Chapter 1998: Familiar and strange

The two men's attacks met in the void, and the floating world seals collapsed directly. The huge cow **** screamed and then gradually dispersed. However, Lin Feng felt that there was a wild beast-like power in the madness of the body. The earthquake was repulsed to the ground, and the bluestone at the foot was cracked and a terrible crack appeared.

"Awesome ancient Indian magical magical powers, my attack was actually wrapped in all." The wild figure in the void said, staring at Lin Feng under the sky, arrogantly laughed: "I am defeated by Ji Yun. People, really good, able to resist my 70% attack power, is already proud enough."

Lin Feng looked at the figure in the void, this person's words are arrogant, but the strength of the other side is really strong.

"Lin Feng, we will join forces in the future. I hope that you will be stronger before you step into the Holy Land. It is best to break through to the position of the upper emperor. In this case, the snow must be more certain." At this time, the madness The goddess of the Tianshen emperor next to the wild figure said to Lin Feng, although the tone of speech is polite, Lin Feng still can feel the faint pride. Although it seems to be the royal character of the godsend, it still struggles with interests. Among them, the Tianci Emperor invited the three series of people, but it was not directly from the Tianci dynasty center right, but by the three-party forces of the princess prince, Lin Feng can infer that this generation of Godsend dynasty, in the middle emperor In one realm, there are three extremely powerful princesses, the princess of snow, the emperor in front of him, and one person, so the three emperors directly contacted the three parties.

The Snow Princess and her mother, the Emperor Huang, chose his War King College, and the Emperor in the Void chose the Demon Academy.

"Thank you, the emperor reminded me, even if Lin Feng's current realm is enough to protect me." Princess Snow smiled and helped Lin Feng respond. Her so-called protection is a polite word. In fact, Lin Feng can completely guess. The strength of this Snow Princess itself is absolutely terrifying, but it has always been restrained, showing its soft and delicate side.

"That is what I care about." The emperor calmly said, "I heard that many people will go to the Holy Land today and listen to the voice of the saints. We are also ready to go and see this. How bad the characters of the dynasties of the pilgrimage to the heavens were, and they left."

"Can the Holy Road enter today?" asked the snow drifting.

"In the first few days of the Holy Spirit, I personally sent an invitation to the entire sacred sacred place." The emperor smiled and looked at Lin Feng and others. It seems that the snow has been so tired with Lin Feng for a few days. The news was ignored by her, and the sleeves were waved. The prince with the genius characters of the Demon Academy drifted away, and there was no trace in the blink of an eye.

"The Holy Road is one of the ancient relics you just said?" Lin Feng asked the Princess Snow.

"Right, this holy road is controlled by the Holy Spirit Dynasty. The Holy Spirit Dynasty is the same as my God-given dynasty. It is also a dynasty that has been passed down from ancient times. It used to be one of the sacred dynasties. On weekdays, in their territory. The Holy Path is not easy to make people walk, so even if I missed going to the Holy Path, I didn’t expect the Holy Spirit to be polite today, and even invited the days to go."

The snow responded and said that Lin Feng nodded slightly and said: "In this case, let's go to the holy road to see it."

The Snow Princess looked at Lin Feng and looked at it with a smile. He said, "Well, I know that these genius characters are unwilling to be lonely. Since the Holy Spirit Dynasty has issued an invitation, many geniuses who have arrived at the Tiantian Holy City will go to the Holy Path. Looking at this ancient ruins, I can finally hear the words of the saints. Even if not, the meeting between geniuses must be extraordinarily let you look forward to it."

Lin Feng smiled, since he came to this heavenly holy capital, he naturally wants to look at the geniuses of the entire land of Qinglan. I must have come to the Holy Land to meet many people who are close to the demon.

Like the Tianci Emperor, the Holy Spirit Dynasty is the oldest dynasty. The region is vast and endless. It is said that the Holy Spirit dynasty is good at the art of the Holy Spirit. It is very wonderful.

After Lin Feng and others came to the Holy Spirit Dynasty, some people led the way and took them into the dynasty. After some time, Lin Feng came to a fairyland where the clouds rolled on the ground and walked on the ground as if they were walking. Between the clouds, the ancient road paved by clouds has a uniform seat on both sides, and after that seat, it is a stone pillar that passes through the sky, revealing the light of holiness.

Many people have arrived in front of them. They are distributed in a wide range of clouds. They look at a place, that is, at the end of the ancient road where Lin Feng is located. There is a line of women all over the body. The stocks are very beautiful, and behind them, there is a stone platform that rises straight into the sky, like in the fog, the mirror is watery, and there is the holy road.

Although Lin Feng’s footsteps are very light, there are still many people’s eyes moving towards them. The figures in front of them are all extraordinary in temperament. They are so sharp and sharp, as if they can pierce other people’s eyes. They are all very powerful people.

