Peerless Martial God

Chapter 891: Hunting Tianwu Qizhong

One sword killed one person, two Tianwujing triple strong, instantly killed by Lin Feng, as fast as lightning, from the shot to the two dead, but a few breathing time.

The people of the Jingu Temple felt awkward, and they felt that their faces were lost. They died two people. Although they are only three people in Tianwujing, they are better than Lin Feng in two realms. However, they are killed by Lin Feng and even resisted. None, Lin Feng is just playing the face of his shrine.

Many people in Yangzhou City looked at the Tianwu strongmen in the void and could not help but suffocate. This is the strength of the king Lin Feng. It is terrible. The endless sword is the power of the kendo will. It is said that ordinary people must understand the realm of Tianwu. However, Lin Feng seems to have a very high attainment.

"Shenzhen, raise a group of waste, if you give me some time, kill you like killing chickens and dogs." Lin Feng pointed to the cold and sarcasm of the people in the West Shrine: "He is the day of my day, I am coming to you." The shrine will pull you up and the whole shrine will be destroyed."


The crowd spit out the gas, mad, Lin Feng was too mad, he actually threatened to enter the shrine, the temple was uprooted and all destroyed, the tone is simply lawless.

The eyes of the West are cold and thorny to Lin Feng. This person is not dead. It is indeed a disaster for the shrine.

"Unfortunately, you won't have the day of Lingyun." West is so clear that it is no longer wanting to recruit Lin Feng. This kind of person must be removed, so that he has no room to turn over, and Lin Feng must not rise.

"There is no chance that you have the final say. The three people in Tianwujing are killed by me. The four-day-old people can come back again, but you can kill one of these wastes." Lin Feng pointed at the two shrines. The four powerful strongmen of Tianwujing are extremely rampant, and those who are so strong that Tianwu are unable to maintain calm, shortness of breath, and show their intentions.


The rolling momentum is roaring wildly, and a white-browed old man is angry and flies toward Lin Feng. The eyebrows and beards are like swords. They are invincible. The whole person is like a sword of lore. This shot will kill Lin Feng. .

"Well, Bai Lao shot, Lin Feng is dead." The people of the Jingu Palace are all indifferent, although the old age is quite old, but this is his talent is less, but the diligence can make up, his realm is not high, but diligent in Wu Jian, After countless battles, the accomplishments in the kendo are extraordinary and refined. He has six kendo wills in the four-fold cultivation of Tianwujing. In addition, he has three realms higher than Lin Feng, even though Lin Feng has the same steadiness to suppress.

This time, they have to look at how Lin Feng is still crazy, it is so deceiving too much, they are so many powerful people come to visit, even in the hands of a small child in the hands of a martial arts, this tone must be out.

Lin Feng stood proudly in the void, motionless, watching the other side kill, and the corner of his mouth smirked a cold smile.

"Kids, you have a rare accomplishment, you can die." The old man with white eyebrows pointed out that there was a sword in the air that swallowed at his fingertips and smacked toward Lin Feng. I am afraid that the body will tear.

Just as Bai Lao was about to get close to Lin Feng's body, a horrible force of engulfing magic suddenly bloomed, as if to suppress all the seals, then the white-browed old man simply Lin Feng smiled coldly, dragging a huge stone tablet in his hand, fiercely toward him. The fingers licked.

"Boom!" The unbreakable fingers squatted on the stone of the demon stone, and suddenly the bones shattered, and the old man with a white eyebrow screamed.

"If the bones are loose, don't play close-up attacks." A cold voice came out, and then a loud bang came out. The sorcerer's shackles were on the old man's body, and he was vomiting blood.

"Boom!" A terrible breath rushed toward Lin Feng. It was another four-strong powerhouse who had been killed by Xuanwujing. The stone demon stone in the hands of Lin Feng directly smashed out and smashed the past toward the man. The palm of the hand slammed into the door of the old man, and the subtle sound of the cymbal came out, as if something had penetrated into the head of the white-browed old man. However, this subtle sound was completely destroyed by the imperial stone monument and another strong one. It was covered up.

"It is not easy to read you so old, I will not let you die." Lin Feng kicked the old man with a white eyebrow and kicked it out. Someone immediately caught his body and his face was cold.

