Peerless Martial God

Chapter 909: Gathering worry-free city

Lin Feng’s unforgettable footsteps come from the true ancient meridians, plus their own savvy, this use is more powerful than the use of these real disciples, even if they are not as good as them, but the speed does not have to be free. The strongman of the door is slow.

Not long after, Lin Feng flashed into a remote and ridiculous area, with a flash of light in his eyes, his speed slowed down.

"Hey, where to go." There was a sizzling sound behind him, and the sound of the air broke through. Many of the shadows were coming crazy and the killings bloomed.

However, just behind them, Lin Feng’s body suddenly turned around and a huge stone block appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Kill!" Angrily screamed, the magic stone stele came out, Lin Feng figure like lightning, the moment came to the front of the two people running in front, the two men's advancement has not stopped, they saw the terrible magic The pressure of the town was smashed, and I couldn't help but change my face, but I couldn't escape at the moment.


The sound of a huge collision came out, and Lin Feng’s terror power combined with the pressure of the demon stone monument, the two strong men were directly killed and instantly destroyed.

Lin Feng's cold eyes swept over other people, stepping forward and stepping forward again. Now he is hiding his identity and entering the dry field. When he is crowded, he can't use his full strength. It is easy to be recognized, so he deliberately put these people. Lead here, then kill one by one.

"The magic stone monument, he has a magic stone in his hand, be careful." Someone screamed, and stepped out again, and continued to chase Lin Feng, but at the moment they were cautious and did not dare to squat as before.

With a heart and soul, a **** long sword appeared in Lin Feng's hand, and the blood gas was extremely rich, so that the eyes of the people who were chasing after him were a stiff one. This sword seemed to be very powerful.

On Lin Feng’s body, a terrible kendo qi began to bloom. The figure in front of the whole person gradually turned into a sharp sword. People, faintly want to become a sword, at the same time, thousands of martial arts In the body of Lin Feng released, Jianqi Lingtian, the people chasing after him felt a tight body, one by one released a strong atmosphere, guarded Lin Feng shot.

Suddenly Lin Feng’s body stopped and stopped directly in the void.

"Be careful." The crowd shouted, and the chasing people all stopped, but Lin Feng turned and smiled at them: "It's a little tired, why be so nervous."

After all, Lin Feng went on again.


"You are looking for death." The crowd screamed and was so teased by Lin Feng, but just as they started, Lin Feng’s body turned again and again, and the endless swordsman burst out at this moment. They are assassinated and they are all destroyed.

Lin Feng’s sudden blow made them horrified, and the horrible sword would die if it fell on the body.



A terrible force slaps out at the same time, but sees Lin Feng's body-changing sword. The sword is one, and with a few creaking sounds, two figures in the void fall toward the sky and die.

"Hey." If other crowds were crazy, Lin Feng killed four strong men in a blink of an eye. When they turned to face Lin Feng, they saw the endless kendo meaning disappeared. Lin Feng held a mountain in his hand and directed Under the air, the violent tyrannical wave of stunned people suffocated.


"Peng, Bang!"

Lin Feng took the Tianzhu Peak out. At this moment, many of the figures near him were directly killed by the living town.

In a twinkling of an eye, there are only two people left in the strong door of the Happy Gate.

The scorpio giant peak flew back to the hands of Lin Feng, and Lin Feng was in the palm of his hand. Lin Feng stood there, like a god, despising the two remaining strong men.

"Kill me, do you have it?" Lin Feng said coldly.

"Lin Feng, you are Lin Feng." One of them stared at Lin Feng, the stone block, the blood sword, and the mountain. It seemed to be a sacred rumor of the peak of the sky. This person is Lin Feng.

Lin Feng’s reputation has already spread throughout the dry field. He has a stone inscription and is good at using swords. It’s no secret that he’s in the sky. So they think of it, they guessed the sick man with a sallow face. People are camouflaged by Lin Feng.

"Now I know, it’s late." Lin Feng stepped in a footstep, holding the Tianzhu Jufeng in his hand, extremely powerful.

