Peerless Martial God

Chapter 927: Abandoned ancient forbidden

This magical young man is undoubtedly, of course, Lin Feng. //Update the fastest 78xs//

In the past, Lin Feng’s three magical emperors gave the magical scriptures in the ‘Sanshengjing’, but they never used them. Until now, they came out as another magical young man, crushing the disciples of the Emperor and taking the smoldering inflammation.

The Heavenly Magic Seal contains the magical atmosphere of the heavens and the roaring roar. The former three demons are the ones that control his body. With this magical magic seal, the seals are shattered, and the three demons who do not know how many years are suppressed. The emperor stepped out of the Death Valley and disappeared. Now, Lin Feng’s magic, the power of using this magical magic seal can not be compared with that day, but it is still vast and majestic.

The endless sorcerer's power slammed into the four disciples of the four emperors with the lawless magical seal, so that they deeply felt a shudder from the soul, as if this ruthless palm print was on them, They erased it.

"Happy, endless, drunk, and killed."

Tianlin’s body swayed and swayed in the void, as if he was drunk in it. However, he was drunk in it and took a palm. At that moment, he was like a sleeping lion, and the horrible storm force smashed out. After the earthquake, the lonely young man also burst into the golden mans, destroying everything, and the four disciples of the Emperor, each using a terrible supernatural power.

"Boom, bang, rumbling..." The heavens and the earth are dead. The crowd sees the center of the battle as if the heavens and the earth are going to be destroyed. The magic of the sky is like a thousand demons.

It is simply unimaginable. This is the power of the Tianwu heavy people in the battle against the Tianwu triple and the four realm of the Emperor of the Emperor. These people are terrible.

The disciples of the Emperor Wu are already a leap-forward challenge, and this magical young man is actually a disciple of the surviving Emperor Wu, and it is a real lawlessness that shocks the hearts of the people.

This Wuhuang disciple, if they are peerless geniuses in their fields, what is this sudden emergence of the magical youth?

The four disciples of the four emperors stared at the power of destruction one by one, and their hearts trembled with trepidation. Where did the magical youth emerge from it, and why the power was so terrible.

"Dream, oh!"

The shock was still in my heart, and a roaring roar of roaring out of the mouth of the magical youth, letting their eardrums madly shudder, the body trembled slightly, and the endless whistling rolled in, even in the void, illusory endless The madness of the devil, holding the trident, or the razor blade, the phantom of the madman, to kill them.

"Killing, killing, killing, killing..." The four disciples of the Emperor of the Emperor are all using their own strength, the heavens and the earth rolling, the terrible breath to destroy everything.

"Boom, rumbling..."


The mad screams, the world is chic, the sound of the bursting sounds constantly, the four martial arts disciples are slammed back and forth, and finally the endless madness is wiped out, but they feel that their arms are slightly numb. What is more numb is their heart, the area of ​​the area, out of a magical youth, but they fight against their four disciples of the Emperor, which makes their heart shock can be imagined.

Looking at the mountain peak, the smoldering inflammation is still being eaten away, and it is getting weaker and weaker. The fire of the group can really engulf and eat the smoldering inflammation, and then continue this way. The smoldering inflammation falls into the hands of the other party.

"Together, kill him." Tianlin Gongzi said to the other people, the four people nodded, they must join forces to kill Lin Feng, a Tianwu heavy magician youth, they forced them so embarrassed .


Tianlin Gongzi summoned, the martial arts storm reappeared, angered in the sky, covered the sky, smashed the space, the horrible destruction power was endless, and madly rushed to Lin Feng.


The lonely and arrogant youth summoned the Promise pattern, and the terrible golden light released the mansions and killed all.

"Wu Hun!" Fahrenheit youth faintly said, an invisible air wave shrouded the entire space, Lin Feng only felt a terrible force on his body, as if it was an invisible force field.


The youth of the ice fire said indifferently, suddenly there was a raging ice fire in the void, the ice and fire blended together, and the crazy flow was intertwined. The terrible destruction power can be easily felt, as if it touched him, it would melt. In the ice fire, he died miserablely.

