Chapter 1997: Ancient ruins

"Lin Feng, although I am in the Holy Land, but I know some things about the Central City of the Holy City, your name, even if I live in the deep palace for a long time, but still stunned." The Holy Emperor said softly, giving a strong affinity. The meaning, the smile that is contained in the corner of the mouth makes it hard to be fascinated by it.

This is a very attractive woman, her charm is a move, a voice, or a simple movement.

"The Holy Emperor praised it." Lin Feng humbly smiled, holding his heart, not shaking for the other side.

"Lin Feng, you are in the realm of the median emperor, you will take the top three seats on the day of the emperor's question. It is praise." The Holy Emperor still smiles, said: "Lin Feng, you think, the holy city of Zhongzhou, your generation, 嬴Cheng, Ji Wei, Chu Chunqiu, and the characters of you and the top ten of the emperor, who can go the farthest in Japan, is Yu Cheng, Chu Chunqiu, or you, or someone else?"

Lin Feng looked a little shocked and looked at the Holy Emperor. The other side asked questions casually, but it seemed to be quite meaningful.

"The Holy Emperor asked me, I can answer others." Lin Feng smiled, and said casually, the Holy Emperor's calm eyes still could not see the feelings, then smiled and said: "You are right. If I ask Yu Cheng or Chu Chunqiu or even Ji Yun, they will probably answer themselves."

Even I think that I am not as good as others, and how to fight against others.

"This time I am going to go to the Holy City Warlord College, the main reason is for you Lin Feng, my daughter, she is full of praise for you, I hope you can help her in the Holy Land." The Holy Emperor looked at the princess, revealing A loving look.

"The Holy Emperor loved it, and Lin Feng decided to do his best."

At this time, Lin Feng’s heart was slightly surprised. The Holy Emperor said that he did not seem to be guilty of guilty. After all, they also invited Ji Yun to come. As for Hou Qinglin’s dreams and swordsmanship, he must have the relationship between them.

"So, my family is also relieved." The Holy Emperor stood up and turned to Lin Feng slightly, which made Lin Feng stand up immediately. He said: "The Holy Emperor is a predecessor. !"

"As a mother, this is what it should be." The Holy Emperor continued to walk down, and then Lin Feng smiled and said: "I am also here to restrain you, so I will not disturb your young people, Lin Feng, if you have any requirements. , you can let the snow come to me at any time."

After that, the Holy Emperor really left this side, making Lin Feng's eyes have a sharp edge. This holy emperor is indeed unusual, making it difficult to pick out her slyness.

"Lin Feng, you have to take care of me." After the Holy Emperor left, the princess smiled at Lin Feng, like a blooming flower, especially stunning, so that the guards around her side were treated, and at this time his heart Unbelievable, Lin Feng is really so powerful? How the Holy Emperor and the princess are so polite to him, he really can't imagine that the characters of the middle emperor, even if they understand the power of the Tao, can they really compete with the composing figures of the Emperor?

Said, the princess also glanced at a dream, smiled: "Dream sister, you should never mind."

"How come." The dream said casually. After a few people chatted, it was also awkward. The princess was very good at getting along, and it seemed to be like a fairy-like girl, no shelf, just a banquet. It seems that they and Lin Feng are very familiar with each other.

After some days, the Snow Princess gave them arrangements for Lin Feng. Lin Feng occasionally walked around in this ancient dynasty and felt that the ancient atmosphere of inheritance has not been broken for countless years.

These days, the main city of the 18th day of the Qing Dynasty, more and more strong figures have come to the heavenly capital, and even some people have met, and there have been gorgeous collisions. After all, these talented people from all sides, I won't take each other and I want to see how I compare myself to the talented characters of other Sky City.

On this day, Princess Snow at the request of Lin Feng, with Lin Feng, they walked out of the Tianci dynasty, ready to go around this sacred heavenly capital.

"Dream sister, you will never be disappointed when you come to the heavens. Although the Qing Dynasty has an 18-day main city, the place with the most ancient remains is the Tiantian Holy Capital. Although I invite you to help this time. But after that, you can also stay in the holy day of the holy day for a few years to walk."

These days, the Snow Princess has been familiar with the dreams. After all, both of them are women, which is more convenient for communication. At this time, the Snow Princess is wearing a dreamy arm and looks extra relatives. Lin Feng does not have too much. I care, for him, others are friends when he is a friend. When he is an enemy, he is an enemy. Until now, he has at least not felt that Snow Princess and the Holy Emperor have any evil thoughts on them, although it is hope and They teamed up, but they didn't need to use each other.

"What are the more famous ancient relics of Qi Tiansheng?" asked the dream curiously.

"Those famous ancient relics have been controlled by the ancient dynasty or other major forces, such as the Sword Valley, the hundreds of millions of swords are hanging over the valley, like the billion-dollar sword, the slain of the dead; the broken mountain, stepping into it People, the road will be broken, and it is impossible to pursue the martial arts. It is also very different. It is also a Jedi. No one dares to enter it. The Holy Road, on the board, is said to be able to hear the voice of the ancient saints, to test the talents of the people, and so on. There are many ancient ruins, countless."

