Peerless Martial God

Chapter 928: Speech shock

Lin Feng saw that the strong shots suddenly condensed, the pupils were cold, and the snow in the sky drifted slowly again. In the body of the demon, it turned out to be a demon. //Free e-book download //

"It's so cold!"

Many people felt the coldness of the bones in the moment of this chill, and the hands and feet were cold, as if the body had to be frozen.

"Hurry up." Lin Feng's mouth spit out a cold voice. This voice is of course to the poor. The fire that covered the smoldering inflammation is naturally very strange. He just shot it with a palm. At that time, I was shot out of the Snow Demon Tower.

He didn't want to show his body in a strange way. Otherwise, everyone knows that he is the sick man with a sallow face.

The sound of screaming is constant, and of course, I know that I want to hurry. At this moment, he uses all the means that can be used at present, and swallows the smoldering inflammation at the fastest speed. I am afraid that except for this mysterious demon. No second person can do this to his point. Even if Lin Feng is a Tianwu person, I am afraid that he will be burned to death by the smoldering of inflammation.

However, these martial arts disciples know that there is a flame here. Presumably they are prepared. They should bring the baby who can collect the flames. Otherwise, even if there is no Lin Feng and the strange appearance, they can’t take the sinister inflammation. .

"Hey!" In the mouth of the owner of the door, a cold voice was uttered, and the footwork was approaching to an incredible point. The group did not know what the fire was, but they still wanted to seize the smoldering inflammation. Not in a hurry, with their strength, you can shoot at the last minute, you can easily kill the other side.

"Hey, hehe..." The terrible ice is spreading, only momentarily, in front of the owner of the door, there is an ice-cold scorpion that seals the entire space road. This scene makes the eyes of the owner stunned. Shrinked, screamed: "Who!"

The power of this frozen world is absolutely terrible snow and ice martial arts.

The rest of the strong also rushed over, blocked by the ice, and even the ice continued to spread, moving towards them, as if they had to swallow them all.

"Give me the broken!" A terrible amount of power came out of their hands, and the sound of the cracking of the cracks continued, and the ice of the frozen world appeared a terrible crack.


These strong players are also a joint blow, deafening, cold and cracked, and frozen.

Stepping out again, they quickly ran in the direction of Lin Feng.

There was a terrible ice power between heaven and earth. Suddenly, a voice spit out from the void: "Coag!"

When the voice fell, the steps of the strong ones stopped again, and their bodies were frozen directly there, forming an ice sculpture, only feeling cold.

"Booming!" At the moment when their bodies solidified, the terrible ice-filled atmosphere of the heavens reappeared. In front of them, the space was once again frozen, an iceberg, presented in front of them, blocking their bodies.


"Boom, hey!"

The strong ones roared, broke the ice sculptures, and quickly went forward. Who is secretly helping the youngsters in the dark, is it like the martial artists who are not the cadres? Otherwise, how can the magical youth be so horrible, Tianwu has a realm of realm, and even four warriors of the Emperor.

At the same time, in addition to the place where Lin Feng and others were located, the four martial arts disciples saw that the strong men were isolated by the iceberg, and suddenly the pupils contracted, and some people helped Lin Feng.

Eyes staring at Lin Feng, they are also guessing, is this guy like them, is getting news from a distant place? Otherwise, how could he have such a powerful magical martial arts, and the terrible strong man secretly helped him to win the sinister inflammation.

Seeing that the smoldering inflammation has become more and more powerful, it almost disappears at any time. The faces of the martial arts disciples have become extremely ugly, and they control their own martial arts power and suppress the magic of Lin Feng. Forbidden surgery.

"kill, kill, kill..."

Several Wuhuang disciples did not hesitate to do anything. They once again attacked the tyrants, and the power to destroy the heavens and the earth swept out. It seemed as if the rivers and rivers were going backwards, the earth was turned over, and the terrible powers rushed toward Lin Feng.


A soft scream came out, and suddenly several of the Emperor's disciples trembled and shattered. Lin Feng's cultivation was still far worse than them. The magic ban was broken, and then it was fine.

"Roll!" I saw the sound of a cold ice in the mouth of the magical young man at this time. The power of the banned violently pushed out their martial arts. Finally, the sound of the screaming came out, and the magic ban was broken.

The four eyes of the disciples were cold and cold, and they had to cross the footsteps while killing Lin Feng.

"Do you still want to have a chance?"

