Peerless Martial God

Chapter 832: Sansheng Emperor

"The power is not too strong." Lin Feng bombed the magic sword with the magic stone tablet. He could feel the power of the magic sword. It was not very strong. Obviously, although the other party could control the magic sword with consciousness, he seized control, but was sealed. His willpower is not strong enough, and the Royal Magic Sword can't exert its terrible power. Otherwise, I am afraid that the other party will break the seal before he has come.

Therefore, the other party used to demonize the Buddha, and wanted to deceive him. With his power, he used the magic sword to break the seal.

"It seems that you can't break the power of the seal." Lin Feng said indifferently, this magic stone monument is really boundless, a piece of magic stone stone is enough to suppress the magic of the magic sword, and in front of him, is a boundless giant magic mountain wall, It’s more than a piece of magic stone in his hand. I don’t know how much it is, and the line of the word is extremely terrible, and the devil’s head is suppressed.

"Maybe we can talk about it." The voice of the other side came, Lin Feng sneered: "First return the sword to me."

"Yes, this kind of weapon is useless to me. You take it back." The devil said calmly, Lin Feng buckled the sword in his hand, and his heart moved, and suddenly the sword entered the body, and then the sword was suppressed. Only the sword was not in the sword. Come out, it is convenient to control his magic sword.

However, Lin Feng had to admit that the devil's will was terrible. At the far distance he was on the other side, the other party could actually sense the existence of the magic sword and control it.

Lin Feng returned to the ground and looked at the demon head. At this moment, the other party has not continued to cover up. The light of the magical path of the whole body is flowing. Even though the terrible suppression of the magical power, Lin Feng can still feel the terrible demon of the other person’s body. If it is out of trouble, this must be a great demon.

"How do we make a deal?" Devil looked at Lin Feng, a faint smile.

"How to trade?" Lin Feng asked.

"You have cultivated the remnants of the Sansheng Sutra. I taught you the true Sansheng Sutra. You helped me break this magic stone monument." The voice of the devil's head reveals the power of temptation to make Lin Feng squint.

"Three births!"

This devil actually knows the Sansheng Sutra. Is it true that the nine-turning Buddha magical power has evolved from the Sansheng Sutra? In the questioning hall of the Jade Emperor's Palace, when he observed the three great emperors, the nine-turned Buddha magical powers would automatically run and reach the magic of nine thousand Buddhas. At that time, Lin Feng had doubted that the nine turns of the Buddha's magical powers and the three students. There may be a connection.

At this moment, the devil tells him that he has practiced the remnants of the three births, and of course refers to the nine turns of the Buddha.

"Who are you, you will have three students." Lin Feng stared at each other, this devil's origin is not easy.

"Oh...hahaha..." The devil smirked, and there was an endless stream of magical powers on his body. The sound of the rumble came out, and there were terrible cracks in the earth, as if they were going to burst, the heavens and the earth To collapse.

The huge wall of the Enchanted Mountain was rumbling, and then it was pulled up. The sound of the cymbal was constantly coming out, and the terrible crack appeared in the wall of the demon, as if it might burst at any time.

"Give me a break!" The wrath of the devil screamed, and the horrible explosion of the bang made Lin Feng's body violently retreat, and the whole block of the magical mountain wall split.

However, at this time, the seal on the wall of Fengmo Mountain bloomed with the magical light. The endless magic still released the terrible pressure of the town. The light of the seal was shrouded in the demon, so that his body could not be shaken. Then the sound of the rumble came again, and the cracked stones continued to come back.

"Boom, bang, bang..." The stones returned to their original position, once again turned into a complete mountain wall, and the suppression of the devil, the word Guanghua, the slowly disappearing, attributed to ordinary, but its magical power, let Lin Feng felt the shudder of the soul.

"It’s terrible!" Lin Feng stared at the word and the wall of the magical mountain. It was like the Wuzhi Mountain and the rune on the Wuzhi Mountain. The runes were not removed, and the Wuzhishan was not destroyed. Break it apart.

