Peerless Martial God

Chapter 809: Jade Emperor Hall

In the myths of past life, the emperor, the dragon, and the Buddha are the supreme. Now, whether the nine continents will be different.

The crowd saw Lin Feng in front of him, his eyes were all condensed. So far, the people who saw the bridge through the other shores were mostly Yutian and Donghai Dragon Palace people, and some people with heavy treasures, the treasures contained supremeity. It is also possible to pass the other side of the bridge, this person, is there a treasure?

The faint gaze of Tang fell on Lin Feng, and it seemed slightly nervous. However, Lin Feng itself seemed quite calm.

The light of Buddhism and Taoism circulates, Lin Feng’s body shines, and countless golden light flies from the sky and is printed on his body. In an instant, Lin Feng’s body is full of golden awns, and the whole person is plated with a layer of gold, incarnation of gold. Buddha.

"Fo Guang!" The crowd smashed, it is no wonder that Lin Feng dared to try it. It turned out that he had the light body of Buddhism.

Stepping on the other side of the bridge, the glory of the Buddha's light is shining, the dragon shadow whistling, and rushing toward Lin Feng, the dragon's body protects the body, shrouds the Buddha's light, and blocks the invasion of the chaos. At this moment, Lin Feng's mouth reveals a smile. The light of Buddhism and Taoism is really worthy of respect.

However, Lin Feng did not immediately pass the other side of the bridge, but retired back, slightly nodded to the Tang secluded, Tang secluded immediately understand, smiled and walked forward, Lin Feng is taking her to spend the other side.

Lin Feng’s eyes glanced at the crowd and said to some of them: “Let’s come over too. If my Buddha’s light can pass you, you will follow me. If it doesn’t work, I will **** you back.”

"Well?" The crowd is stunned. Who is Lin Feng talking to?

I saw a figure flashing, and five or six people stepped out. They were all people in Tianchi. They felt that Lin Feng’s eyes had just stopped on them, apparently talking to them.

At this time, there was another shadow from the crowd, slightly bowed his head toward Lin Feng, dare not look directly at Lin Feng, this person is exactly the Tianchi snow.

"I called you?" Lin Feng faintly swept the sky in the snow, let her footsteps.

"They, when they entered the palace, they guarded the big pests and held up a piece of heaven and earth. Several of them will become the leaders of Tianchi. You care about private interests and don't care about other people in Tianchi. Now I need to take care of you and go." Lin Feng faintly spit out a voice, making Tianchi Xue feel ashamed and difficult.

"You can't let him go, he can **** us in the past." At this time, I don't know who had a drink, and suddenly the crowd trembled, yes, Lin Feng's light of Buddhism can spread the brilliance and can bring them I have worked together on the other side.

When I heard this sentence, many people moved their hearts and their bodies flickered. They intercepted Lin Feng and stared at Lin Fengdao: "Take us together."

Lin Feng swept a few people in front of the block, faintly said: "When I am a Buddha, have a compassionate heart, go away."

"Inferior to us in the past, it is to die." Some people are cold and open, and many people behind are also eager to move, first wait and see.

"Fodu has a good person, if this is the case, I will improve you and send you to the other side." Lin Feng stepped into a cross, the golden Buddha released the glory of Guanghua, dazzling, the loud sound of the rumble came out, a golden sky appeared Palm print, like the giant palm of Buddhism, five fingers like five giant peaks, from the air toward the man.

The horrible gas seems to be crushed together, the space trembles and trembles, and the trepidation of the scorpion, this Buddha's power, do not know how horrible the power.

The man's face changed dramatically, his body flashed back, and then at this time, Buddhism's big palm print suddenly accelerated, pressing from the air, a loud bang, dusty, the man only felt trembled, and was directly beaten by a palm. Under the mouth, the mouth spit blood, the five internal organs were shattered, the breath disappeared, and was reduced by Lin Feng.

"The horrible power of the horror." The crowd’s eyes trembled. This Buddha’s big palm print seems to have infinite power. It’s too terrible. One palm can kill people, not knowing how powerful it is. Even the five fingers of the Buddha’s power are like the five peaks, and they are all pressing.

