Peerless Martial God

Chapter 908: Different souls

At this point, the black youth once again reached out to Lin Feng, and suddenly the space trembled, a terrible tearing force shrouded Lin Feng's body, as if the space around him had to be torn apart.

Lin Feng's face is expressionless, and it is an unpretentious punch that goes out. It is better than strength, who he will fear.

"Boom!" The strength of the two collided together. Lin Feng only felt that a torn force would destroy his fists. There was a force in the arm that was moving wildly. He has his entire arm.

Lin Feng’s arm trembled fiercely, and a terrible force suppressed the wrecking tearing force. At the same time, the power of the fist burst, and the sound of the screaming came out, and the other’s palm split.

"Roll." Lin Feng stepped forward and slammed into the front, and the sound of screaming continued. The black young man’s mouth made a low groan, his body blew, and the slammed impact on the wall of the restaurant, a loud bang came out, the wall Broken by the impact, the entire restaurant was shaking, and the left hand of the black youth held his right arm, and the arm fell softly and seemed to be unable to lift.

"The strength is good, but as far as this is done, I can easily destroy you." The white youth faintly said.

Lin Feng’s eyes turned and fell on the white youth. He said: “Although your cultivation is higher than me, but against those who only know the chaos, I can suppress one hand and kill you. ""

The voices of the two men were opposite each other, and their eyes collided in the void. The body of the white youth slowly stood up, and a strong wind blew, and the sound of the cymbal came out, and the wine table in front of him broke.

"I will let you know what it means to be a big word." The white body of the youth floated and moved, and a terrible breath oppressed Lin Feng, and the space was strangled.

Lin Feng’s eyes trembled, and suddenly the flames blew, and a terrible flame power burst wildly, as if the entire restaurant was burned.

At this moment, the crowd escaped far away and fled to the edge of the restaurant, which was afraid of spreading, and was reluctant to escape.

"The five-powered flame will, the talent is so-so." The young man smiled coldly. Behind him, a violent black storm rose, and the road was spinning in a frenzied way. The black storm center had a demon. The spring of the eye, the storm, is spinning around the spring.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

The moment when the storm appeared, the crowds of the restaurant all felt the meaning of suffocation, the bursting of the bang, the cracking of the restaurant, and the destruction of the building.

Lin Feng only felt that a terrible strangling gas was pressing against him, almost pressing him unable to breathe, and the devastating storm seemed to destroy everything.

The terrible flame willpower was actually suppressed by the storm, strangled and eaten, which made Lin Feng's eyelids solidify slightly, staring at the terrible storm.

"Wu Hun, this is Wuhun." Lin Feng’s eyes were stagnation, and he finally saw a powerful alien martial art. Among the opponents he had contacted before, only a few people had very powerful Wuhun, such as the sage The segment of the blood power is infinite and the endless, and the door of the seal is very powerful.

However, the power of the Wuhun has a lot to do with the blood. The former descendants of the blood are less, so most of the people he sees are very ordinary Wuhun, and the young people in front of them have different kinds of Wuhun, obviously also The power of the blood of the strong.

This force blooms through the martial arts, strangling the space, suppressing the willpower, and the black storm of destruction is just a glance, it makes people feel trembling, terrible.

"I haven't seen it yet, the weak ants, where will know the vastness of the mainland, the magic of the martial arts power, not even you can imagine, I said, destroying you, easy." At this time the restaurant is under invisible power Destroyed, the white youth and Lin Feng are standing outside, surrounded by countless crowds, seeing the terrible martial arts storm power, the heart is shaking, the terrible martial arts force.

"Why should such a person talk nonsense with him and kill him?" The girl behind the white youth said coldly and despised Lin Feng.

"Good." The youth responded with a sigh of relief, and the terrible storm suddenly came out of the body, strangling the space, destroying the will, and a strangled storm madly heading toward Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stepped back, and the strangulation was terrible. Even with his physical strength, he could not feel hard to resist. Lin Feng knew that he might encounter the genius in the terrorist forces. This kind of genius would not be like those in the past. Like the triple triple, you can easily kill it.

"Master Tianlin." At this time, a few shouts came out, and I saw a line of figures looking toward this side.

The white youth turned their eyes and looked at the people and nodded at them.

The headed person over there saw that the young man in white was fighting with people, and he could not help but wave his hand. The crowd behind him immediately noticed and surrounded Lin Feng and blocked the space.

"Master Tianlin, why do you need such a small person to do it easily, it is not too lifted up." The head of the person said respectfully to the white youth: "The doorkeeper asked me to come here to pick up the young master, if it is late Master Tianlin is not strange."

"Nothing." The white youth waved his hand, and then the storm behind him disappeared and fell into his body. The terrible strangling power in the space suddenly dissipated invisibly, making many people feel relieved. Just now, they have The feeling of suffocation, if the storm strangles them, they can kill them instantly.

"The young master of Tianlin, the doorkeeper is waiting, so far, they will deal with themselves, why bother Tianlin young master to shoot."

"Well, this person offended my beloved woman and killed him. The monster is so strange that it will help me." The white boy pointed at the monster.

"No problem." The man nodded and immediately said to other people: "Do as the young Master Tianlin said."

"The sad guy, where knows how high the sky is, missed the opportunity, you have no chance to repent." The white youth despised Lin Feng, very proud, in his eyes, Lin Feng is the ants.

Turning around, the young man in white took the girl away with the people who came to meet, and the crowd around him talked about it.

"The people who come to meet, are the strongmen of the door, and the doorkeepers in their mouths are not the masters of the door." Many people whispered, and they were amazed.

"The young people don't know who they are, so the doorkeeper of the Happy Gate personally sent people to come and meet, a big face."

The people discussed it and looked at Lin Feng inadvertently. This guy didn't know how to be good. He even succumbed to other people like him. He was almost killed on the spot, but at this moment, many Tianwu strong people blocked the way, and it was also a dead end. Let's go.

"Unlucky guy." The people in the restaurant shook their heads slightly.

"Right, this young man appeared here, and even the strong people who greeted the Happy Gate personally greeted each other. I don't know if it was because of the Wansong Conference of the Worry-Free Ancient City."

"Yes, it must be like this. The ancient city of worry-free is not far from here. The person is likely to come for the Wanzong Conference."

The conversations of the crowd clearly fell into the ears of Lin Feng. I did not expect that the group of people who surrounded him turned out to be the people of the Happy Gate. What else is the Wan Zong Assembly?

At this time, a terrible breath was blooming toward Lin Feng, and those who surrounded Lin Feng had to kill Lin Feng.

The eyes glanced at the crowd, and the cultivation of these people was not weak. Even the strongest of Tianwu’s four-powered people would take over the richness, and Lin Feng’s body suddenly rose to the sky.

"Where to escape." A loud voice came out, Lin Feng actually escaped in their hands, dreaming.

However, Lin Feng’s body flickered like a wind, and it was extremely fast.

"Hey!" These people snorted and stepped out, and the footwork was extremely mysterious. Lin Feng also wanted to escape.

Lin Feng's gaze glanced at the crowd, stepping on the footsteps, using the footwork, and suddenly the body became light and elegant, flowing and happy, and instantly opened them.

The eyes of those people were all shocked, their eyes were solidified there, and this was their happy footsteps!

Lin Feng, who is going to walk the footsteps, seems to be more skilled and more thorough.

"Catch!" A voice of anger came out, these people are all crazy to chase Lin Feng, must ask where the person's happy footwork comes from, and then kill.

Ps: I rely on it, my **** is hurting, depressed, poor, I finally have time to spend some time!

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