

"Do you think there are other people here?" Lin Feng’s mouth is still smiling, revealing a bit of ecstasy, so that the person’s eyes are blinking and dying, dead? Dead in the hands of the two people in this day?

"It seems that I am blind, and you have hidden it." The man was silent for a moment, and smiled softly at Lin Feng. On that day, Lin Feng used a powerful supernatural power on the purple jade warship to send others to Kowloon. The battleship of the island, now only a moment to kill the strong weapon of Tianwu Liu, all he believes that Lin Feng must be hidden and repaired, his strength can never be the dual realm of Tianwu.

Not only him, but even the beautiful woman who fell to the ground at the moment felt that she was looking away. It seems that there is a chance.

"Help me kill him." The woman opened to Lin Feng.

"Shut up." The man snorted at the woman, glaring at her, then looking at Lin Feng, laughing: "Hello, you probably don't know the identity of this woman, eight wilderness The land is known as one of the strongest families under the imperial family. Miss Yang’s family, she is a hegemonic one. She has a very special blood force. If she is able to kiss her, she can strengthen her with her. The blood power makes the blood force stronger. If you are willing, I will let you come first, how?"

Lin Feng looked at the beautiful woman, and she was beautiful. At this moment, she showed her white skin. It was particularly attractive, and it also had a strange blood force. It was a great temptation for any man.

On that day, Lin Feng knew from the control of the purple jade warship that her identity was very precious. The fact is that the strongest family power under the imperial family, Yang’s daughter, is probably a terrible force. A powerful high-ranking sage sits on the town.

The woman saw Lin Feng's gaze revealing a hint of jealousy. At this moment, her situation is indeed too embarrassing, and she is arbitrarily slaughtered. If Lin Feng has a misconduct to her, she has no resistance.

"Help me." The girl's gaze reveals a hint of tenderness, watching Lin Feng's eyes stunned.

"Your talent is strong, if the power of the blood becomes stronger, the talent will be stronger." The man continued to speak.

"I admit, you make my heart move." Lin Feng's mouth is filled with a smile, and the footsteps slowly walk toward the woman.

The woman's look was stiff, her body slid on the ground, and some resentful look at Lin Feng who was coming towards her.

"You really are smart people, such a beautiful woman, but the status is noble, the feeling must be perfect." The man smiled and looked at Lin Feng slowly coming towards this side.

Soon, Lin Feng walked over to the woman, only to see the woman biting her teeth, and some viciously staring at Lin Feng.

A chill blew in the space, as if there were snowflakes floating in the void.

"So a noble woman, let you enjoy... dreaming!" A cold drink came out, and the power of terror swept past Lin Feng.

"Boom!" The power of terror is raging in madness. However, he suddenly realizes that this horrible force is blasting into the void, and there is no way to pay. Lin Feng’s place seems to be in the void.

At the moment when his horror and force came out, Lin Feng’s body had already turned, and the power of the void spread out, and the horrible killings permeated.

"Kill!" Lin Feng's footsteps were fierce, the palms were shot, and a terrible sound of the bang came out, and the endless powers smashed toward each other, with a terrifying world.

The man didn't expect Lin Feng's reaction to be so fast, and the thunder hit a space and trembled as if the world would collapse, and the power was extremely fierce.

His body retraced backwards, because the death of his companion had a scruples on Lin Feng's heart, so he saw Lin Feng attack immediately retreating.


His gaze suddenly became stiff, only to see that the deterrent of the tyrant had oppressed him. He was useless in the future, as if he was standing still, which made his face change.

"Roll!" The person who lifted the palm of the hand directly smashed out, and the airborne violent tremble, and the empty snow road was shaking.

The atmosphere of terror has not dissipated, and immediately there is an infinite pressure to suppress and raise his head. He suddenly found a terrible mountain rushing toward him.

This mountain is full of horror and great world. It seems that there are infinitely powerful natural forces that oppress the people together. The man only feels that he is carrying a heavy and incomparable force. The pressure of Tianwu Liuzhong’s realm is not able to breathe.

He continued to retreat, but he found that he couldn't retreat at all, or he couldn't retreat at all. The horrible mountain directly pressed against him, and the loud noise of the bang came out. He only felt that the bones of his body would be broken.

"Bastard." The man screamed, but saw the mountain leave from him, but only after the moment, the terrible pressure was once again suppressed and continued to rush toward him.


"Boom, boom!"

A horrible voice shocked the heavens and the earth, the void was broken, and the sound of the cymbals continued to spread, and the bones of the man were constantly shattered.

"Stop, you stop first." The man roared out, but Lin Feng would not care about him, just keep bombarding.

"Boom, bang, bang..."

The trembling of the heavens and the earth, the terrible power of the heavens and the earth shattered the empty snow road, and the body of the man had been smashed down by the town.

The woman's gaze was shocked and looked at the scene in front of him. I saw Lin Feng, like a god, holding the mountain and constantly suppressing it down, and the town was not able to fight back.

"Stop..." The man is still roaring. Lin Feng looks cold and indifferent. Where will he stop? This person still wants to steal and kill him. How can Lin Feng give him a chance.

The mountains of the Scorpio stone continued to suppress the body of the man, and the earth was constantly cracking. The body of the man was smashed with blood and gradually became extinct.

After a long time, all the earth was cracked. Lin Feng stopped, and the mountain held in the palm of his hand was re-formed as a scorpio stone disappeared. The life of the man had already disappeared and was killed by the living oppression.

"Sneak attack kills me?" Lin Feng spit out a voice indifferently, then turned back and walked toward the beautiful woman, the woman's eyes still some taboo Lin Feng.

"Get up." Lin Feng said softly, reaching out to the woman, the woman looked at Lin Feng deeply, then immediately extended her hand and let Lin Feng pull it up.

When I thought about it, Lin Feng appeared in a robes in the palm of his hand and put it on the woman’s body. He said, "You should go to heal first!"

The vigilance of the woman's face gradually disappeared a few points, and Lin Feng helped to get into a cave house. The power of the wasteland is weak and suitable for recovery.

"You have healed yourself." Lin Feng said to her, and then left, and returned to the slope, I saw that there was a strangeness at the moment, staring at the crashed Void.

"What are you looking at?" Lin Feng walked over, only to see the poor and ignored Lin Feng, and continued to look at the Nethership. After a long time, he looked back and looked at Lin Feng and smiled: "Boy, you are lucky, this ship of the Nether The damage is not serious, I can fix it."

Lin Feng's eyes are condensed and can be repaired?

"what do you mean……"

"I mean, we can leave this desert island!" There is a smile in the eyes of the huge and handsome, this kid, luck is really good!

Ps: Seeking flowers and asking for power, there will be more and more updates in the future!

(four more)

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