"Shou Jian Gu, suspending hundreds of millions of swords; breaking the mountain, can break the way; holy road, there is a voice of saints!" Lin Feng flashed a sharp look in the eyes, these places, he made quite a heart.

"Snowy sister." At this moment, there was a sound coming in. Lin Feng and others looked up and looked at the Tianci Emperor. I saw a line of figures rolling in. There were not many pedestrians, but the temperament was extraordinary. The person is handsome, quite handsome, extraordinary in temperament, and has a fascinating temperament. He is the prince of the godsend dynasty, and the same name as the Snow Princess, and the people around him are all powerful and strong. There is also a strong wild gas.

"Brother, this is the genius of the Demon Academy, it is unusual." Princess Snow looked at the young people and said with a smile.

However, at this moment, the genius figures of these Demon Academys are directed at Lin Feng. The Tianci dynasty has always maintained a good relationship with the three forces, and each time they will be divided into three series, inviting the three series to come and fight separately. Wang College, Demon Academy, and an ancient saint.

"The genius of War King College is also the same, the temperament is extraordinary." The young smile said, I saw a strong person from the Demon Academy stepping out, eyes screaming in the air, and shouted: "War King College, then Lin Feng should be there, Who is Lin Feng!"

Lin Feng’s gaze looked toward the void. This person’s eyes were very fascinating. The whole person was filled with a horrible monster, and he rushed toward the sky. The wild power made their footsteps Extremely heavy.

Lin Feng's footsteps stepped forward slightly, and then the body slowly vacated, a terrible hegemonic meaning swung up and rushed toward the sky, and could be crushed by this momentum.

"Sure enough, it is the realm of the Central Emperor. I heard that you defeated the character of the King of the Kings. I want to know how powerful your strength is. You pay attention." This person trampled on the void, this moment, as if there is infinity The demon gas came from the impact of Lin Feng. Lin Feng only felt that the innocent void seemed to be trampled toward him by the tens of thousands of tyrants. The iron torrents would drown him.

"Let me see your strength first." The man was hanging upside down, slamming down from the sky and pressing Lin Feng.

"Hey!" Lin Feng's footsteps, the horror of the horror, the kind of imposing manner is terrible, the strong body does not impact the other side, the two men's fists collide in the void, making the void It seemed to be stagnant for a moment, and then the sound of the bang raged with the storm.

Numerous destructive demon rushed into Lin Feng's body, and there was a death force in his body, which wiped out those demons, his arms slightly numb, the bones squeaking, his body was very powerful, and the other side The cultivation of the demon who is good at power seems to be a kind of demon, and it also has terrible power.

"Haha, yes, the middle-ranking emperor can actually compete with me and defeat the king character." The man laughed arrogantly, his black hair suddenly became mad, like a The sharp edge of the blade flutters in the void.

"The next shot I have to use seven layers of force, and will add the power of the Tao, you are careful." The voice fell, a more terrible force pressed down, Lin Feng's illusion was born again, ridiculous Above the ground, thousands of mad cows slammed into the iron hooves, the kind of momentum that never goes forward, any creatures have to avoid.

"Lin Feng, can't be careless, he is the ace of the Demon Academy. The king is a little longer than Ji Yun." Under the sky, the snow princess is facing Lin Feng's voice, making Lin Feng look a dignified look, Lin Feng's strength to himself. Self-confidence, but never arrogant, he knows his strengths and weaknesses, disadvantages, is the realm, and the advantage is that there are many means to fill the disadvantages of the realm, but this most direct and violent confrontation, his realm is obviously If you suffer, you must go all out.

"Boom!" The emptiness of the sky, the iron hoof trampled on the sky, Lin Feng only felt that he really only had a wonderful territory left, could not dodge, and the tens of thousands of singers snarled at the same time, turning into a huge scary demon. The cow's body, smashing toward him, can destroy everything.

"What do you mean?" Lin Feng looked like a stiff, infinite force spewing out, and the front line was madly deriving. The pressure from the other side gave him too much pressure. The Sendai circuit is now, Lin Feng gathers infinite power to crit out. At this moment, the floating world prints seem to contain infinite power. It is a thick and terrible ancient mountain. It is a torrent of tsunami that destroys everything. It is ever-changing and eventually merges into one.

PS: Today, I will make up for yesterday's more. I will add another fan to 2,000 tomorrow. Many brothers say it is difficult to get up on Weibo. WeChat everyone is playing, a WeChat public account, direct search account: jingwuhen888 After updating the chapter of the day, I will send the WeChat to the brothers directly. The brothers will add it, so that they can blame me after they are in a hurry, and break through the tenth chapter. Stickers sign up every day to tens of thousands of people, for everyone to play WeChat, as long as they are willing to move hands, this number is really not much, microblogging powder, then add more counts!

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