Peerless Martial God

Chapter 833: Blackmail

Lin Feng did not immediately respond to the words of the devil, slightly frowning, if the devil teaches the three births, it is necessary to enter his consciousness, very risky. //Free e-book download //

Lin Feng, he does not know how powerful the devil is now. Maybe the devil still hides his own means, tempting him to kill and kill him. This is why Lin Feng has to be cautious, but as the devil guessed. That way, the Emperor really, if Lin Feng gave up, he certainly would not be reconciled.

The devil was not in a hurry and did not urge Lin Feng to let him consider it.

"In the realm of Tianwu, you can use the power of the soul, in addition to the better martial arts, the powerful Tianwu strong can attack the human consciousness with the soul, and defense, right?" Lin Feng looked at the devil and asked. One sound.

The devil head nodded slightly: "Yes, the heavenly martial arts, the heavens and the humans must be one, the heart is without the side, the people and the heavens and the earth, the soul and the heavens blend, the **** and the soul, the human consciousness into the gods, that is the power of the soul, can Attack and defend, God knows powerful, kills people like numbness, a thought, killing people invisible, killing the enemy for God."

"God is powerful, but also know how to use it. I think that the method of attacking defense is also like martial arts. It is even rarer. I wonder if this is the case?" Lin Feng asked again, he met a lot of Tian Wuqiang. Those who are strong in the world are better than him, but they have never attacked him. They are not unwilling. They must not know how to use them.

"Yes." Devil nodded, God knows to kill, more hot and decisive, and the gods are more dangerous, and the powerful method of attacking is more rare than powerful martial arts.

"Predecessors should infiltrate me into the sea with consciousness, and I should understand what I mean." Lin Feng said calmly, the head of the devil's mouth with a smile, facing Lin Feng said: "You are very smart, see me with God to you. When you launch an attack, you will think of cultivating the means of attacking God. If you cultivate a powerful attack of the gods and your own powerful soul, the general Tianwu strong will face a big loss."

"Looking at the predecessors to complete." Lin Feng slightly succumb to the devil's head, with the strength of cultivation, he will face the increasingly strong martial arts, at this moment has a great emperor body here, if not cultivated to some magical means It’s not too bad.

"Well, I teach you a set of magical spells, but you still have to let go of the sea, let me teach you the magic of the gods." The devil said faintly, a set of gods can be extremely extreme for Lin Feng. Precious, but for him, it is nothing at all. It is taught by Lin Feng.

"A set of gods and spells, compared to the Sansheng Sutra, wants to be much simpler, it will take a while."

"You are cautious, for a moment is enough to print it into your mind." Devil heads open.

"Well, that troubles the predecessors." Lin Feng's eyes closed slightly, but did not dare to care, the soul of the soul used to come out, tens of thousands of souls gathered in the sea, just in case, facing a devil, what Things can happen, Lin Feng had to go all out to prevent.

In an instant, Lin Feng felt that a **** thought had invaded his knowledge of the sea. This **** was so vast that it seemed to reveal a terrible power, but because it broke open the seal and then entered Lin Feng to understand the sea, although it was vast, but it was It seems rather weak, otherwise Lin Feng’s consciousness will be erased and Lin Feng’s body will be seized.

Lin Feng knows the sea, the vastness of the gods is ever-changing, and it turns into a vague outline figure, sticking out his fingers, slightly in Lin Feng’s mind, leaving a touch of imprint, suddenly Lin Feng feels a sea tingling, the body is slightly Trembling, a memory, printed directly in his mind, incomparable mystery.

The soul of the soul kept the sea, and the tens of thousands of souls screamed. Lin Feng’s outline of the sea seemed to reveal a smile, and then he withdrew from Lin Feng’s knowledge of the sea, and Lin Feng’s eyes opened, and the edge flickered.

"This method of God's thought is the technique of the soul of the town. The knowledge of the human being can be turned into a bronze bell. The bell sounds to smash the knowledge of others and erase the soul of others. At the same time, it can also be turned into a bronze defense. You can keep it. Although you are not in the realm of heaven, but the power of the soul is strong, and the combination of heaven and man, you can begin to cultivate, but the power is not as strong as the birth of God. If you are practicing now, I can wait for you."

