Peerless Martial God

Chapter 808: Bi'an Road

Nine-turning Buddha magic cycle around the end of the day, Lin Feng body, Guanghua dazzling, revealing terrible power, the Buddha and the magic blend, is the Buddha is like a demon. //Free e-book download //

In the mind, the Buddha and the devil's scenes are very clear. Before Lin Feng thought that the Buddha devil should be a deadly enemy, but no one can help each other, but at this moment, Lin Feng found that the original Buddha can blend together and melt into one body. The Buddha and the Devil are blended, and the three are one, which can be divided into three bodies.

A Buddha and a compassionate heart, a demon head destroys the world, and then retains one deity, and all three are their own bodies.

Comprehending the illusory conception of the three births, Lin Feng seems to have a lot of improvement in the realm. After a long time, the nine-turn Buddha magic stopped working. Lin Feng’s eyes opened, and the light of the Buddha’s demon was filled with powerful The compassion is overwhelming, and I feel that there is endless power in my body.

"Nine thousand Buddha magic, now my physical fist can kill the people of Xuanwu peak." Mutter whispered, Lin Feng's pupil is full of excitement, the statue carved by the emperor, one of the four emperors, the charm, But still can bring him a strong advantage, enlightenment, Kendo will break through to the seventh, nine magical Buddha also has nine thousand, terrible.

"Rumble!" asked the ancient hall to tremble, as if the whole hall was swaying, letting Lin Feng and Tang's faint pupils slam, not only they came, but everyone in the palace of the imperial palace felt that the body was not The quiver was stopped, and the ancient temple was shaking, not knowing what happened.

At this time, Lin Feng stood there, and even gave birth to a sense of time and space.

"Boom!" The sound of a loud bang trembled in the eardrum of everyone, and the hall shook with the thunder. Lin Feng saw the crack in the statue in front of him, and he had to smash, and he could not help but smash.

"Hey, hey!" The statues of Emperor Huang and Sansheng the Great were first broken and turned into nothingness. The statue of the Emperor also appeared cracks.

Lin Feng looked at the statue of the Emperor, and then looked at the world's first person's peerless style. If one day, the day of his own Lingyun, can also be the same as the Emperor, can not be emperor, can be emperor, shocking.

"Hey!" A soft bang, the statue of the Emperor finally broke, and the vibration of the ancient temple subsided slightly. At this time, the heavy door slowly opened again, and several figures appeared outside.

"Well?" The head of the person saw the faint Tang and the Lin Feng eyelids: "The treasure was taken away by you?"

When he came in, he clearly felt a terrible sword. He felt that he could not resist. So he invited several of the same door. Now, he only saw Lin Feng and Tang You.

Lin Feng looked back at the man and looked calm. Then he looked at the stone wall and wrote a handwriting. He sighed: "The statue of the Four Emperors has been cracked, let them sleep here forever."

After all, the sword slammed on the stone wall, and the sound of the rumble came out, and the writing on the stone wall was destroyed.

"You dare to destroy the treasure." Entering the crowd asking the people in the hall to see Lin Feng's action, the pupils trembled fiercely, thinking that Lin Feng was destroying the powerful martial arts skills, and the footsteps were all struck toward Lin Feng.

"Roll." Lin Feng turned around, screamed, slaps out, the boundless giant palms tremble, the space is shaking, the black magic road big handprints squat down from the air, a loud bang, The man was directly slammed on the side of the wall, spit blood, and the body fell to the ground, revealing the painful color.

How could it be, how could it be so powerful, a slap in the face of his internal organs seems to be shattered, with infinite power, this person must have won a heavy treasure, this power is really powerful and terrible.

Several people who stepped into the ancient temple also trembled, staring at Lin Feng, and the same person thought that Lin Feng must have won the royal treasure, otherwise how could it be so powerful, the power contained in the slap, make them feel shocked.

Lin Feng waved his sleeves and stepped out of the footsteps. Together with Tang Youqing, his eyes were sharp and he did not put other people in his eyes. He walked straight out, as if everything was empty.