The two men rushed back in madness, but they saw Lin Feng’s palm trembled fiercely. In the hands of the scorpion giant peak suddenly slammed out, a smashing heaven and earth power rolled and moved, and instantly caught up with one person, the terrible giant peak banged in the man’s On the back, the other side blew blood.

When the palm of the hand grabbed, suddenly the scorpion giant peak turned into a scorpion stone back to Lin Feng's hand, disappeared, Lin Feng caught up with the man, a palm out, shattered the other's body, another person, died.

The last remaining Tianwu strong man fled in the direction of the city crazy, so many people were killed by Lin Feng in a short moment, Lin Feng's means is terrible, he will not die.

The happy stepping method is used to the extreme, and a violent air stream is constantly blown on the body.

"Can you escape?" A cold voice rang from behind, and the Wuqiang people trembled that day. They just hunted Lin Feng, but now he flees like a house dog, and he can't escape.

"Death!" The power of a horrible flame burned, and the man's heart was stunned. He turned and slapped directly, but he saw Lin Feng's hand revealing a terrible refining power, black flame madness. Burning.


The strong man screamed, and the palm of his hand was directly torn and burned. Lin Feng’s palms slammed forward, and the terrible power fell directly on his head. The last one who chased the Tianwu strongman died. .

After killing the other party, Lin Feng stood in the void and his eyes flickered.

Xiaoyaomen, Wanzong Conference!

Lin Feng whispered, then stepped out and walked toward the city. He asked at random. Lin Feng immediately learned about the so-called Wanzong Conference and the recent events in the dry area. When he was in Xueyueguo, the teacher actually went. In order for him to enter the shrine, and the gods, the Yutian royal family and the leaders of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, they went to Tianchi, and later called on the Ganyu to carry out the Wanzong Conference. The goal was to deal with Tianchi.

This made Lin Feng's heart become cold. Wan Zong, the whole cadre of the people, if they joined together to deal with it, even if the Tianchi is strong, it must be completely wiped out.

Did not stay in this city, Lin Feng knew that after the Wanzong Assembly immediately rushed to the city of worry-free, Tianchi is so kind to him, he must not let Tianchi have something.

Worry-free ancient city, located in the center of the cadre, is the most suitable place to call the Wanzong Conference. Nowadays, among the ancient cities, the people of the cadres gather from all directions, and the worries of the ancient city are surging.

The horrific forces such as the East China Sea Dragon Palace, the Yutian Royal Family, the Jingu Palace, the Jiuyi Jianmen Gate, and the Xiaoyao Gate have all arrived. In the ancient city of worry-free, there are many honors, and the Tianwu strongmen are more numerous.

At the moment, in the station of the Happy Gate, there are many figures gathered together, a golden figure, surrounded by many strong people.

At this time, the crowds walked out to the outside, only to see there, there was a line of figures, among them the first person, dressed in white, handsome, and next to him, there is a beautiful woman wearing a long skirt.

"Tianlin Gongzi." The door of the door of the door was personally greeted, and he was very polite to the young man.

"The doorkeeper, I haven't seen you for many years, don't come innocent." The young man in white is holding a faint smile in his mouth. He is still so noble and proud in the face of the door of the horror of the territorial terrorists, as if the other party is in his eyes. It’s just a normal person.

"It’s true that I haven’t seen you for a long time. I didn’t expect Tianlin’s son to come to the field. I can see the son again. It’s my blessing.” The owner of the door is still polite and smiles. Go forward and walk alongside Tianlin’s son. Those who are at the door of the door are shocked and trembled. This person, what is the identity, the doorkeeper actually walked with him, not leading a half step.

"The door is polite. This time, not only did I come to the dry field, but I heard that the cadres of the cadres have appeared in the cadres. There are many talented geniuses who come to the fields to experience and improve their strength and growth." Lin Gongzi said casually, but it was the main surprise of the owner of the door, listening to the meaning of Tianlin son, it seems that many geniuses came to their dry fields, it seems that this dry field, really will not be calm!

Ps: Sweeping out the brothers, there are no flowers!

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