Lin Feng’s voice is still cold, the voice is falling, the snow is drifting even more powerful, and the strong ones are killing Lin Feng. However, they find that their distance from Lin Feng seems to be so far away, they can’t be close, as if there is an invisible Power is about everything.

"Void power."

The four emperors of the Emperor Wu’s disciples slammed down. I saw that Lin Feng turned around and walked toward the center of the mountain. The smoldering inflammation finally disappeared.

"Take him." Tianlin's son roared. At this time, the strong men had already broken through the air. Without any voice, they directly blasted out and blasted on the invisible void power. Out, the power of the void was shattered. When they faced the body, Lin Feng was wiped out. However, when Lin Feng suddenly turned around, his eyes stared at them coldly, and they felt a terrible chill. .

The magical pupil with a fascinating temper is so cold.

"You are afraid that they will be afraid of me if they are a few disciples of the Emperor."

Lin Feng's mouth was indifferent and spit out a few voices, and the body of several strong people was stiff there, staring at Lin Feng.

I saw Lin Feng’s hand at the moment, and the black robe fluttered. The body showed a scent of the demon, and the body was underneath. All of them were accompanied by a peerless style. Although only Tianwu’s realm was cultivated, he seemed to be a demon and demon. Zhong Sheng, arrogant and arrogant, with his own power against the four disciples of the Emperor Wu, under the eyes of so many powerful people to win the virtual inflammation.

Tianlin Gongzi, the four of them are disciples of the Emperor Wu, the magical young man in Wu Yizhong’s realm that day, will he have no identity?

Lin Feng’s simple sentence is enough to cause them to be infinitely delusional. At this moment, they don’t even dare to take the shot.

"Don't listen to him, kill him and win the smoldering inflammation." Tianlin's son spit out a cold voice.

"Shut up." Lin Feng sighed, the voice was still so cold, staring at Tianlin Gongzi: "A waste is also qualified to speak in front of me. The disciples of the Emperor, simply throwing away the face of the Emperor, in the disciple of the Emperor Among them, your existence should be the most wasteful existence, and only in this cadre can be arrogant and arrogant.

When Tianlin’s son heard Lin Feng’s words, his face suddenly sank and his face was extremely ugly. The other party was so humiliated by him, but he was not qualified to refute, Tianwu’s triple realm, but the other’s Tianwu was heavy, and even the four emperors’ disciples could not help. Lin Feng, Lin Feng, he is a waste, he has nothing to say.

On the first day of the day, he was insulted by two people. One was the sallow-faced person, but he was able to suppress the other side and humiliate the other person as a waste, but at this moment, the young people in front of him are humiliating him.

If Tianlin’s son knows, these two people are simply one person and don’t know what to think.

The crowd is shocked, and the terrible talents of Tianlin Gongzi are only the bottom of the Wuhuang disciples? The disciples of the Emperor Wu are really terrible. They are unknowingly convinced Lin Feng’s words, everything, only because of the terrible fighting power that Lin Feng showed.

Since Tianlin Gongzi and others can be disciples of the Emperor, Lin Feng can of course also.

"The smoldering inflammation." At this time, Tianlin Gongzi and others smashed the sputum, and the smoldering inflammation disappeared and was completely swallowed up.

"The owner of the door, you don't want to shoot again, don't blame me." Tianlin's son is indifferent and threatened, letting the owner of the door look stagnate, and his heart is very uncomfortable, although Tianlin is the general priest of the ancestors, but It is too disrespectful to speak to his master.

However, he still had to listen to the other party's words, the sigh of breath burst, and Lin Feng's body was covered.

"You dare to shoot me, I promise you will have no bones." Lin Feng sneered a sneak, then slowly turned, stepped into the flame, the body did not enter the flame, disappeared.

The owner of the happy door is still hesitating, but at this time, there is a terrible wave of power in the flame.

"Hands!" Tianlin Gongzi snorted.

"Boom!" The owner of the door finally took out, and a palm directly smashed out toward the flame. However, at the same time, a terrible breath bloomed, the strong sound of the cymbal came out, the stone broke, and the flame disappeared instantly. Turned into a group of fire, like a meteor, instantly disappeared in the same place, but in the blink of an eye completely disappeared in front of the crowd, the eyes of those powerful Supreme can not keep up.

Ps: There is no manuscript today, normal update, explosion tomorrow, seeking passion, seeking motivation, how many outbreaks will see the brothers!

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