The devil is a man of the millennium, and he will not understand what Lin Feng’s mind is, and he will get the mind of the mind. One is to make plans for the future, and the other is to cultivate to prevent his gods from attacking and capturing consciousness. Lin Feng has the heart. Prepared for defense, he will become the whole Lin Feng, give Lin Feng time to practice.

"Thank you for your understanding." Lin Feng nodded to the devil's head, his body flickered, and he retreated a few miles away, then sat down on his knees and began to practice the magical spells taught by the other.

As the devil said, Lin Feng has not yet entered Tianwu. Even if he is forced to practice with a powerful soul, he can't exert all his power. First of all, he can't read his mind, and his consciousness can't be too far away, unless the other person can be in front of him. Attacked, but the defense is okay, with tens of thousands of souls conscious of the ancient clock, guarding the sea.

Although this set of spells is good, it is not an inscrutable practice of the gods. Otherwise, Lin Feng could not cultivate. After three days, Lin Feng felt that he had some achievements, he stopped practicing and regained his body. The demon head that was suppressed was gone.

The Emperor's magic body is very patient. For three days, for him who has been waiting for not knowing how many years, it is just a moment of work, and it will pass in the blink of an eye, like no.

"How, can you do it now?" The devil's head showed a faint smile. He and Lin Feng got along, although the magic light surrounded, but it really looked good to his demon, just like an elder, as if his magic is because of the millennium The suppression has been eliminated, or it has been wiped out by the years.

"Predecessors, please forgive the younger generation of rude, there is a request." Lin Feng looked at the magical path of the Sansheng Emperor again, looks very respectful, let the devil's head stagnate, some unhappy said: "You have What is it?"

However, Lin Feng does not seem to feel the unsatisfactory tone of the other party. He said slowly: "After the younger generation helps the seniors get rid of the difficulties, they must be stone-shattered. They also hope that the seniors will teach the younger generations a way to let the younger people quickly leave."

"Hey boy, you can really rob the fire." The devil head stared at Lin Feng with some depressingness. This guy is clearly robbing him, and he has benefited from him. He is still a serious man, saying that he is more grand than himself. This devil must be shameless.

"Looking at the predecessor Haihan." Lin Feng said seriously, once again facing the devil's head slightly, gracious, let the devil have anger but not good vent, very moment, can only let Lin Feng robbed.

"Well, this time, I have taught you a powerful body. It is also the time of the great emperor created in ancient times, and the happy pace in the happy, but you need to promise me, this is your last request." Uncomfortable to say, and Lin Feng's pupil is a condensation.

The Xiaoyao Jing, turned out to be a happy mantra, must have been the ancient and ancient memo that he and Tang secluded in the mysterious world. Among them, there is a set of extremely powerful footwork. Lin Feng and Tang Youyou also snatched the body from the other side. However, at this moment, the avatars of the three great emperors will be taught to him. It will be a complete chapter of the footwork, which is not comparable to the shards. This makes Lin Feng excited, but the face is still unrecognizable and still calm.

"Thank you for the success of the predecessors, the younger generation promised, this is the last request." Lin Feng said slowly, the figure is slightly retreating, just like the same, let go of the sea, let the devil's mind invade, but he has just run the practice God's thoughts, tens of thousands of broken souls turned into ancient clocks, guarding the sea, if the other party wants to wipe out his consciousness, you must first break the ancient clock.

Fortunately, the devil did not do this, but as just the same, the gods turned into a body, the imprint was directly printed in Lin Feng's knowledge of the sea, teaching the happy footwork in the ancient times.

When the demon head retreats, Lin Feng peeks at the memories of many places, and the heart is happy. It is really a happy footwork. It is more comprehensive and profound than the footwork recorded in the paper he got, and the happy footwork of the cultivation of the door. It is simply an imperfect piece, but the power is already terrible!

Ps: Today's two more, make up tomorrow!

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