The four martial arts disciples, while releasing their martial arts, this moment is filled with vast pressures, to kill the magical youth.

"These people are not disciples of the Emperor Wu, the innate martial arts are terrible." The crowd felt the destructive power in the void, and the smoldering blood flowing through them, and the heart trembled. This time, it was only Tianwu. Can the Magic Youth be able to withstand this terrible attack?



"Kill, kill, kill!"

The horrible sound of the whistling sound reveals endless killing, the martial arts storm is spinning wildly, and the promise pattern is golden, and there is a terrible swallowing force in the force field, which will absorb Lin Feng’s body and destroy the ice. , flew toward Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's eyes were cold, watching the terrible destruction of the martial arts rushing toward him, his hands painted in the void, the magic gas surged with his strokes, as if it contained the true magic way. In it, the space around Lin Feng's body seems to be rolling and shaking.

"The ancients are forbidden and banned!"

In the portrayed Lin Feng’s mouth spit out a cold voice. In the void, the invisible horrible power turned into a taboo force, and the magic was forbidden.


The ancient demon banned the sound of snoring, hanging in front of Lin Feng and in the sky, suddenly a taboo of power enveloped this space, the storm of the ruins of the ruins of the sun, but could not erode the power of this taboo This block is out, destroying the golden light and colliding with this power of forbidden, and then can not penetrate the past, is isolated.

The Fahrenheit youth felt that the invisible force field had disappeared, and it was banned by the power of the ban, and the ice fire came, and the mad anger was also unable to step further.

"What magical skills do you cultivate!" Tianlin's son screamed, their martial arts are the power to directly inherit the father's sage, the blood is extremely powerful, however, the four martial arts disciples, by a magical youth to magic Suppression, even in the magical powers, there is even more terrible magical ban, which is horrendous. This is enough to show that the magical power of this person’s cultivation is already terrible, and the power of the direct blood martial arts can be suppressed.

The other three emperors of the Emperor Wu also had the same question. Lin Feng, in the end, what magical skills have been cultivated, and it is terrible to this extent. Is it true that he is practicing the emperor’s emperor or the emperor’s emperor.

In the distance, a vast shadow of the sky rises to the sky, staring at Lin Feng, this person is the lord of the Devil of the Suidu, Lin Feng appeared in the moment, he felt a terrible magical meaning, although not The vastness is powerful, but it is so pure, this magic is terrible.

Therefore, he witnessed Lin Feng's entire battle scene, Magic Power, the body of this magical Tao, with terrible magic.

Lin Feng's pupil is still cold, his eyes are staring at a few people, and the cold is very high.

"Forbidden!" A cold voice spit out from Lin Feng's mouth. The terrible power of the magical ban burst into a murderous force, pushing the martial arts force that pressed the other side, and expelled the martial arts of the Emperor's disciples.

"It’s terrible, such a powerful Wuhun, can’t help him.” The crowd felt in the heart, but I don’t know that Lin Feng’s secret at this moment is a pity. His power is not strong enough. Otherwise, this ancient magic ban will be directly It’s banned and it won’t be so hard to fight.

Looking at the land of the mountain peaks, the smoldering inflammation is getting weaker and weaker, and almost disappeared by all the encroachment. This time, the four Emperors of the Emperor finally could not be indifferent. The four of them were disciples of the Emperor. Looking at the face, of course, I want to personally suppress Lin Feng to seize the smoldering inflammation, but now, it seems impossible.

"Get away from the door, help." Tianlin Gongzi snorted, without him saying that the strong also know that the key moment, they must shoot.

Many people's eyes are against the sinister inflammation, and the lords of the sects of the sects of the sects, his eyes are staring at Lin Feng, for him, Lin Feng is more attractive than smoldering inflammation!

Ps: I want to make up a chapter in the morning, but I stopped the electricity. The electricity stored in the notebook is only enough for a chapter. I have no choice but to give flowers to these days. Some of the brothers should not be reluctant. On the weekend, you know!

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