"I don't know which power has such a powerful power, and this devil is suppressed here."

"Is it visible, the magic stone monument, can not hold me, just a little, I can break it, you ask me there will be three students, I tell you, my name, Sansheng Emperor." Devil Slowly said, the light of the Buddha's magic is constantly flowing, half-devil and half-devil, can become a Buddha, can also become a demon.

Lin Feng stared at the devil and immediately sneered: "Farewell."

After all, Lin Feng turned and left.

"Wait, I haven't finished talking yet." The other party will call Lin Feng: "It seems that you are quite familiar with the three great emperors, and you must know that the three great emperors practiced the three classics, and they became the Buddha. People, three bodies, are the deity, and I am the demon of the three great emperors, so I said that I am the three emperors, not a lie."

"The magical path of the three great emperors." Lin Feng's footsteps suddenly stopped, slowly turned, looking at the other side of the magic of the light of the magic road, this devil head magical sky, the strength is extremely terrible, and can transform the real Buddha The breath confuses him, so it is really possible to be the sacred body of the Sansheng Emperor, because he and the Buddhism have once shared a body, and the illusion of Buddha naturally has the meaning of a real Buddha.

"The magical path of the Three Emperors, was actually suppressed by the terrible power of the gods?"

"Three births are the world's singular scriptures, you can pass through the avenues. You have cultivated the ruins of the front. You must have felt the magical power of him. You can imagine that if you practice the Three Classics, you will have three bodies and three bodies. If you don't die, you can't kill it. What a powerful supernatural power. Now, as long as you help me out of trouble, I will teach you the Three Classics, and the Great Emperor will make you the way to the Great."

The voice of the devil's head was filled with the power of temptation, infecting Lin Feng's will. Lin Feng snorted and bit his lip bitingly. Coldly, "Don't confuse me with the meaning of the devil. If there is another time, I promise to leave immediately." ”

"Oh, well, you want to understand, you are a priest-level monk, and now have the opportunity to get the Great Book of Scriptures. What a chance, I hope you can judge it."

Lin Feng blinked and blinked. "You should have thought that if I help you get out of trouble, you will kill me. If you pass on my three classics, I may leave directly. Then, you will teach me first." Sanshengjing, or I will help you out of trouble first."

"I am the Emperor of the Road, I will care about the life of an ant, deceive you, as long as you help me out of trouble, not only teach you the three classics, I can also teach you other powerful power, thank you."

"I don't believe it." Lin Feng shook his head decisively, the words of the devil, you can believe.

"You recently disguised as a Buddha and deceived me, and confuses my will. If you say something, I can believe that if you get out of trouble, it is easy to kill me, just as you said, as simple as killing an ant. ”

"You don't trust me so much. Even if I first teach you the Sansheng Sutra, you will still doubt me. You will still not help me out of trouble. You said, how should this be solved?" asked the devil head staring at Lin Feng.

"No solution." Lin Feng said faintly.

"So you have to trust me." The devil angered.

"I trust you, then you trust me, first teach me the three classics." Lin Feng stared at the devil, no concessions.

"Smart guy, that's good, I will teach you the three classics first, but I will only teach you one-third of the three classics, and then wait for you to fulfill your promise, then I will send you another Sansheng. The Scriptures." The devil's mouth with a smile, seems to take a step back.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded.

"The three generations are powerful and powerful, and contain countless scripture mysteries. You want me to teach you, you must let me enter your consciousness sea, and engrave the scriptures in your memory." Devil head again, let Lin Feng see a condensate The strength of this devil is strong, consciousness can be turned into a sword, killing invisible, let him enter the sea of ​​knowledge to teach the three births, too dangerous, a little careless, I am afraid to be directly erased by him According to his own, control his body.

"You want to be clear, the three students are very vast, but I can't say it by one mouth." The devil seemed to see Lin Feng's hesitation, and he spoke again. He was not too anxious, and his voice was quite calm. Lin Feng will not be willing to let go of this powerful emperor shocked.

Ps: Amount, flowers one or two a day, what the situation!

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