Peerless Martial God

Chapter 890: I know the realm better than you.

At this moment, the surrounding voids are all clearly presented in Lin Feng's mind. In the dark world, a gray hurricane is constantly scrolling. He can see the trajectory of every moment of the hurricane, and the blurred dark shadows flash. Uncertain, it seems endless, but only one figure is bright.

This figure is also constantly flashing, and every time he flashes, he can make a lot of afterimages, but it falls in Lin Feng's thoughts, but it is like a clown dancing constantly.

The corner of the mouth outlines a sneer of sneer, and the wind is raging, blowing on Lin Feng’s body. This gust of wind is tearing with the suffocating air, which is enough to tear the people under Tianwu directly and die. The strongest in the three realms of Tianwujing The thoughts of heaven and earth are between the thoughts, and the will of the torn wind of destruction is strangled in Lin Feng’s body.

However, Lin Feng was just standing there quietly, letting the terrible hurricane tear his body, but it was rock-solid and silky, and the terrible hurricane could not shake him.

At this point, the light in the dark world was moving, and the whole person did not enter a gray hurricane, sheltering himself with the hurricane, and at the same time his palm, a terrible storm of destruction was madly compressed, terrible Strangled strength Lin Feng can clearly feel.

This person's understanding of the wind is really good, even realized the will of the wind to murder, the power of the wind is very horrible, a wind may be invisible, but a little wind can pull up the roots, this It is only the natural wind. If the Tianwu strong man is controlled by human beings, the power of the wind will be infinitely compressed. The power of strangling is absolutely terrible. Lin Feng can even see that the destructive storm compressed by the strong hands is full of a luster.

This person saw Lin Feng easily killing the strongest of Tianwujing, but he was also very vigilant and did his best to underestimate Lin Feng.

However, seeing Lin Feng’s eyelids are closed from beginning to end, his eyes flashed a gray cold mang, killing him, covering his hurricane toward Lin Feng, and at the same time, a gray wind constantly Blowing on Lin Feng, strangling Lin Feng, let Lin Feng be buried by the wind, so Lin Feng will never know when a devastating blow fell on him.

The wind, when it was ready to be gentle and weak, when the anger formed a storm, destroying everything, the man decided to start, the wind screamed, wrapped his hurricane and other hurricanes like a fierce blow on Lin Feng's body, while at the same time, his palm Extending from the hurricane, the scent of destruction blooms at this moment, killing Lin Feng, and this must kill, at least to abolish Lin Feng.

However, in the moment of his hand, Lin Feng’s body also moved. It was also like the wind. It was very gentle. The whole person seemed to have no bones, and he swayed at random, leaving a shadow of the moment. The human hand has already been strangled, but it has been smashed on the shadow. At about the same time, a pair of powerful palms have buckled his throat precisely, as if his actions were all under the control of Lin Feng. same.

"How is this possible?" The man's heart trembled, and his body shook slightly, but at this time, Lin Feng's eyes finally opened, cold and ruthless, like a bit of ridicule. .

"I know the realm better than you." A voice spit out from Lin Feng's mouth, and suddenly a terrible flame burst into the palm of his hand, instantly burning the other's body. This flame was filled with bursting destructive power, as if A round of hot sun will burn the heavens.

"Boom!" It was a horrible punch that smashed the other side's figure and tore the other's body. The three-person person in the martial body of the avatar flew toward the crowd of the shrine, and screamed in the mouth. Voices.

"Save me." The man was madly roaring, but at this moment, a squeaking voice came out, a dark black scimitar directly fell into his heart, the man turned back and looked at his companion, revealing The color of despair.

"You are a dead person who is completely alive, I will help you revenge." The man with the machete sounded like a cold ice, and the man was silent, then quietly closed his eyes and dissipated in the flame.

The person holding the machete stepped out of the foot, and there was a chill in the body. At the same time, another person came out. The man was armed with a long gun, and the gun tip was swallowed and overbearing.

"I am going to kill him." The man holding the scimitar said coldly, and Lin Feng was killed by two consecutive Tianwu strongmen, so that he was ashamed, Lin Feng, only Tianwu a realm.

