Peerless Martial God

Chapter 971: Yang and Xuanyuan

In the endless sea of ​​waste, over the uninhabited desert island, a glimmer of light crossed the void and slammed into the desert island.

"Boom!" A horrible burst of sound came out, leaving the entire desert island with a dull echo.

Above the slopes of the desert island, the sky was dusty, and there was a huge deep pit, as if something had penetrated into it.

Beside the deep pit, there are several figures. The person who is heading is a beautiful woman. At this moment, her face is very unsightly, and her eyes are always on the deep pit.

Behind the woman, there are two young figures who seem to be his guards.

"Come out." The woman’s heart was moved, and a brilliance broke out. It was a small warship, but it was damaged at the moment.

The two young people flashed forward and looked at the Void Warship, his face was not very beautiful.

"Miss, even if you can control it to fly, I am afraid there is no light curtain protection. We want to go back to the eight wilderness by the wild sea. I am afraid it is impossible, and now the battleship is a problem." The two looked back. A beautiful woman glanced at her eyes and seemed to be thinking about how she could live back to the eight wilderness.

The beautiful woman's face is getting more and more gloomy, can't go back? Isn't she going to be trapped on this desert island?

"Waste, a group of waste." The woman said coldly: "In any case, give me a solution. Within a month, I have to go back to the eight wilderness."

"Miss, the Void Warship can't resist the power of the wild, we can't go back, it's impossible within a month, we can only wait for the family strong to come and look for it." The young man said with a calm face, there is no light curtain of the empty battleship Protection, how can it go back.

"Wait for the family to look for?" The beautiful woman's face is white, very unsightly: "How far is the wild sea? You don't know, on this deserted island, the family wants to find it early, who knows when, Maybe never found."

"What does the lady want us to do?" The youth face was also gloomy.

"Looking for a way, within a month, I have to go back to the eight wilderness." The beautiful woman's cold road.

The two young people looked at each other and their eyes flashed, as if they understood the meaning of each other from the other's eyes.

Standing up, the two turned slowly and looked at the beautiful woman.

"Well?" The beautiful woman looked stiff and looked at the two people who were not right.

"Miss has already informed the family when she fled. The family may not be able to find it in a month, but sooner or later, the desert island will be found by the family." One of them said coldly.

"And listening to the meaning of Miss, it seems that as long as one month back to eight wilderness, once his family arrives, we are afraid that we must die, right?"

Another person said that the woman's footsteps slightly retreated.

"I don't mean this, I just hope that you two can find a way to get back to the eight wilderness as soon as possible." The beautiful woman seems to know that she was a little anxious, and at this moment she found that the situation was wrong and she was immediately awake.

"We know why the lady rushed back. One month later, Shi Huang and Emperor Huang enlisted the first batch of Emperor Wu’s disciples. At that time, Xuanyuan’s younger generation, who had the blood of the emperor, would step out of the family and win At the time, Tianwu’s first disciple’s seat, at that time, he would propose to Yang’s family, Miss Yingxi, the combination of Xuanyuan’s blood and Yang’s blood power, which would give Xuanyuan Gongzi a chance to achieve the emperor’s body, and one day he would take the seat of the emperor.”

The man continued to slowly open his mouth and walked towards the beautiful woman, and his body chilled.

"Yang family's blood power can reinforce the blood of other people, and can also transform the blood pressure of others into their own body, so that both sides get great benefits, so Xuanyuan has been looking forward to joining hands with Yang, especially in The moment when Xuanyuan Gongzi won the glory of the first Emperor's disciples, it was even more dazzling. At that time, it was a great benefit to Xuanyuan and Yang's family. With the influence of Shi Huang and Emperor Huang, the prestige was raised, and I also I heard that Xuanyuan Gongzi still wants to invite two emperors to marry him."

"But if the lady disappears forever, the wilderness of the sea, the family will never find a lady, they will fight with Kowloon Island at most, no one knows where the lady went."

"And, I don't know the ordinary blood of the two of us. If we combine with the young lady, what kind of benefits will be born."