Xuanwu Jiuzhong, even if

Genius, the same palm suppression, shoot death.

"Does anyone need me to improve?" Lin Feng's eyes swept away other people, and suddenly the crowds retreated. This person, too terrible, why they had never heard of such a powerful person.

Seeing the crowd let go, Lin Feng stepped forward and took the faint hand of Tang, and the golden light bloomed, covering the faint Tang and the crowd behind him, turning into a golden Buddha's circle, this moment everyone's body They are all with Buddha light and supreme.

The dragon shadow roared and roared, and the real yuan held the Buddha's light, and guarded the body of Lin Feng and others. On the other side of the bridge, Lin Feng felt the enchanting chaos around the heart, but the heart was not shocked, as calm as the ancient Buddha. Gradually stepped on the other side of the other side.

The crowd looked at Lin Feng one by one, and they had envy and envy in their eyes. Lin Feng’s body, the Buddha’s light, turned into a golden Buddha’s circle, and it was really able to turn the crowd together. I hate that they had never met Lin Feng. The center of the cemetery may be just opposite, seemingly at your fingertips, hateful, but blocked by this.


At this time, in a vast hall outside, the golden splendor, Wanzhang Guanghua will be embellished with imposing palaces. At this time, there are three parties facing each other. One of them is the Yutian royal family. They have the largest number and one by one. The strength is very strong.

This Jade Emperor cemetery is their ancestor. Every time they step into the Jade Emperor's Graveyard, they will pay more than many times more than any Zongmen force. Every time a hundred years come, even if it is The young genius of Tianwu is about to enter, and the people of the Yutian royal family will let them suppress, for this is the tomb of the Jade Emperor.

Moreover, they were initially reduced to zero, until the moment when the Tomb of the Jade Emperor really appeared, only a strong strength came out.

The party that confronts them is the people of the East China Sea Dragon Palace. In this jade tomb, the supreme spirit becomes the passing spirit, and the people of the East China Sea Dragon Palace are unimpeded, so they seize the opportunity and intercept the people of the Yutian royal family. Even the tomb of the ancestor of the Jade Emperor, they have to share a piece of cake.

Unless they are the two forces, there is still a party that is quite weak. There are only four people, Jun Moxi, Yunfei Yang, Emperor Scorpion, and Yutianji. They all passed through the other side of the bridge and came here, although there are only four people. But everyone is powerful, and no matter which side they want to destroy, they don't want to be so easy, but they have to pay a heavy price. Therefore, no one is moving them, and the three parties are against it.

As for the hall around them, there are a few clear characters on it, the Jade Emperor Palace!

Although the Jade Emperor has set many thresholds, it is only by virtue of the supreme temperament that there is not much crisis in the hall. Because the Jade Emperor is waiting for the blood to come to inherit him, naturally he will not bury it everywhere. Killing the machine, and, not too much power, they found the Jade Emperor.

Only by pushing open the broken golden gate, maybe they will get the treasure left by the Jade Emperor.

"I have a proposal. I don't know if the Yutian royal family is willing to accept it." At this time, Duan Wuyao said.

Huang Feng looked at the endless paragraph and spit out a word: "Say."

"Everyone, everyone is coming to hunt for treasure. It’s hard to go to the Jade Emperor Hall. It’s better for us to stop. The Yutian Emperor and the East China Sea Dragon Palace jointly killed several of them, and then entered the Jade Emperor Hall together. Whoever won the treasure, Who is it, how?" Duan Wuya said with a smile, his eyes indifference sweeped Jun Moxi and others looked at him, revealing a bad atmosphere.

The people of the Yutian royal family sneer in their hearts, they will trust the words of the endless, the treasure of the Jade Emperor, who is who? This is obviously impossible. Once one party wins the treasure, the other party may be robbed.

However, it is not a good idea to kill these people first. It is a good idea. As for the Jade Emperor's inheritance, they are bound to gain the Jade Emperor. This is what they are.

"Well, I agree." Huang Feng nodded, and there was no glimpse of the moment. The two groups of people, their eyes fell on the four people, and they solved it first!

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