"I still come." The person holding the rifle looked straight ahead and said indifferently.

"Let's go together, kill one by one, trouble." Lin Fengjunyi's face with a sneer, these Jingmen people sent to the door to let him hone, can be wasted, and recently got too many means, many of them They are very powerful magical means, and it is more helpful to hone and comprehend in battle.

When they heard Lin Feng’s arrogant voice, they flashed their eyes, and they all spit out sharp ice, as if they wanted to wear Lin Feng’s body.

"You are together." West once again opened the day, the people of the Jingu Temple were so murdered and made him feel ashamed. However, Lin Feng’s self-confidence and arrogance seemed to have his cuddling, and he could not care.

Although the three people of Tianwujing are not the mainstay in the shrine, they are also the power of the shrine, they can no longer be lost, and they are also humiliating.

The West is open to the sky, and the two naturally do not say anything. The footsteps are one step, one person stands alone, the knife and the gun, the same cold, the same hegemony.

The two seem to have a tacit understanding. The endless knives and the will of the guns bloom at the same time. The space seems to be tight and has become extremely suppressed. The people on the ground seem to feel that all the voids are extremely overbearing. The knife and the sharp guns are flying all over the sky, and the knives and guns are all weapons for killing.

"Your will power is really weak." Lin Feng said with a sarcasm, the voice fell, the seven kendo will bloom wildly, the sword will slay, and only the sword is whistling between heaven and earth. This space field seems to be The world of swords.

Lin Feng is two lower than the other side, but the power of the will overcomes the other side, and the terrible kendo will seem to completely suppress the will of the other two.

If the willpower of the two Tianwujing three strongmen is compared to the woods, Lin Feng’s kendo will is like a forest, wrapping the other’s willpower, the knife is weak, the gun is weak, the will is suppressed, how to Can exert a powerful force.

Both of them have changed their faces. People who have gone to the secret have seen Lin Feng’s terrorist strength. However, they have either been killed or detained in the Jade Emperor’s Palace. At this moment, they are still controlled by Lin Feng. These people in the West Palace, I don’t know if Lin Feng has such power.

The blood-sucking sword appeared in the hands of Lin Feng, blooming with a fascinating **** brilliance, as if to drink blood, demon and terrible.

Thousands of swords are formed around Lin Feng's body, raging in the air, killing endless, endless swordsmanship gathered in the **** sword, the blood of the light is more and more demon.

"The sword is one."

Lin Feng screamed, and a sword smashed out, and suddenly the swords of the thousands came out, such as a roaring dragon, a mad roar to each other, in the void, thousands of swords separated, turned into two beams, then merged , turned into two huge swords, to pierce the sky.

The speed of the sword of thousands of swords is actually only a moment to complete the separation and return to one, and it is almost unbelievable.

"Kill!" The two strong men of Tianwu did not retreat. A huge scimitar crossed the void, and there was a knives in the sky. On the other side, the gunman broke through the air and suddenly appeared numerous. Gun shadow, at the tip of the gun, there is a bright brilliance.

"Boom!" The knife collided with the sword, the gun and the sword collided, and there was a hurricane of destruction between the heavens and the earth.

"Be careful." A snoring came out, but wherever it was, Lin Feng cultivated the sacred footwork in the ancient sacred scriptures. Although it was only slightly furry, it was also infinitely powerful. The pace of taking out seemed to have a mysterious law. Lin Feng’s body is very happy, silent and unbelievable.

Blood light passed, the blood of the strong knife in the neck of the scimitar spilled out, and went to the sword of blood, and the skull was smashed by a sword.

Instantly killing a person Lin Feng did not stop for a moment, the step of getting away again, the gunman was able to withstand the powerful sword of killing and saw Lin Feng galloping, quickly retreating, but he only saw a touch of sword light bloom Lin Feng's body seems to disappear, the sword is one, Lin Fenghua, a squeaking sound, the man's body instantly stiffened in the void, and Lin Feng's body appeared behind him.

Ps: Thank you Hou Da for the reward, the first time bubbling is so powerful, the long sister paper is not much to say, there is no sway behind the yo-yo and there is no current score of this book.

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