The smile on the faces of the two faces is getting colder and colder, and the step by step is tight*, so that the woman's body is constantly retreating and her face is blue.

"If the family knows, you will be annihilated by the nine."

"If the family finds it here, we may die, but if the lady is not there, the family will never find it here. These are all ladies*."

The two voices are decided, and they are squandered. They are of course afraid of the Yang family. But at this point, they can't take care of it. They can perfectly combine with the beautiful and noble lady, and they can strengthen the blood. This is a wonderful thing. I will practice in this desert island in the future. If I am lucky, I will leave the desert island when I encounter the warship and go to the opposite place of the eight wilderness.

At this point, one of the two men turned their eyes and looked down the slope. They said coldly: "Have you heard enough?"

"I didn't expect that there were people in this desert island except us, and it was a poor Tianwu double person. I don't know how to come to this desert island." Another person said coldly.

Immediately there, there was a figure, and it was Lin Feng. The battleship crashed from the sky and caused such a big movement. Where can he feel without feeling? When he came here, he found that he was still an acquaintance. He was with him at the time. The woman surnamed Yang on the Jade Warship did not expect that they would escape from the siege of Kowloon Island with the small warships. However, several other powerful guards were gone. It should have died and the warships were destroyed.

After seeing Lin Feng, the three men looked slightly stiff, and one of them sneered: "Funny, good luck guy, has not died in the wilderness."

The woman also looked at Lin Feng, but her face was still ugly, Lin Feng's strength is too weak, Tian Wujing is two, and her two guards are the strength of Tianwu Liuzhong realm, Lin Feng's appearance is to die.

I saw that one of them slowly walked toward Lin Feng, and the killings on his body did not hide.

"After listening for so long, I still can't bear to leave. Is it because our lady saved you, you are also interested in Miss Yang." The man said with a low smile: "Unfortunately, with the strength of your ants, you want Miss Gao Panyang is just a dream, but soon Miss Yang will be under my body."

"The slaves bully the Lord, you two are very courageous, but the slaves are all slaves, a stinking face is disgusting." Lin Feng sneered and sneered.

The man’s face was condensed and looked at Lin Feng strangely. He said: “I almost forgot that you have some magical powers, but the strength of Tianwu’s duality is not to die, no doubt it’s an idiotic dream.”


As soon as the voice fell, the man immediately released a horrible breath and grabbed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's footsteps flashed, and the footsteps stepped out, and the violent retreat was extremely rapid.

"Do you still want to live?" The person’s feet seem to have streamers, and Tianwu’s six-fold repairs, even if Lin Feng’s use of the footwork is still unable to get rid of.


Lin Feng screamed, as if the sword had spit out from his mouth and killed him.


The man’s fist slammed out, and suddenly a tyrannical force slammed on the sword, and was instantly wiped out, and the body chased Lin Feng tightly.

"You are looking for death!" Lin Feng looks cold, the eyebrows are shining, and the Sapphire Palace is blooming with blue brilliance, killing the other side.

"Well?" The man's brow wrinkled, the palace, with Lin Feng Tianwu's double repair, can actually condense the gods of the palace, so enchanting.

"The enchanting sorrow is not wrong." The eyebrows of the man also shined brightly, and there was a round of brilliance, and the gods turned into a round moon scimitar. The space seemed to be cut through, and the temple of Lin Feng was split. go with.

"Dead!" A cold voice spit out from Lin Feng's mouth, his eyebrows opened again, the horrible Wang Yang was screaming, the tyrants were screaming, and a terrible waste of power from his eyebrows Rushed out.

"Boom!" The man looked fierce, what is this? Enchanting?

This is... the breath of the wild!

The heart violently twitched, his footsteps violently retreat, and then wherever he could, the horrible power of the wilderness instantly attacked, drowning his body, and a miserable cry came out, his body gradually being Corrosion turns into dust, and the horrified face seems to be still there, but the body has completely disappeared and died!

Ps: A lot of people come over the festival... It’s been a long time to finish the chapter, halo.

(three more)

(three more)

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