Although they are sharp, they only look at Lin Feng and others, and they look away. However, there are some exceptions. For example, at this moment, there is a line of people in a certain position. These beautiful people are shocking and not eating. The fireworks on earth have actually overshadowed the beautiful women of the Holy Spirit dynasty, adding even more views to the land of this fairyland.

These people are all the Fairy Palace fairy, able to reverse all beings.

They naturally recognize Lin Feng. In the past, the former Guanghan Palace, Lin Feng was abandoned, the law did not fall, but it was against the sky, the shock to them was very big, and, Lin Feng and her family of the Guanghan Palace A fairy seems to have an extraordinary relationship.

The Iraqi tears are also there, and her face does not seem to change much, but the beauty of the eyes seems to be a bit more squat and vicissitudes, as if adding a few different mature beauty, seeing Lin Feng’s Suddenly, she smiled enough to make the lives of the people upside down, so that the crowd who saw her smile turned her gaze to Lin Feng. This is like a snow-colored woman, she even showed such a beautiful smile on the figure, and the faint The meaning of charm seems to be deep into the human bones. Moreover, in the figure, there is a woman like a fairy, which is beautiful.

However, this is not enough to make the crowd too careful. The people who come here, which one is not a party, have extraordinary identities. If these people are ordinary, they are strange.

Lin Feng saw the smile of the Iraqi tears, nodded at her smile, then his eyes moved to another figure looking at him, this person is a little colder than others, this is from the bones, from the soul The coldness in the cold, the ruthless coldness, in her eyes, as if there is no emotion, even if she saw Lin Feng, her eyes are still the same, but her heartstring, in the moment of Lin Feng’s appearance, But the micro-microwave moved.

"Moonheart!" The dream shouted at the woman, they are sisters, but at this time, Qiuyuexin, facing her and Lin Feng, are so indifferent.

Qiuyue heart turned his eyes, no longer look at Lin Feng, their heart is like a stagnant water, making the dream flash a touch of lost color.

"There are enough people to come, can the Holy Spirit Dynasty open the holy road?" At this time, there was a voice coming out, but the people who saw the Holy Spirit in front of the court smiled and said: "No hurry, you must first enter the seat. Not only is there so much now, why not wait for everyone to gather together, and then hear the voice of the saints."

"Alright, so many people, I still don't know a few."

Some people agreed, and then everyone sat down in front of the stone pillars. Lin Feng also chose a seat. At this time, I saw a beautiful figure coming toward Lin Feng, and it was the Iraqi.

"I heard that you are famous in the holy city of the holy city, my heart is also happy for you." Iraqi tears went to Lin Feng, said with a smile, the unique charm of the meaning, as if once again bloom in front of Lin Feng.

"Sit." Lin Feng directed the Iraqi people, and the Iraqi tears sat down next to Lin Feng.

"Can you be in the Guanghan Palace?" Lin Feng asked calmly. The waves were not shocked. I saw the Iraqis again. There was not much ups and downs in his heart. It was extraordinarily calm. It was a affair, and it was a passerby. He used to be desperate. At that time, the Iraqi tears abandoned him and made him feel sad. However, the Iraqi tears did not promise him anything. It was only a hundred-day couple, but in that state of mind, Lin Feng was somewhat desperate, but now he is already bearish. Many, Iraqi people have their own choices and there is nothing wrong with them.

The Iraqi people saw the calmness of Lin Feng, but the heart was slightly sighed. From then on, it was a passer-by. Although Lin Feng chatted with her, she did not have the familiar feeling of the past. It was just a familiar passer-by, and met again. It’s just a simple polite greeting, no joy or no sorrow. However, she shouldn’t think that this is the ending she chose in the past.

"Fortunately, there is no shortage of cultivation resources in the Guanghan Palace, and many ancient books have been collected. Moreover, the Guanghan Palace will provide us with many opportunities to enhance our strength." The Iraqi people responded with tears and laughed. When I didn't expect to see you again, I would talk so calmly.

"That's fine, you finally got out of your own way, I hope you can realize the ultimate dream of martial arts." Lin Feng blessed, but the Iraqi tears smiled: "Well, I will try to achieve it, although I think of you occasionally. I still ask myself if I am right or wrong, but after all, it is my own choice, but one day if I really achieved the ultimate martial arts road, and you become a demon, will you still remember the promises of the past!"

The smile of the Iraqi people still reveals the charm of all beings, so that Lin Feng seems to be intoxicated, steady and steady, Lin Feng sighs in the heart, remembers the promises that have been promised, the story of the devil and the goddess of ice, but it seems to be still very distant!

PS: A friend said that the WeChat account missed a W, it may be a problem with individual websites, and repeat it again: jingwuhen888, my pen name is pinyin plus three 8, and now, the number of attention has reached four thousand!

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