Those people are ugly, they have given up their position and will ask the hall.

The door was empty.

"Kill him." Someone screamed, and several powerful forces were released at the same time, but at this time, a sacred kendo will bloom and let their bodies stiffen there, this terrible martyrdom. Unbelievable, ignoring the heavens and the earth, let alone them, in front of this kendo will, they feel that they are so small, the body has forgotten to move, watching Lin Feng slowly stepping out of the ancient temple.

When I walked out and asked the hall, Lin Feng and Tang Youqing flickered and walked toward the depths of the emperor's hall.

At the moment, there are people in the halls everywhere. It seems that there are many people entering the area. Many people have received a lot of benefits in the palace hall.

Lin Feng did not go around to find, but went all the way to the depths of the emperor's cemetery. The emperor's temple, the treasures must be quite a lot. He has already delayed a lot of time. If he went to the ancient temple to search for treasures, I am afraid I will miss the treasure. The opportunity to pay tribute to the style of the four emperors, Lin Feng his ambition is stronger.

Among the palaces, they are still broken everywhere. Many of the halls have even been shattered, as if they were directly smashed by a slap. Many moments flashed. Lin Feng and Tang Youyun came to a place where many people were there. This, in front of the crowd, there is a colorful bridge, on both sides of the bridge, an illusory real dragon screams, as if the endless dragon abyss, roaring, and even the crowd at the bridge head, but They seem to be tied to the sides of the bridge and cannot be saved.

Both Lin Feng and Tang Youyun were shocked by the scenery in front of them. Both sides are illusory dragon shadows, revealing a heart-warming atmosphere. If you enter it, I am afraid that it will be torn off in an instant, and you want to reach the other side. The colorful bridge, and the bridge itself, is filled with endless powerful mystery, swordsmanship, flames, and frost.

Above the bridge, there is a chaotic world of space, and various forces are powerful enough to make people feel terrible.

"This bridge... was actually paved by the crystal of the righteousness!"

Lin Feng’s eyes are a bit sluggish. If one or a few dozens of crystals of the righteousness can be received directly, the thousands of crystals of the righteousness are paved into a bridge. The power of fear is shocking, as if to embark on it, it will be heavily esoteric. Erosion, the body bursts because of the inability to withstand all these terrible forces.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the bridge of the Orthodox Crystal is divided into two, and a ridiculous road is opened in the middle, which can accommodate one person to walk.

Seeing the ridiculous road opened up in the middle, Lin Feng seems to be able to imagine a boundless peerless heroic attitude, disdain for the ups and downs of the road, directly open it and open a boulevard, then follow this ridiculous road. And walking.

"I don't believe in evil today." At this time, one person couldn't resist it. The bridge that reached the other side might be connected to the center of the real royal cemetery. It had the treasures of the heavens. If it was too late, it would not be reconciled.

The power of the horror of the horror of the horror screamed, the man marched on the ridiculous road that was taken out, and the crowd stared at him tightly. However, when he walked out of the five meters, his body began to distort and could not bear the endlessness. The transformation of the righteous power, a scream, the body burst and died.

"The other side of the bridge, do you really have to have the supreme spirit, in order to provoke the dragon's body and step into the other side!" The crowd's face is not good-looking, many of them have seen someone go to the other side, is the supreme spirit The strong, such as the royal, the dragon.

At this time, the sound of a dragon was roaring, and only a figure was draped in a robes, and directly crossed the other side of the road. The dragon was released, and the true dragon on both sides of the bridge suddenly broke through the **** and fell on them, sheltering him. All the way to **** him to the other side.

"The owner of this hall, I thought it was really thoughtful." Lin Feng flashed indifference in his eyes. He also heard that Emperor Huang said that this emperor seemed to be the ancestor of the Jade Emperor and deliberately waited for them.

"The emperor and the dragon are all esteemed, then the qi of my Buddhism is considered to be supreme." Lin Feng murmured, stepping forward slowly, always try it, on the other side of the bridge. Maybe you can see the real treasure of the emperor!

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