The magic stone monument returned to Lin Feng’s hand, and in front of him one person screamed angrily: “The good boy, even use the treasure.”

"Despicable? His realm is higher than me. I use the magic weapon to be mean. How can you call me so many powerful people in the shrine? It seems that you are not only incompetent, but also shameless." Lin Feng sneered, can not allow each other Reacted, step by step, endless killing gas directly toward the other side.

"Broken palm!" The man snorted and slammed his hand, and suddenly there was a huge palm print in front of him, as if to be invaded into the void, looming, and instantly killed Lin Feng.

The magic stone monument slammed, the rolling atmosphere rolled over, and the bang on the terrible palm power, the huge palm print disappeared.

"The magic stone monument, he actually has a stone monument."

The people at the West Shrine are staring at Lin Feng. It seems that this guy has a lot of treasures, so I have to torture it.

"Catch the living." West robes fluttering, indifferent spit out a voice, and then ignore the face of the West Shrine, directly let the strong to take Lin Feng.

"Kill." Lin Feng mouth spit out a cold voice, seven snow eagle into a demon, suddenly burst into a terrible monster in the void.

Lin Feng's palms fluttered, the Snow Demon Tower appeared, and all the demon inside were released. The sound of roaring suddenly sounded like a cloud, rolling in the space.

The people on the ground are trembling one by one, so terrible demon, these are the horrible demon.


Lin Feng sealed the magic stone monument to the Xuanwujing four heavy bombs to the front of the bear demon, suddenly the bear demon screamed, tearing his body directly, extremely bloody, Tianwu strong, was torn away by the living.

There are more than a dozen Tianwu strongmen in the West Shrine, and there are more than a dozen powerful monsters on the side of Lin Feng. The battle is broken and the whole space is opened. The violent breath is crazy. For a time, this space seems to be Tearing.

At this time, in front of Lin Feng, a golden palm smashed toward him, and the palms had the boundless power to take Lin Feng directly.

Lin Feng's eyes are cold and staring at each other. This person has just stood by the side of the West, and it is extremely terrible. It is the powerful existence of the Tianwu Sevenths. Although Lin Feng has many means, it will still not be the opponent of the other side.

The magic stone streak came out, the power of the horrible magical magic bloomed, the words flowed, and the light of the brilliance bloomed, as if the golden brilliance in the palm of the other hand was extinguished.

"Boom!" The horrible power of the horror slammed on the stone of the demon stone. Lin Feng only felt the arm numb, as if the stone stone could not be held, the body was violently retreat, the boundary was too big, he really was not adversary.

"Let's get a hand, you defeated a few people, you really thought you were invincible." The golden man said coldly, the robe fluttered, the footsteps were a span, and the hand was fierce, and the palm again smashed toward Lin Feng, and Lin Feng lived to live. .


Lin Feng snorted, and the magic stone was once again smashed out. At the same time, in his eyebrows, a golden ancient clock burst into a dazzling luster, drilling toward the other's eyebrows.

"God is attacking." The golden man's eyes are condensed. This Lin Feng Tianwu is really terrible. Only then can he use the gods to attack, and the power of this **** seems to be strong.

"You are looking for a dead end." The golden man was cold and slap on the top of the stone. At the same time, the eyebrows also burst into a golden mang, a golden god, a sword, and a sword. Good at attacking, concise God as a swordsman, God is strong, and is equally good at attacking and killing, and is invincible.

However, at this time, the golden man saw a sneer in the eye of Lin Feng, and he remembered the ancient clock.

Almost at the same time, the golden man’s heart suddenly trembled, suddenly turned around, and then saw the old man with a white eyebrow holding his sword to his throat.

"You dare." The golden man released the horrible air, and at the same time he smashed out and killed the other side. However, the golden mans of the other side’s eyebrows rushed into his eyebrows and let him fall into the eye. Stiff, fiercely want to take back the gods, but it is too late, the gods are extremely dangerous to fight, and the martial arts gods devote themselves to the slashing of the slashing objects, and the soul has no defense.

The body of the golden body kept trembled, and the sword of God’s mind went back instantly. However, at this time, Lin Feng came to the footsteps of a happy step, and a sword pierced his eyebrows and smashed.

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